Check out this time slip



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Apr 20, 2016
Reaction score
Freeport, PA.
My buddy Vic winning both his entries and heading to third round. Check out this close

Well the good news is Vic has at least one entry. Matt just lost his single entry so he’s done. This has to hurt.

I’m stinking up the place so I gave Matt my entry for tomorrow so he can double. I hope to be on the road heading home at least by 10am.
Ouch you son's opponent had a .160 Reaction.
He must have been tying his shoe when the tree came down!
One light difference and he could never have seen the Red Light.

Even if there is a statistical dead head (.0000) on the finish the system will pick a winner.
I lost one the Ritchie Pauley's Cobra Jet at Phoenix Nationals.
The several I have seen have always picked the faster trap speed as the winner.
Ouch you son's opponent had a .160 Reaction.
He must have been tying his shoe when the tree came down!
One light difference and he could never have seen the Red Light.

Even if there is a statistical dead head (.0000) on the finish the system will pick a winner.
I lost one the Ritchie Pauley's Cobra Jet at Phoenix Nationals.
The several I have seen have always picked the faster trap speed as the winner.

This race and a couple other races I run each year uses “true start”. True start for those that never ran it evens up the field some for the slower car. Instead of the slower car getting the red light if both cars red light the worst red light loses. So the red light doesn’t come on till the last car leaves. Which means the slower car will not see his red light.
Seems like it's always that way: miss the light, go a tiny bit red..... and the guy in the other lane is waiting for a bus.
I had a -.002, the other guy was .4xx. Half second head start for him, covered at sixty feet. Arrrg!
You just can't watch his light, and your own.
Thanks for posting..!! I was struggling a bit on the first slip picking a winner. GTX nailed it with the high mph..!! Great numbers everywhere, box class..?? Swingn’
Thanks for posting..!! I was struggling a bit on the first slip picking a winner. GTX nailed it with the high mph..!! Great numbers everywhere, box class..?? Swingn’
Look at it again. Low mph won, got there first by .0009 seconds. (Green in the top left corner indicating winner too.)
Good catch..!! I missed the MOV……1st @ .009. Great racing..!! I was thinking what gtx mentioned about the high mph..Swingn’
Was that Vic Ellinger?
great racer and nice guy

Yes it was. He won the last no box race at Norwalk. He’s struggled a little this year but is coming on strong. My son lives in one of his apartments and they do work Out of Vic’s garage together
We tried True Start at one race last year at LVMS.
I really like to idea but it did not catch on apparently.
It truly evens out the playing field.
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I was sucking up the show and I’ll get into that later. I gave my son Matt my entry so he could double today. This is how it’s done for the first round win and a saving of 150.00 to buy back

Last Sunday at Yellowstone drag strip i cut a -.001 light in first round elimination. Ended my day. Bad day as I had to drive home 10 hrs after losing
Not really. Would you prefer your opponent in front of you or behind you going down the track.
I much prefer to chase. But the true tree eliminates part of the advantage of being the faster car, and letting the other guy have the opportunity to red-light first. Without true tree, if he red-lights, hes done, no matter what i do on my light. Whether I'm on, or way early, or way late...... if I don't cross, he's done.
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I much prefer to chase. But the true tree eliminates part of the advantage of being the faster car, and letting the other guy have the opportunity to red-light first. Without true tree, if he red-lights, hes done, no matter what i do on my light. Whether I'm on, or way early, or way late...... if I don't cross, he's done.

I like true start. It takes the wallet out of the equation.
it’s just, to me, a natural evolution of what bracket racing is supposed to be about.