chuckspud would like to join.



New Member
Jul 6, 2014
Reaction score
Alberta Canada
Hi everyone this be chuckspud I'd like to join the group and pick your brains on what to do with a '68' barricuda rag top 4gear formula 'S'. It's all there but the original motor. A 318 rests in that sacred spot now, and it hasn't run for 20 years. The car has little rust,some bondo, a glued in carpet, a torn top, droopy front clip, aluminum wheels that don't fit right, and i don't have very much money either. Does any of this sound familiar? where do I go from here?
Welcome aboard. Can you post a few pics?

First off, don't go hogwild at addressing too many things at once, it can get overwhelming.

I guess I would be looking at the drooping front end first, there could be some rail issues there.
Rust in the land of no salt ?

Welcome aboard... most of us don't have big bucks... one thing at a time..

Pics ?