Concerns with family smokers & my infant while on vacation



Vagrant Vagabond “Veni Vidi Vici”
Apr 17, 2010
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78002 down the road from Atascosa, Texas
We get tons of every kind of safety training at my job. Sometimes we gotta take the latest training fad with a grain of salt. Tobacco cessation says that my baby can develop ear/nose/throat problems hanging around smokers.

Do you guys think I should be concerned with my 6.5 month old?
First I am a non smoker. My answer is Yes and NO. There has been studys done that has proven that smoking around infants and toddlers can develop the said above problems, BUT and here is the big BUT for the longest time in the USA smoking was Everywhere. Restaurants, planes, HOSPITALS you name it. Im not saying smoking isint bad, it is absolutely terrible. But if being around the smoke would have to be prolonged. Hope this helps
I wouldn't think the average baby really will develop those problems. ..... many children i know live with Smoker parents with no apparent problems. .... however. .... if it were my baby. ..I wouldn't have my own baby around smoke.

Do these people go outside to smoke. .... can you ask them to be more considerate about it if not
i guess that is a toughy question not sure what I would do ...I don't have any babies but I know for myself, I don't like being around smoke ....I even stopped going to a friend's house because every time I would go visit her I would have to come home and take a shower because my hair and clothes would smell like smoke ....YUCK.

but that was just a friend but I am not sure what I would do about family.

the only good thing is that its not an extended time meaning just over the holidays ....but it is pretty much a problem. I don't like it.....smoke is so nasty around a clean baby.........let us know what you finally do.
Even if smokers go outside, it is still in their lungs, hair, body as well as all over their clothes. I have been dealing with breathing issues for over a year and second hand smoke is a big factor. My wife is now smoking outside but when she comes back in she still smells like an ashtray.

Anything that is around will be in your baby's lungs, that you can rest assured of.


Many health risk's for young kids and babies.....some side affects develop later on in life from it cousin has bad asthma and he is 19, his parents smoked inside their house and car when he was a baby and I bet that's why he has it today.

If they go outside to smoke and the baby is not in a smoke filled room or car, then it should be ok, just sucks when your kid has to smell from other peoples smoke.
We get tons of every kind of safety training at my job. Sometimes we gotta take the latest training fad with a grain of salt. Tobacco cessation says that my baby can develop ear/nose/throat problems hanging around smokers.

Do you guys think I should be concerned with my 6.5 month old? my opinion, people, society and the gov't tend to take an issue like smoking, and turn into the most evil thing that ever existed. And I notice that about once a year, all these latest "studies" say that things like "now we know that an infant even within 50 yards of cigarette smoke can suffer damage......" blah blah's really hard for me to believe actually. And you hear talk of the gov't wanting to outlaw people's right to smoke in their own house.

I'm not a smoker but I grew up smelling my dad's cig smoke all the time. In the family car was the worst, and I believe in a setting like that, there can be some detrimental effects to others. That being said, my cardio has never been the greatest. :D Do whatever you can to keep your child away from cigarette smoke, but as far as me......I'm just a bit skeptical when you're outside.
First let me say that my oppinion is that you should try to keep the kid out of as much as you can.

That being said, the crap that is allowed in our air in the name of commerce is outrageous and can be way worse than a weekend of a little second hand smoke.
Like going outside for supposed fresh air and breathing jet fuel leftovers.
I'm not a fanatic about it or anything like that, but do the best I can within acceptable limits.

Just do the best you can without pissin all the relatives off and ruining your holiday.:D

The wife and I have four kids (all grown now) and her and I both smoke, but never in the house.
I'm just going to say this,
My grand daughter has "asthma", she uses a rescue inhaler. Her mother and father smoke, heavily. She has been living with me for the past 2 weeks and hasn't had the 1st issue with the asthma nor has she needed the inhaler.
My wife and I don't smoke.
conclusion of "un-scientific study": kids are susceptible to long term cigarette smoke, but re-bound quickly. Adults, not so much.
I would be concerned. That said, when you are in somebody else's house, you are sorta limited with what you can do.
If it is 40 below with 150 mph winds I go outside to smoke.

My kids are more important than my "habbit".

And just because my unattached garage has a couple mopars and a small space heater has nothing to do with it.

I will not smoke in the house.
Ask your daughter's pediatrician. Or if you don't, and she develops respiratory issues from being around smokers, you can then ask her allergist or ENT to confirm for you.
Being a ex smoker and I smoked in the house my children did ok. But I can honestly say after I quit smoking and our house was scrubbed down while I was in the hospital my children were stronger.So yes smoking can hurt anyone no matter if they are an adult,child,and infant
I would be more concerned about leaving my 6.5 month old with people ,family or not, that are so stupid that they somehow think that taking dryed leaves, wraping them in paper, lighting it on fire then breathing the fumes is OK to do, and then thinking its OK to do near a baby.
I would be more concerned about leaving my 6.5 month old with people ,family or not, that are so stupid that they somehow think that taking dryed leaves, wraping them in paper, lighting it on fire then breathing the fumes is OK to do, and then thinking its OK to do near a baby.

gotta agree.

i know i can't shelter my kids from every little thing that may harm them but i'm sure as hell going to try especially with something as simple as not having someone smoke near them.i'm sure my 19 year old is around smokers, thats now his choice, but my 4 year old i don't want around that crap. hell i don't want to be around that crap. so glad they stopped it inside bars and all.. used to suck smelling like a cold cigarette after getting home.
Please don't let anyone smoke around your children. The harm done will not show up until they're older and they start having respiratory and ear problems. Those of us that grew up in our era have all kinds of statistics formed from being children during a time when smoking was sociably acceptable. I remember riding with my parents while they both smoked with the windows up and not being able to breathe. My younger brother had to have his ears tubed to drain and I always had ear aches and allergies. I found out later in life these ailments were caused from exposure to cigarette smoke. Those that make excuses just can't figure out how to quit. Dan
I don't even like visiting a couple of my "old friends" because simply entering their house and being there for an hour leaves me with stinking clothes, hair, and "smell in the air."

So far's I'm concerned, the laws concerning smoking in places such as restaurants are the best thing that ever happened
SMOKE, of any kind is bad for the respiratory system.

Babies can't do anything about it BUT their parents can.

Ask the smokers to consider the baby and take the smoke outside.

OR just say NO to the invite and have a smoke free Thanksgiving elsewhere.
i guess that is a toughy question not sure what I would do ...I don't have any babies but I know for myself, I don't like being around smoke ....I even stopped going to a friend's house because every time I would go visit her I would have to come home and take a shower because my hair and clothes would smell like smoke ....YUCK.

but that was just a friend but I am not sure what I would do about family.

the only good thing is that its not an extended time meaning just over the holidays ....but it is pretty much a problem. I don't like it.....smoke is so nasty around a clean baby.........let us know what you finally do.

I used to bowl on a league. I stopped because id come home smelling like smoke. Yuck. Now that the businesses in my town are smoke free. i am going to join a league again . Smoking is a nasty dirty discusting habit IMHO.
You know what they say......"whatever doesn't kill ya, makes ya stronger!" I want my child to grow up strong! LOL
I remember back in 1991 my ex and I lived next door to her grandmother. We were celebrating my son's first birthday. My ex's grandmother just came right on it the front door with a lit cigarette. I promptly told her we didn't smoke and didn't want it around the baby and would she please finish it outside. She did, but from then on, I was downright hated, loathed and despised by that whole family, because I wasn't "respectful" and just let "granny" smoke where she damn well wanted. My own father smoked, but he would not come in the house until he had been finished for a little while. Some people just have zero upbringing.