Centerline leaking!



I know I'm right....
Oct 13, 2004
Reaction score
Tustin, CA
I got an old Centerline AutoDrag 15X8 rim and the darn thing is leaking air out...of the lug hole! 2 piece riveted rim with a sealer inside on the seam. Will it seal once I torque the lug nuts? They are off right now. Strange!
It's pretty common with the 3.5" Centerlines. I tried removing the tires and removing the old silicone and replaced it with 100% silicon from Home Depot. Had mixed results. Most of the time they seal up, but I had at least one that I couldn't get to stop leaking.

Don't think mounting the wheel will help as the leak is between the two halves inside the tire.
no it will not stop leaking once you torque the lugs. I just had a brand new one leaking from the lug nut holes. I found a void in the inner silicone seal and sent it back to Jegs. If yours is used I would strip out all the old sealer and reseal it. Good luck!
no it will not stop leaking once you torque the lugs. I just had a brand new one leaking from the lug nut holes. I found a void in the inner silicone seal and sent it back to Jegs. If yours is used I would strip out all the old sealer and reseal it. Good luck!

Bummer. I dont think Jegs was around when this antique was made.....reseal it is. silicon...Does a heat gun help soften the old stuff?
a wirw wheel on a drill will clean it up. Before resealing it bolt it on a axle or drum . Or just get five bolts some washers and nuts. But make sure you have the halves pulled together. also clean the wheel where you are sealing it with some sort of solvent or thinner. Put a liberal amount of sealer on it and use a large round washer or something simular and go around the wheel to smooth it as even as posible to distribute the wieght evenly.Let it sit a day or two before loosening the bolts. I have done many sprint car wheels to save inner or outer halves. Just some tips you might use Steve
It's hard to get sillycone residue off. Wire and acetone. Then use permatex "right stuff". Tool it in.
Anyone every try putting a coat of latex paint over the silicone? One of mine is leaking too so I thouight it might help
Put in a tube. Problem solved.................
I've had these wheels a few cars because they were cheap, but I've never had a set where all four sealed.
Ya' think some "flowable" sealer could help those leak situations?
It seems like you need a really really thin paint type sealer in the crack and then follow up with something thicker.
I sprayed roof and gutter sealant in mine overtop the silicone. It helped quite a bit, but didn’t completely stop the leak. Kim
I sprayed roof and gutter sealant in mine overtop the silicone. It helped quite a bit, but didn’t completely stop the leak. Kim
just send the darn things to me, I`ll take care of them !