Dad had a good idea



70 Dart Swinger360
Sep 17, 2009
Reaction score
Rohnert Park, CA
so my dad n i were talking a while back about my 70 darts build. we dont have really any xtra cash to put into it right now cuz im in college an have a crappy job. my dad thought itd b a good idea that when we go to car shows, i shud bring along a little bucket with a sign that says "Donations for project build!"

what you guys think? we figured if nothing else, we could coax a couple chuckles from the show-goers. would you donate if you saw something like this(obviously with a car that looks like it needs help, like mine)?
I,d toss a couple dollars in a bucket for a young gun,aslong as his father seen and put it towards the car.:cheers:
You might also want to put together a wish list and plan with a concept of why your project is important so people know what the money is going towards.Present it in the right light and people may get on board.
what do i think? now don't take this the wrong way or anything but I'd laugh in your face. do what everyone else does and save to buy what you want. find good deals that you can flip for a few extra dollars. or just wait till your in the real world and have the funds. there nothing wrong with friends hooking ya up with parts but out begging for cash is lame.
Maybe you should wait and finish college first. Get a good job and build one heck of a machine!

Good luck in college.
I've done that before with a kid at a local show . Not with cash , but I donated a grille I had sitting around to the kid . Mine was in better shape and I didn't plan on using it . That was six years ago , and the kid ( guy now ) , still sends me pictures of his Charger !!
I would too,even though I dont have cash to spare. I'd still give you a few $$.. then again I like helping others.
I am a college kid myself and I couldn't even think about taking money like that. People who donate spare parts are one thing but just begging for money for a non-essential car just seems wrong, especially with times being hard for so many people. Trust me you arent the only college kid who would love to have more money to put in their car, but the rest of us are pinching pennies, being patient and looking for cheap things to do to continue working on our cars. If we can do it, then surely you can too. Anyway that is just my .02 worth.
what do i think? now don't take this the wrong way or anything but I'd laugh in your face. do what everyone else does and save to buy what you want. find good deals that you can flip for a few extra dollars. or just wait till your in the real world and have the funds. there nothing wrong with friends hooking ya up with parts but out begging for cash is lame.
You are right Joe! I think I have had enough of these GIMMIES! I think it is really sad and it definately goes to the mindset of the generation.
so my dad n i were talking a while back about my 70 darts build. we dont have really any xtra cash to put into it right now cuz im in college an have a crappy job. my dad thought itd b a good idea that when we go to car shows, i shud bring along a little bucket with a sign that says "Donations for project build!"

what you guys think? we figured if nothing else, we could coax a couple chuckles from the show-goers. would you donate if you saw something like this(obviously with a car that looks like it needs help, like mine)?

you could very well get laughed out of the carshow, why beg for money? I know what not having money fells like, I just finished collage and know its tough, but would never step so low as to beg for money for something that you don't need to spend money into during collage when there are many others around that can bearly afford food let alone an education [-X
We've had a similar experience here on FABO helping a young gun and it went to ****.
exactly what ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ he said. i am too done trying to help out "the young guns",,,, for now. i am still trying to get the bad taste out of my mouth
Here's my take.

Number one, I give you credit for being in college and having a job at the same time. I wish my son, in a state university, would get a part time job.

Number two, what you should be learning in school is the acquisition of skills that, when applied, will get you all the money you need. Unless, of course, you are training in school for a job at the Salvation Army. They are pretty effective with a bucket. Don't forget your bell.

Begging is for people at the bottom of the food chain. I help them, I don't think you qualify.
Here's my take.

Number one, I give you credit for being in college and having a job at the same time. I wish my son, in a state university, would get a part time job.

Number two, what you should be learning in school is the acquisition of skills that, when applied, will get you all the money you need. Unless, of course, you are training in school for a job at the Salvation Army. They are pretty effective with a bucket. Don't forget your bell.

Begging is for people at the bottom of the food chain. I help them, I don't think you qualify.


Just went back and looked at your avatar. You're in California. Forget everything I said. Go ahead and beg. LMAO
I don't think I technically qualify as a young gun anymore. Im gettin old ( just turned 26 lol). But I've had my car for a couple years. I personally coudn't $ from people even if they offered. I couldn't look at my car and be proud of it if it was built with other peoples money. And honestly it would piss me off if I saw that at a show. The only way cars should be built that way is for true chairty to help someone with a true hardship, I.e. serious illness that drains the $ from the family and they can't finish their dream car etc.

Meant to also say its taken a little longer than I wanted to do my car but i've busted my butt working LONG LONG days and many hours of extra side work to make it happen. But ir will be done this spring and its all because of MY hard work. I will say though, my dad has bought some parts for me as gifts. But I didn't ask for them he did it on his own because he.knows how it is to be young and building your first car.
I am a college kid myself and I couldn't even think about taking money like that. People who donate spare parts are one thing but just begging for money for a non-essential car just seems wrong, especially with times being hard for so many people. Trust me you arent the only college kid who would love to have more money to put in their car, but the rest of us are pinching pennies, being patient and looking for cheap things to do to continue working on our cars. If we can do it, then surely you can too. Anyway that is just my .02 worth.

good post , getting spare parts might be a better option.
You gotta at least "put on a show" so to speak. maybe enter your project into a car show and use it as a bulletin board for your future plans, maybe have a Polaroid and take a picture with everyone that donates and post it on the car. You could also get some of that chalk board paint cover your car and have a bucket of chalk next to the donations. of course id carry a bit of water to wash off any "words of hate".
Don't beg, maybe create a plan for your build to show your plans, and what you've done. Then if someone has a part you need you might get a deal, but let them offer the deal. Begging for things you don't need to survive is offensive to those who worked for what we have, but I might give a deal on a part to someone who is putting sweat equity into a project.
I'm waaaay past being a 'young gun' and back when I was in college, I was married and had a job sweeping floors to get by on the tiny budget of typical young newlyweds back in 1969. We did the best we could with what we had.
I've had to sell my toys - including my first '69 340 Swinger - to get through tough financial times. Now many years later, I've had my "new" '69 Dart project car for almost 4 years and recently sold my original-owner 15th Anniversary Hurst Olds that I'd owned for 27 years to help finance the build of my Dart.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not crying about what I've had to do. I'm just pointing out that most all of us have had to wait, plan, save, and save some more for what we want.
There's absolutely no way I'd beg for money. It's a matter of both personal pride and how I was raised.

And a question for 'old mopars', what does being in California have to do with it? I'm a native Southern Californian and don't see your point - or get your "Connecticut Yankee" sense of humor if that's what it was.