Christmas Card shower request



Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2009
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Guys, I normally don't do this (in fact I never have before), but this guy is on on another list I'm on (Moto Guzzi list), and it's about his Dad, who seems like a really good dude and is going through a tough time.

If you can spare the time and effort and you can send this man a Christmas Card, I think that it would be a nice thing to do..

Thank you for your time.

Here's their story:

Hi fellas, sorry I haven't been around much lately. Some of you may remember me as the young Guzzi riding trucker. I haven't had much to say lately, or much time to say it, but I've tried to keep up on things the best I can. Not much has happened in my Guzzi world, no big trips, no new bikes, no new bike repairs/upgrades. The old girl just runs like a top and I ride every time I'm home from the road. I hope everyone is well and you are all having a splendid holiday season.

Down to the meat and gristle of the situation. The past couple of months my dad has been back and forth to the doctors office taking test after test, and this past monday it was made official. My dad was diagnosed with CLL, which is Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (not to be confused with CLR, which is a household cleaner). It is a cancer that is incurable, however it is treatable and somewhat manageable with chemotherapy. My dad and his doctors made the decision to wait until after the holidays to start chemo, if he does it at all. Since it can't be cured, there isn't much of a rush to treat it unless the blood work comes back bad, or if dad's symptoms get unbearable. Dad is my entire world, my mentor, my inspiration, role model, and he has always been there for me in every way. I have a very small family, so I am very close with him, I call him every day, and visit every time I am home.

A little back story on him. Dad was born in 1951, spent his whole life working on my grandpas hog farm. He went to a one room country school until seventh grade. He loves hunting and fishing, he was never in the military but he loves military history, war movies, and airplanes. He has always been into motorcycles and got me and my brother both into it at a very young age. He has battled social anxiety and depression for years, so he doesn't go out much, and doesn't have a lot of friends. He just enjoys being out in the country with his dog and enjoying nature and silence. Lately he has gotten into bird watching, gardening, and planting flowers, as well as photography. Any activity where he can stay home and not spend much money as we are always just getting by. He used to ride a BMW K bike, but in 1996 he bought a California which he bought new and loved very much. He wasn't really a rally goer, but he took one long ride out to Montana which he still talks about and remembers fondly. Five years ago my parents divorced, mom got the bike (which is now owned by Matt here) and he hasn't ridden since. He's not the biggest Guzzi guy, but he loved his, and didn't want to part with it. He's still kinda bitter about it, but he has more or less put the whole thing behind him.

He's a simple man, a man i think most of you would like. He's never been out of the country (minus a couple fishing trips to canada years ago), never seen either ocean, always lived in the same 2 mile radius, doesn't care much for technology. He's just a selfless, honest, caring guy who would give the shirt off his back to a stranger in need if given the opportunity, because that would be the right thing to do. When Barb Figgins (wife of Jim at Ned's in Riverside, IA) was hospitalized in her own cancer battle, word got out that a card shower was requested. He bought a bundle of cards, and sent one every couple of days until they were gone. He always thinks of others before himself, never asks for help even when he needs it, and detests sympathy or charity for himself. Through all the bad news we have lived through in our lives, he has an attitude that feeling sorry for ones self does no good. So this recent cancer scare has been the same, just another chore to get done before bedtime. Hunker down and get the job done, because no one else will do it for you.

Sorry if I'm rambling on, but he's my only dad, and since my mom hasn't talked to me in over five years, he's my only parent. We've already lost my grandma to cancer, almost lost grandpa to a heart attack, and my brother is eating himself to death. Plus he has had to live with my brother rolling a semi, and me getting t-boned on my Guzzi back in '03. But we survive out here.

So here's the deal, my dad loves sending and receiving Christmas cards. But due to his lack of many friends, and a small family, he doesn't get many. I want to get as many people as possible to send my dad a card for Christmas. No gifts, no money, just cards. If you want to send a post card or a get well card instead that is ok, or multiple cards too, that is fine. I want as many people from as many places as possible, I think he would get a kick out of that. So when you are getting ready to send out cards this year, just throw an extra one on the pile. PM me your address and I'll send you one if you'd like, just so you don't feel like it's one sided. PM me any questions, and if anyone knows if/how to "sticky" this to the top of the page I'd appreciate it. Spread the word around, tell your family, friends, co-workers, whoever. I'd really appreciate it.

I know I don't post here as much as I'd like to. Most of you probably don't know me. But I'm not terribly knowledgeable with mechanical stuff, I'm too young and inexperienced. I don't have the money to buy new bikes, and go on trips, so my reports aren't very entertaining. But I enjoy keeping up here, I love Guzzi's, going to rallies, and meeting all of you. Moto Guzzi riders are my favorite people anywhere for obvious reasons. Thanks for reading, thanks for the Guzzi friendship, and thanks in advance for your participation. I want my dad's spirit to be raised through the roof this Christmas. I don't know what else to do, besides be there every day I can, which I'm already doing. Sorry again if I rambled too much, can't help but love my father.

Have a Guzzi-riffic holiday season everyone. I hope you all get new geese under your trees this year (hope you have big chimneys *pun intended*).
Robert Oler

Dad's address is as follows:
Terry Oler
867 Charles Ave
Lisbon, IA 52253

Done Mike, and I have a couple of friends in Norway and New Zealand who I will ask to send cards, also.
I'll drop mine in the mail today.
I'm late getting mine out this year, Mike. Kinda glad I am now. There'll be another in the mail.
I'm moving this to the General section as i know without a doubt that there are those that will help with this request simply because that's what real FABO people are about. This effort is cheap and simple and good for a great feeling on both ends. Help out guys and gals if ya can and feel led to do so. I dont know any of the individuals in this request. I just know it's the kind of thing we do here. Thanks
Small Block