

FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Apr 15, 2014
Reaction score
Oak Harbor WA
Just when you think you've heard every crazy thing. My son is up visiting this weekend from Issaquah WA. He shares an apt. and his roommate have a dog and the apartment is now enacting a mandatory DNA sample from everyone's pooch. If you don't comply they won't renew your lease. If your dog tests positive after you're enrolled it's a $500 fine. My son's out of there, his roommate does have a dog but that's not the only reason they are moving I guess there's a lot of b.s. with the agents there, unexplained fees, poor communication etc. etc. etc.
Well, if you're going to have a dog in an environment like that be a responsible and courteous owner. I have and love dogs, but I wouldn't necessarily be to keen about stepping in a dogpile in the middle of an apartment complex. But yeah, kind of ridiculous to have to enact a rule like that to enforce some personal responsibility because of the stupid humans.
Just when you think you've heard every crazy thing. My son is up visiting this weekend from Issaquah WA. He shares an apt. and his roommate have a dog and the apartment is now enacting a mandatory DNA sample from everyone's pooch. If you don't comply they won't renew your lease. If your dog tests positive after you're enrolled it's a $500 fine. My son's out of there, his roommate does have a dog but that's not the only reason they are moving I guess there's a lot of b.s. with the agents there, unexplained fees, poor communication etc. etc. etc.

Why just a sample?
If they gave them all the dog poop there wouldn't be any around the complex.:D
Wouldn't be so much easier to put some surveillance cameras on the grounds instead of intruding on the tenants?? It would make the property more secure and discourage the "doggie poop people"???

Installing security cameras would cost the complex $$$ and no way to recoup the expense. Make the tenants provide the DNA sample and they make money on you when they match your dog's turds.
Yep they all do that at the fancy apartments in the city. Seen the maintenance guy walking around with this little vile of nasty stuff, asked him what he had there and told me all about it. They're serious about dog crap. Glad I don't have to follow my dog around and pick up a big steamy one. Screw that!
Installing security cameras would cost the complex $$$ and no way to recoup the expense. Make the tenants provide the DNA sample and they make money on you when they match your dog's turds.
They recoup their surveillance camera investment when they catch the perp not picking up the dog poop. At $500 a pop it wouldn't take long.
It would also keep tenants from submitting random dog poop that they picked up at the park to keep from being identified. You gotta think like a thief....a dog poop thief!!
They recoup their surveillance camera investment when they catch the perp not picking up the dog poop. At $500 a pop it wouldn't take long.
It would also keep tenants from submitting random dog poop that they picked up at the park to keep from being identified. You gotta think like a thief....a dog poop thief!!
:lol: Could always give them a sample of your own in a bag on fire in front of the office door.
Just go to the park and pick the stuff up from hundreds of dogs. Eventually they will tire of testing the stuff. Also, obtain the poop from dogs the poo police own, and spread it all over. I assume the fine is for each occurance. One poop from a large enough dog should be enough to to create a few random locations, all of which will need to be tested.
If they have to take a sample from the dog on the spot maybe feed him a big bowl of greasy chitlins before you took him in, haha.
Usually they wait for the train to go by, before they crap on the tracks. They also wipe their *** with their hands. 'Course, dogs use their tongues.
That's why you shake with your right hand as the wipe their *** with their left. India, no...how about San Francisco! Here is a bum **** map from Jan, 2015. They even have a 311 number to call when you step in, er...see one.

and here is a real time map.
I know where I'd be sh...g every morning. let them figure it out after they spend all the money on testing.
I'd even throw a little corn in on occasion
That's why you shake with your right hand as the wipe their *** with their left. India, no...how about San Francisco! Here is a bum **** map from Jan, 2015. They even have a 311 number to call when you step in, er...see one.
View attachment 1715157619

and here is a real time map.View attachment 1715157618
OK, so I know we have Population, Topographic, Weather, Political & World Maps??? And now we've added a "Poopagraphical Map"?? Or would it be called a
Or maybe "Scenic Human (droppings) Imaging Topography"??
