Check this out Memike



Well-Known Member
May 19, 2007
Reaction score
S/w Houston
I bet you and Creed will like this one [ame=""]YouTube- Drive-By Truckers ~ Daddy's Cup[/ame]
Thank you Pete :happy10::happy10::happy10: That really hit home =D>
I have never herd that song :shock::-k
Life sure is full of memories and making more, I can't wait to share this with Creed and some good folks on the hill, about brought a happy tear :thumbrig:
Time for a fresh frozen mug and continue this night with my friends here :drinkers:
Glad you liked it. Brought back memories of helping my dad in the garage and him teaching me wrench sizes when i was little.
It was more for me as the days I bought the boy's there fist set of good tools all 1/4 ratchets and wrenches to take care of, and crawl under my old race cars and remove all fuel lines and lights to interior's 5 and 7 tears old
Some great memories for sure :happy10: