Comments on profile page?



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
Reaction score
I was thrashing around trying to remember how to post feedback. Finally got that figured WHILE doing so

cudamike asked me in an unrelated thread "if I got the message" he sent. In thrashing around with the feedback thing, I noticed that he? had evidently left comments on my profile page? Hell I never go there didn't know it was possible. So what did he do? I'm guessing he went to my profile page where it says "type something? or whatever?
It says "Write Something" in the block.

You should have received a notification though. I think I get an email also when someone leaves a note on my profile.
I forget about those as well. I think my notifications are shut off for that feature.
So what did he do? I'm guessing he went to my profile page where it says "type something? or whatever?
It's a strange feature! Some time in the past couple of years I noticed that whatever gets written in there, then also shows up in the little box when anyone clicks on your screen name. Weird.