
Pets can really help take your mind off a lot. Constant stress = depression. I come home to this goof and I forget the stupid $hit that life constantly throws at me. P.S. chiropractor recommended this for his sore back.


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May I suggest going to see a naturopath? I don't believe doctors know enough about depression to prescribe meds. Not only that, there are natural remedies and ways of preventing and controlling depression. Changing environment (social and physical) diet and exercise can all have tremendous results. I understand you have physical restrictions, what about walking or swimming?
Darryl, this posts tells me a lot.

Cliff, depression is a different thing for different people. The triggers can be different, whether it be external influences or internal. We all have those tipping points in our lives where things aren't right and we can't make 'em right - at least in the short term. It's the acceptance of that, which sometimes helps us recognize what's going on and how to deal with it.

The internal forces, though, if that's what they are, need to be addressed with medical professionals.

It's the external forces that I'm gonna talk about, though, having a little bit of experience in that area.

I'd experienced depression before in my life. Usually when I get depressed, it pisses me off. That anger leads to determination. The determination gets me motivated to do all the things that'd I put off, or taking care of those things that seem insurmountable. But that's me. I can't speak for everyone.

That is, until about four months ago. Ya'll know the story. I thought I was losing my mind. It was something I couldn't pull myself out of, know matter how hard I tried. This was something I didn't know if I wanted to pull myself out of. I wanted to die, too. This was different.

My family saw it. My friends saw it. Our buddy on here - and one helluva friend to me, 3404speed, Mr. John Heath - gave me a call to take care of a couple of things that his mom needed done. I went with him. He later admitted to me that if I didn't agree to go, I was going anyway as he was going to drag me out of the house by the collar of my shirt if he needed to.

Don't discount your friends, Cliff. Sometimes they see things in us that we don't see in ourselves. Sometimes they see things we need that we don't recognize. Just a change of scenery, a light conversation on the phone, sitting and having a few laughs can help.

You chime in on every prayer thread, Cliff. I'll take it to say you're a Believer. Depression can get in our way with our connection with God.

My best friend is sitting next to me as I write this. She's a depressed young woman at times. Things have been coming hot and heavy at her lately. External stresses that she feels she can't control.

She's gone to church with me a couple of times. She's sat and listened to me witness to her about where Sarah is. Today is the 16th anniversary of her brother's day of birth...and her brother's day of death. She's heard me talk about where her brother is...even though she didn't quite accept it.

Until the other day. She was depressed. She was angry at everything and that was making her more depressed. And she heard God speak to her. Literally. She was walking on cloud nine after that. She understood everything that's in her life isn't her's to control, but part of His plan for her. And she got a glimpse of the idea that Plan is about His glory, not ours.

Sometimes, Cliff, we need to quiet ourselves, those of us who Believe, and let God speak. We say our prayers and expect Him to listen. We forget to do the same thing. Our prayers should be our marching orders for the day. Open ourselves up and listen to what He has to say to us. Let Him touch us and guide us.

I couldn't have said it any better!

OTR, Make sure you find time to communicate with God every day, and more than one time a day. And when I say communicate, I mean talk to God. Tell Him how you feel and tell Him you want to be healed. Ask for guidance and healing. Pray, and get into God's word. Read the story of Asaph in Psalm 73. Find your sanctuary and make time to get into the Word. God's word is power.

With that said, I am by no means an advocate of faith healing. God has given doctors and other medical the gift of healing and the heart to serve others through medicine. My wife had surgery for breast cancer in October and she is now finishing up her radiation treatments. We prayed and asked God to guide us to the right surgeon and the prayers were answered. We're taught in ministry that the spiritual body and the biological body must both be treated.

In your case, I advise you to pray for God's guidance as you seek treatment. Ask Him to send you to the right doctor and that he'll be able to prescribe medication that will help without the harmful side effects.

My wife has dealt with this since 1996 and much more is known today about depression and how to treat it than ever before. There are better meds and they know more about the chemistry of the brain now than in years past. Looking back, I can see now that my mother suffered from depression for many years back in the 60s and 70s, but no one knew what it was or how to treat it. All they did then was prescribe Valium. I think my mom slept for about twenty years because the only thing doctors knew to do was to sedate their patients who complained of the symptoms of depression.

Put it in God's hands and take advantage of modern medicine. They can tailor a treatment plan for you that will help.

And again, get into God's word. If you don't have a Bible, I'll send you one at no cost to you.

One last queston: are you able to travel?
Pets can really help take your mind off a lot. Constant stress = depression. I come home to this goof and I forget the stupid $hit that life constantly throws at me. P.S. chiropractor recommended this for his sore back.

Not a bad idea. There have been studies on this and it's been demonstrated that pets can help relieve stress and offset the symptoms of depression. (After they're housebroken of course!)
I couldn't have said it any better!

OTR, Make sure you find time to communicate with God every day, and more than one time a day. And when I say communicate, I mean talk to God. Tell Him how you feel and tell Him you want to be healed. Ask for guidance and healing. Pray, and get into God's word. Read the story of Asaph in Psalm 73. Find your sanctuary and make time to get into the Word. God's word is power.

With that said, I am by no means an advocate of faith healing. God has given doctors and other medical the gift of healing and the heart to serve others through medicine. My wife had surgery for breast cancer in October and she is now finishing up her radiation treatments. We prayed and asked God to guide us to the right surgeon and the prayers were answered. We're taught in ministry that the spiritual body and the biological body must both be treated.

In your case, I advise you to pray for God's guidance as you seek treatment. Ask Him to send you to the right doctor and that he'll be able to prescribe medication that will help without the harmful side effects.

My wife has dealt with this since 1996 and much more is known today about depression and how to treat it than ever before. There are better meds and they know more about the chemistry of the brain now than in years past. Looking back, I can see now that my mother suffered from depression for many years back in the 60s and 70s, but no one knew what it was or how to treat it. All they did then was prescribe Valium. I think my mom slept for about twenty years because the only thing doctors knew to do was to sedate their patients who complained of the symptoms of depression.

Put it in God's hands and take advantage of modern medicine. They can tailor a treatment plan for you that will help.

And again, get into God's word. If you don't have a Bible, I'll send you one at no cost to you.

One last queston: are you able to travel?

I am able to travel short distances and I do have a bible. I do need to get back to reading it again. But I have had 2 great afternoons I don't know if it was him nudging me along or what.I was out of the house and trying to get a few things done in my building,but I am not getting far along there. Also had my wife to ride me around town for a little while.
Pets can really help take your mind off a lot. Constant stress = depression. I come home to this goof and I forget the stupid $hit that life constantly throws at me. P.S. chiropractor recommended this for his sore back.

Not a bad idea. There have been studies on this and it's been demonstrated that pets can help relieve stress and offset the symptoms of depression. (After they're housebroken of course!)

My dog is so rotten he won't do his business in the rain without a umbrella.
Cliff,had a aquaintance lose feeling,and use of both legs in a bike accident. Wheel chair bound,most of the time. Used his inner fire ,to build a 9.70 et Chevelle,driven by handicapped hand only controls. Had to learn to build a combination,still quick off the line ,reaction wise.
Cliff,had a aquaintance lose feeling,and use of both legs in a bike accident. Wheel chair bound,most of the time. Used his inner fire ,to build a 9.70 et Chevelle,driven by handicapped hand only controls. Had to learn to build a combination,still quick off the line ,reaction wise.

I'm trying on good days I can walk down the steps. My first project with my welder will be a build wheelchair carrier. Then Hopefully a ramp for my deck to get in and out of my house. I will be happy with a really nice driver.
I am able to travel short distances and I do have a bible. I do need to get back to reading it again. But I have had 2 great afternoons I don't know if it was him nudging me along or what.I was out of the house and trying to get a few things done in my building,but I am not getting far along there. Also had my wife to ride me around town for a little while.

Would Fort Worth be too far? Goodguys is coming up in March at Texas Motor Speedway. I'll buy your ticket. I'd do more if I could.
Would Fort Worth be too far? Goodguys is coming up in March at Texas Motor Speedway. I'll buy your ticket. I'd do more if I could.

I think it's a 3 hour drive? But I am not sure I can my wife would have to drive me so I can bring my wheelchair. How much are tickets? Thank you for your offer. I doubt I can make it that far.
If you're bipolar, medication will be the only effective option.

I will say, i've been on SSRI's and while they can be helpful(and did help in a greatly tangible way), the side effects suck.
I am bi-polar.....and you could not be further from the truth with this statement. If you are bi-polar and taking meds, you need a cocktail. A mood stabilizer as well as an anti-depressant. If you take just a anti-depressant there is a very good chance that the only thing you will have is a damn near constant mania. I have tried damn near every anti-depressant out there, and that is the very thing that happened to me. Some of the "high lights" of my life came when I was on anti-depressants. When I finally had enough of the near constant mania I had a long talk with my docs. They tried to put me on mood stabilizers but I could not deal with the side effects. Between the near constant thirst/frequent trips to the restroom, constipation and various other things that they caused I have all but given up on being medicated. I have several friends that are bi-polar, and every one of them has had the same issues with the meds. There is an alternative to the meds. Need to figure out what triggers things and then avoid it. For me it was stress. I am 1 step from the fight or flight zone. Least bit of stress pushes me into it. So I do my best to avoid being stressed. Went on disability to get away from the Post Office. Severed ties with my family, did not speak to my folks for 6 or so years before they passed away. Also severed ties with anyone that knew my sister. Moved out into the country. Fenced in the property. Pretty much avoid contact with my neighbors. Now that there is close to 0 stress life is not all that bad. I am reminded of my troubles every time we go to town. A simple trip to Costco will often set me off. Truly sucks being this way, but taking the meds WAS NOT an answer for me. Figuring out what caused me to cycle was....and then doing my best to avoid these things has worked for me for the last 4 years. But hey, take it for what it was worth. I am not all well educated, but I have been dealing with this bi-polar, ptsd, paranoia and all the other things that come along with mental illness for over 3 decades now. And when I see someone say that meds are the ONLY way to deal with it I just have to chuckle.....
I am bi-polar.....and you could not be further from the truth with this statement. If you are bi-polar and taking meds, you need a cocktail. A mood stabilizer as well as an anti-depressant. If you take just a anti-depressant there is a very good chance that the only thing you will have is a damn near constant mania. I have tried damn near every anti-depressant out there, and that is the very thing that happened to me. Some of the "high lights" of my life came when I was on anti-depressants. When I finally had enough of the near constant mania I had a long talk with my docs. They tried to put me on mood stabilizers but I could not deal with the side effects. Between the near constant thirst/frequent trips to the restroom, constipation and various other things that they caused I have all but given up on being medicated. I have several friends that are bi-polar, and every one of them has had the same issues with the meds. There is an alternative to the meds. Need to figure out what triggers things and then avoid it. For me it was stress. I am 1 step from the fight or flight zone. Least bit of stress pushes me into it. So I do my best to avoid being stressed. Went on disability to get away from the Post Office. Severed ties with my family, did not speak to my folks for 6 or so years before they passed away. Also severed ties with anyone that knew my sister. Moved out into the country. Fenced in the property. Pretty much avoid contact with my neighbors. Now that there is close to 0 stress life is not all that bad. I am reminded of my troubles every time we go to town. A simple trip to Costco will often set me off. Truly sucks being this way, but taking the meds WAS NOT an answer for me. Figuring out what caused me to cycle was....and then doing my best to avoid these things has worked for me for the last 4 years. But hey, take it for what it was worth. I am not all well educated, but I have been dealing with this bi-polar, ptsd, paranoia and all the other things that come along with mental illness for over 3 decades now. And when I see someone say that meds are the ONLY way to deal with it I just have to chuckle.....
I have been through all of the bi-polar meds myself , and I agree 100% that meds are not the answer , they are more of a problem . I have ptsd , even though it wasn't even around in terms in 1986 . I stopped using drugs in 1988 , stopped drinking in 1995 , changed my job , changed my life , and I am a much better person now because of it . I still have occasions where I am suffering mentally , but I have found that building model cars , or drawing cars , women , or just doodling with a pencil , it puts my mind at ease and helps me focus on the task at hand . All I have to find is something constructive to focus on and I am good to go for awhile until the anxiety passes . Hop this helps even a little bit .
I have been through all of the bi-polar meds myself , and I agree 100% that meds are not the answer , they are more of a problem . I have ptsd , even though it wasn't even around in terms in 1986 . I stopped using drugs in 1988 , stopped drinking in 1995 , changed my job , changed my life , and I am a much better person now because of it . I still have occasions where I am suffering mentally , but I have found that building model cars , or drawing cars , women , or just doodling with a pencil , it puts my mind at ease and helps me focus on the task at hand . All I have to find is something constructive to focus on and I am good to go for awhile until the anxiety passes . Hop this helps even a little bit .
Funny how all these metal ailments sort of go hand in hand......the symptoms are so intertwined. Have never been officially labeled ptsd, but my head doc has told me that he see it, as well as add/adhd. You are so right in regards to find something to do. I used to go for a morning walk by the lake in front of out place, but with how hilly it is I had to stop. I used to swing a leg over the seat of my chopper and go get lost. As long as I stayed away from traffic it helped. Meds are not the answer for all of us. Used to work with a buddy Jeff. He is bi-polar. Most days we would just look into each others eyes and could tell what was going on. Pretty much every med either one of us tried the other had tried as well......and with the same goofy *** reactions to it. A big part of getting by in life with these troubles is a very understanding spouse. First thing Ernestina does in the morning is look into my eyes, if the glare is there she knows to just leave me alone.......
Yep , same here . Mary understands I'm not being mean when I say " turn around - walk away " . A lot of my problems stem from things associated with my military career , a few I've had since childhood . But , as I've gotten older and wiser I've learned that keeping busy with a hobby that I enjoy , or just reading a book puts my mental stability in check until the pounding in my head subsides , and the flashbacks go back in the recesses of my mind where they belong . Cliff , I aam hoping to help , or at least encourage you to not give up , or give in , to fight your way out of the state of mind that keeps its grip on your very soul . Something as simple as building a model is so much relief to me , the transition is amazing after even an hour or so of model building . If you can find something simple like this , something you can be passionate about , you won't believe the results . Trust me on this , dude . It works , and its real . Hope this helps somehow .
James I have been trying very hard. But like everything else some things are out of my reach. I am saving for some work to my building so I can learn how to use my welder.
Well , just know that a lot of us have been there , and I for one will always be here for at least moral support . When I was going through all my mental pain and suffering , I did it alone . Thats the worst thing you can do . I'm sure we will all be here if you need to vent . Look me up . I'm never too far away .
Well , just know that a lot of us have been there , and I for one will always be here for at least moral support . When I was going through all my mental pain and suffering , I did it alone . Thats the worst thing you can do . I'm sure we will all be here if you need to vent . Look me up . I'm never too far away .

I will be happy to pm you later. Right now my head isn't too good today since I have been inside and can't think too well.
This is going to sound weird but do you drink lots of water? I deal with depression as well and for me when I get dehydrated it gets worse. On days where I'm really busy and forget to drink H20 regularly or drink soda I can slump into a real funk quickly.

It's also great with the back pains (herniated discs). I'm not an M.D. but it's definitely a cheap and easy remedy worth a try.

PS Hope you feel better.
This is going to sound weird but do you drink lots of water? I deal with depression as well and for me when I get dehydrated it gets worse. On days where I'm really busy and forget to drink H20 regularly or drink soda I can slump into a real funk quickly.

It's also great with the back pains (herniated discs). I'm not an M.D. but it's definitely a cheap and easy remedy worth a try.

PS Hope you feel better.

I drink close to a gallon a day. along with lots of ice tea. Thank you
Well , just chill for awhile . Think good thoughts and find your " happy place " . Take care , we are here for you . All of us .