Damned bulkhead connectors.

At least the box is very neatly done, and has a cover.

Vibrations are quite likely to chafe/cut through the insulation on a wire (or several) in the holes the bulkhead plate. IMO, you would be well advised to listen on that point and put in grommets.
I am sitting here waiting for the stores to open to find a material to put in that space. Then metal piece was made as a pattern. I put it in to see how it fit. I just need a proper piece of plastic or haysite. Haysite is preferred.
Years ago I had a lot of haysite, but over the years I used it all. Now I need one little piece and can not find it anywhere
Is this anywhere near the engine heat?

I removed the 3 connectors on the firewall and this is what fills the hole.

I just got back from Hobby Lobby and found a piece of linoleum there. Cuts, drills nicely and does not turn brittle


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Thanks, but I don't think I would use a moderately combustible product right behind the engine.
Thank you all (but 1) for your feedback. It has taken much restraint not to engage him/her.

I researched all your suggestions and decided that doing it like I am, is perfect for my needs. If and when I need to R/R the strips, I will find something else.

Every original wire on the car was cracking or barely hanging on. One nice surprise I found that when I stripped the covering off the large loom of wires, the wires that were hidden in there are in pristine condition. So I am rethinking to what extent I am going to rewire the dash.
I thought I finished today. But I need to trouble shoot the ignition.
The car runs rough and shuts down, but if I hot wire it, it runs beautifully.

I have spent much of the last 7 days working on her. My wife is giving me mandatory time outs during the day to come in and elevate my feet. The legs are starting to swell again.

I put in the dashboard but did not screw it down, which turned out to be a great idea.
Almost 2 years ago when I got her I did lots of wiring in her and am ashamed much of the work I did. At that time, I jerry-rigged much of the wiring just to get it running. For the longest time, I was allowing it to become a permanent fix.

One of my pet peeves is when someone makes a temporary fix and it become a permanent fix. Well I caught myself and made fixes the permanent fixes.

My wife came out and asked who I was swearing at. I told her the last guy to wire the car. Then she said, "I thought that was you". I said, I wasn't proud of that


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I need to admit that I should have listened to Outlaw.

I was playing around with the connectors and found out what Outlaw was talking about. So rather than playing around with it any longer I pulled them out and put in new terminal blocks. You live and you learn.

I really lost nothing but a little time, I have had those white connectors for most of 20 years. It only took a little over an hour to change it out.

With the connector I added to each wire, it also needed some shrink wrap


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As much as I hate to admit it, I did not do a through job when rewiring the Duster in March. I had pulled the instrument cluster last week because I accidentally pulled a connector off the headlamp switch.
I found many additional jerry-rigs, I (apparently) ignored a few weeks ago. So as I am correcting these screw ups I am pulling most, if not all, the wires I just put in.

It is not a big deal, as I am R/R all the brake lines and the 44 year old exhaust hangers fell apart. So I am rebuilt the hangers.