Closing tomorrow

I got the keys today and started moving. Spent almost the whole day moving cars. lol I will get some pics up in a few days as right now I am hustling to move as much as possible over the weekend and have a 9 hour ride tomorrow to pick up a plow and another tractor with a loader.
cool, congrats! I like living in the country on a dirt road with few neighbors...
Congrats. I spent the better part of my childhood on a farm. I don't like the dust from the gravel road or the hog confinement smell, but I haven't seen the stars or heard quiet for 40 years and I sure do miss it.
What is HOA?

Human operations suppression association.

I live in the foot-hils about 40 miles outside of Sacramento. I shoot, drink whiskey, mow the lawn all at the same time. I sand blast on my Mopar parts all day on the weekends. Wake up to the sun rise over silent pastures in a big house that would cost millions in the city. Used to live in the Bay Area. Not for me sir. Human honeycombs, freeways packed, crime rampant, people crazy driving like deer in head lights and then there are the politics that are infused into all of the area's existence.

Your child will be a better person in my opinion, having practical hobbies and outdoor experiences while he is growing up. You will be able to operate every hobby you desire, simultaneously!

Such a wonderful thing being free.

Congrats on the move!
I cant believe the things I have saved over the 19 years I have lived here. I finally have my shed and outside parts along with the cars moved. Now I can start moving the garage stuff and then the house. I have already made 20 trips to get this far with a truck and trailer loaded all of those trips. I promise to add pics after all is over there. BTW my son is having a blast riding the snot out of the mini-bike and go-cart.
I am sure you guys can understand but women dont. My lady says that what I have moved is alot of junk but the starter, intake, carb,alternator, etc shelves are all good parts that I pulled years ago and one day I may use them or sell something to someone looking for the correct casting numbers for a resto. lol
I know what you mean. Lived in Detroit for 18 years. HOA started harrassing me for having cars in the driveway. Had tickets written on me 6 at a time numerous times. I moved back home to Chicago where I grew up and life is much better.

I thought these cars were made in Detroit. They don't embrace their own history and pestered me for having them. Good riddance to the HOA. Take a dump in the River Raison on your final trip out when you leave...

HOA is a bunch of no-life people trying to ruin yours...
Bought a place in the country with a pole barn where the neighbors wont mind my son riding a go-cart. I have lived where I am at for 19 years and last year when I bought my son a go-cart I was told we dont allow those in this neighborhood. Well I still need to sell but am dropping my price to drive down the values of theirs. See ya later neighbors and I am not looking back. Now I will be able to buy a hoist and start a small farm. I will be moving quite a bit of Oliver equipment I bought at an auction last weekend. My son is excited to finally be a boy that can play like a boy and not a video game junky.

Ya you were kinda CRAMPED there......I eucking hate neighbors!!!! I am in the shores...NO HOA...I asked before I signed...but it is a conservative area...neighbors BIOCH about EVERYTHING....If I fart too loud the cops are here....I start either car and let it idle up to temp...the cops r dogs BARK...( like dogs do?) the cops r here...I power wash my pavers on SAt at 1:30 in the afta...the SHREW across the street calls the cops and they show up and I am standing there soaking wet holding a power washer wand with silica sand up to my knees and the cop asks me "watcha doin?" I laughed and asked him if that was a trick question? what in the hell did he think I was doin? then he says that the shrew has a real bad headache and that she complained the power washer was too noisy at that point the power washer was 2 days old sounds like a lawnmower......the cop then asks me "how long will you be using that thing" I replied until I am done? he said well make it quick she is really disturbed...I said she is more disturbed than you could possibly imagine!!! they drove off......about an hour later I finished...and there wasnt NEARLY enough I started every gas powered machine I had including my truck and my 67 and just let them run for like 30 mins...then I shut everything off and went inside...bout 6 mins later guess who is knocking at my door???hmmmm COPS!!! I ask if I can help them...they say they have a report of loud noises coming from my home.....I ask do you hear anything they say NO...I say I TOLD YOU SHE WAS DISTURBED...NEXT TIME SHE CALLS TELL HER YOU ARE BUSY WITH 2 rapes and a killing...they laughed and they dont come round any more......when I fire my cuda that has 3.5 in exhaust all the way back and a set of open dumps...I open the dumps and rev the **** out of it...JUST to make her NUTS!!! I love my home BUT I HATE THE IDIOTS THAT LIVE AROUND ME....good luck me and give directions ...Ill drop down w the cuda and check it out ....hmmm maybe we should get a few guys with REALLY LOUD cars to come visit you just before you leave??...I can think of a few more rather evil things to engage before you leave....cya soon

Yeah, I'm aware of St. Claire Shores. My oldest son went to Grosse Pointe Academy for 7 years. Nice, beautiful area... Full of snobs...

Maybe I should send him by sometime with either his 2011 Shelby GT500 or his 04 GTO that has electric cut outs on the exhaust. You can go from stock exhaust to open (no mufflers) by pushing a button on the console. He only gets to drive one or the other this summer as he got a few tickets last fall and I can't afford to let him drive both this year because of the high insurance rates for males under 25. He picked to drive the Shelby this summer.
Congrats, I lived in H.O.A. a few years ago before I moved and would never go back to one. I would get letters for leaving a trash can out front,I couldn't have my trailer in my driveway, and hassled me about putting up a fence.