Damn Economy Got Me Again!!!



Inland Mopars Car Club
FABO Gold Member
Nov 5, 2006
Reaction score
North OC, SoCal
Here we go - riding the Job Search train again!
Two years ago I was told the day after the Thanksgiving holiday that my job was being eliminated at the end of 2009. Started a new job 5 months later and thanked my lucky stars.
Well, got the word last Thursday that the continuing economic downturn (and bad senior management) ended my current job. I was the 'new guy' in Sales but the only one to handle Government business, and they also cut loose the VP in charge of new product design and business development, the Manufacturing Engineering Mgr., and a long-time employee that filled in at various capacities as needed and had tons of product knowledge on just about everything they've ever built over the years. Sure seem like questionable decisions on their part.
Anyway, I had my one-day "pity party" last Friday and woke up Saturday morning determined to make this a good thing and view it as the kick-in-the-butt that I needed to get out of some place I hated (but it was a paycheck) and find something good at a better company.
Trouble is I've always been in niche-market aerospace products but I do have very-transferable skills to other products and markets. The big trouble item is going to be age discrimination though as my gray hair is going to be a big-time turn-off to most employers. I just hope they can see the benefit of all of my experience for a bargain price.
Thank God my wife just went permanent full-time on her job so we still have health benefits without having to resort to COBRA costs.

The new job search begins this morning! Wish me luck.
Good luck with the job search. I know what you mean about the gray hair.
Maybe just a touch of dye....? Lol


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I wish you the best out there ocdart :coffee2:
If you don't mind a prayer or two for a door to open for you soon to find a happy place of employment
There is a great job out there to be filled by you very soon :cheers:
Best wishes from your Arkansas friends here on the hill
Good luck and Prayers added for your search. This flipping economy is eating great people alive! I'm just blessed that I'm an employed fireman. But even that is not as secure as it used to be. All the best OC!
Here we go - riding the Job Search train again!
Two years ago I was told the day after the Thanksgiving holiday that my job was being eliminated at the end of 2009. Started a new job 5 months later and thanked my lucky stars.
Well, got the word last Thursday that the continuing economic downturn (and bad senior management) ended my current job. I was the 'new guy' in Sales but the only one to handle Government business, and they also cut loose the VP in charge of new product design and business development, the Manufacturing Engineering Mgr., and a long-time employee that filled in at various capacities as needed and had tons of product knowledge on just about everything they've ever built over the years. Sure seem like questionable decisions on their part.
Anyway, I had my one-day "pity party" last Friday and woke up Saturday morning determined to make this a good thing and view it as the kick-in-the-butt that I needed to get out of some place I hated (but it was a paycheck) and find something good at a better company.
Trouble is I've always been in niche-market aerospace products but I do have very-transferable skills to other products and markets. The big trouble item is going to be age discrimination though as my gray hair is going to be a big-time turn-off to most employers. I just hope they can see the benefit of all of my experience for a bargain price.
Thank God my wife just went permanent full-time on her job so we still have health benefits without having to resort to COBRA costs.

The new job search begins this morning! Wish me luck.
Call one of the big guys like Boeing, Lockheed, etc, they tend to not worry about gray hair. (you can also try some Grecian formula)
Good luck in your search, after 2 years of college, Im making 1/2 of what I was 3 years ago! Our economy sucks arse too!!
Good luck in your search. I still believe if you have skills of value, try hard enough and have flexability in your search you will find something. I've been out for 18 months now - but I am also very rigid in my search location. I know it is killing my search and forcing me to try to get into a different industry - after 30 years, but that is my choice. I'm just done moving all over the country and if I can't find work where I want to live I'll be a door greater at Wal Mart or something.
On the insurance front - we were just looking to buy our own insurance and found it to be considerably higher than the Cobra coverage we can get through my former company - for less benefit! I thought for sure it would be just the opposite. Probably because we are in our 50s..
Boeing just got several large contracts this week i saw this on the web something like 200 737s for asia and 230 some 777 for american airlines both purchasers have options for more aircraft [but you know boeing and others after it's over the layoffs come]. Good luck in your search.