Degree wheel, read, click and save



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
Ontario Parts Unknown
Well dad and I are having issues with valve set blah blah blah, member "oldstyle" chimed in as well as other members with great advice, but "oldstyle" mentioned to google degree wheel, and voila here it is. There are 2 links, one for info and the other is the picture/degree wheel to print off. I havent done it yet, but will on Thursday to try and help remedy the shituation..thanks "oldstyle"!! Maybe make this a sticky??
Here is a video from youtube that may help as well
""]ProCharger, Turbo How to Degree Your Cam by Steve Morris - YouTube
Thanks for shearing links and video related to degree wheels ,I also suffer such type of problem but your links and video help me a lot.

Well dad and I are having issues with valve set blah blah blah, member "oldstyle" chimed in as well as other members with great advice, but "oldstyle" mentioned to google degree wheel, and voila here it is. There are 2 links, one for info and the other is the picture/degree wheel to print off. I havent done it yet, but will on Thursday to try and help remedy the shituation..thanks "oldstyle"!! Maybe make this a sticky??
i printed one off. worked like a champ...until i dropped my dial indicator.
I was all about this until I found one of the degree wheel kits on Craigslist for about 60 bucks, LOL Needed another dial indicator, anyhow for the lathe!!!
I've always used this one -> <- just because I remember the website. Spray glue it to some card board like from a 24 pack of refreshment. The best part is you can write directly on it.

I still got mine from a few years ago from that site. Perfect scaled down printout. I mounted mine to an old 45 record and enlarged the adapter hole. Nice and stiff. I use a coat hanger looped around a bolt for the pointer. Just mount firm, then rotate wheel tdc to pointer and don't disturb it again.
45? 33 1/3? Hell I don't know why I didn't think of that
glue it to a 78, they are much stiffer! Remember those? I dont...That red one in the video is bad ***, its huge and you can turn the crank with it like your steering a boat.