Do you believe in mediums?

I wish I could believe. I'd probably practice it and get paid a lot of money for cold reading.

I went to a metaphysical fair once, a long time ago for free, with some people who wanted to go. John Edwards was there. He's a lot more convincing on TV than in person. Hmm...

Lately, I've been looking into the study of the flood that all cultures talk about and the possibility of another planet that crossed orbit in a steeper elipse, near Earth that could have given cause to it.

I've also been looking in to the relations between Pagan and Christian cultures during solstice, which I find historically interesting.

I didn't subscribe to the religion/ politics forum here. Still can't view it. I have my opinions, but I'm an athiest who refuses to side on anything unkown, which isn't always popular, and this is a car forum, so I'm leaving it alone, but I'm pretty open minded. Astronomy and it's relation to our cultures fascinates me.

Too bad I suck at taking people and I believe in fair trade. I could be well off if I were a cold reader/ Medium.
I wish I could believe. I'd probably practice it and get paid a lot of money for cold reading.

I went to a metaphysical fair once, a long time ago for free, with some people who wanted to go. John Edwards was there. He's a lot more convincing on TV than in person. Hmm...

Lately, I've been looking into the study of the flood that all cultures talk about and the possibility of another planet that crossed orbit in a steeper elipse, near Earth that could have given cause to it.

I've also been looking in to the relations between Pagan and Christian cultures during solstice, which I find historically interesting.

I didn't subscribe to the religion/ politics forum here. Still can't view it. I have my opinions, but I'm an athiest who refuses to side on anything unkown, which isn't always popular, and this is a car forum, so I'm leaving it alone, but I'm pretty open minded. Astronomy and it's relation to our cultures fascinates me.

Too bad I suck at taking people and I believe in fair trade. I could be well off if I were a cold reader/ Medium.

As a fellow atheist and member of other car forums that are more open to the politics/religion discussions, i didn't subscribe to the politics section and wouldnt suggest it. Let's face it, atheists car enthusiasts are a minority. We're probably the population equivalent to "log cabin republicans" :laughing:

The show Penn & teller BS had a great episode on these medium frauds. Supposedly at those john edwards events, they make viewers sign a nondisclosure agreement. That way no one talks about how 3 hours of mostly misses is cut down into 17 minutes of mildly amusing nonsense.
Lmao this is a funny thread ..... I dont know all whats out there but them are BS . If i ask you enough i could hit on some thing lmao if you do go like has been said Dont say a word. and see what happens ..... Ive been to one of thes things .....(free) A room full of peps and she started going thought the room doing some kind of humming thing . Than started asking ?s if some no one said nothing then she would move on maybe 1 outta 3 ?s got some one . heres a helpful hit (put on sun glasses) Thay can read alot from your eyes . 3 hours of this crap every one in the room had been contacted..... But one............. guess who that was ? If you have a good (poker face ) You can and will know the truth. also if you can where a Duster (long jackit) helps hide body move ments ... If thay cant read what your thinkin when thay ask a ? . Then thay cant get you. also If you have to sign in or up to be there sign some other name . thats anuther way thay get you .

There is also going to be shills in the room ( Peeps who are in with the reader ) that as soon as thay ask a ? the shill will be almost falling over OMG That my (who ever) .. most of the time the 1st one to say Thats my (who ever ) is a shill .
I dont know even if mediums still exist... the counter people always try to supersize it...

As a fellow atheist and member of other car forums that are more open to the politics/religion discussions, i didn't subscribe to the politics section and wouldnt suggest it. Let's face it, atheists car enthusiasts are a minority. We're probably the population equivalent to "log cabin republicans" :laughing:

The show Penn & teller BS had a great episode on these medium frauds. Supposedly at those john edwards events, they make viewers sign a nondisclosure agreement. That way no one talks about how 3 hours of mostly misses is cut down into 17 minutes of mildly amusing nonsense.

Saw that episode. Penn Jillette is awesome. I'd love to meet him sometime. Maybe I'll try to catch him in Vegas at some point. I'd like to shake his hand.

By the way, every time I read one of your posts, it puts a smile on my face.
I sense that someone strange is going to tell the original poster how to run his life today....
Marc, I know why Megan wants to see the medium and I hope she gets what she needs from the experience. No parents should have to go through what you two have. Maybe people should have asked why she wanted to go instead of calling you sn idiot or saying you should spend money on car parts instead. Loosing two children and four grandchildren in a horrible accident is enough go make anyone suicidal. Do whatever you need to, to help her. Jokes and insults are rediculous.
PT Barnum said "there is a sucker born every minute and in that same minute two more are born to scam the sucker".
Marc, I know why Megan wants to see the medium and I hope she gets what she needs from the experience. No parents should have to go through what you two have. Maybe people should have asked why she wanted to go instead of calling you sn idiot or saying you should spend money on car parts instead. Loosing two children and four grandchildren in a horrible accident is enough go make anyone suicidal. Do whatever you need to, to help her. Jokes and insults are rediculous.

Unfortunately, John, she's not going to get what she needs. Except a lot of crap thrown back at her from someone who doesn't know what she needs.

Therapy would help better. Be it from a grief counselor, a pastor, her family, her friends or the support of a grief support group.

A medium isn't going to help with the mending and might even do more damage by offering some sense of false hope.

I'm sorry for the tragedy, but seeing a medium is going to wind up doing more damage in the long run and that will just add to the tragedy and pain, not help with it.

I don't want to sound snotty on this... I'm trying not to be.

There's too many variables associated with a medium that absolutely cannot be confirmed.

I'll give an example: Sarah had a tarot reading back when she was in college, just for s***s and giggles. She knew better than to believe it, but the person doing such convinced her (her sister's husband to be exact).

His tarot reading never saw her death, never saw the death of her child, told her she was going to live to be a ripe old age and have many children. Just the opposite occurred.

Medium's and the such play off what people want to hear, not the truth of the situation. It's how they keep people coming back, looking for false comfort, instead of the comforting reality of the situation.

It's hard to deal with, trust me. I know.

All the directions grief can take, the dark areas of the mind it can lead, too.

But the last thing a person needs after dealing with such a tragedy is to be lead by someone who has never lived through such a thing. It's better for her to find someone who has, someone who's been there, to seek comfort, than to continue away from the path to mending.