Coil bracket mount location on LD340 intake



Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2020
Reaction score
West Virginia
So on the Edelbrock intakes the coil bracket mounting pads are at two different elevations by probably 1/2” or more by design. The Edelbrock Performer was the same way as my new LD340, and I am not sure how the coil bracket is supposed to mount with those pads at different elevations. On the old intake the answer the last guy had was bolt down one side and zip tie the coil into the bracket... so that is definitely not the answer. Can someone enlighten me on the correct answer, or maybe there is a correct bracket I am missing and need to get? Thanks.
Factory smallblock coil bracket:

Big block coil bracket:

You need a small block coil bracket, or put a 3/4 inch spacer under one leg of the big block bracket with a longer bolt.
Awesome! Exactly the picture I needed to see, I just need a new bracket all together cause well... not worth straightening the big block bracket I have for the small block... the hunt is on now fir that bracket. Thank you