Dodge Spirit trans donors?



The Duster Guy
Nov 25, 2005
Reaction score
Rochester, NY
Not an A body, but i just inherited a '93 3.0 V6 Spirit that has a shot trans, and a really nice body. Can I get a trans out of a mini van of the same era? I see those all the time where some poor sucker has been ripped off to rebuild the trans, and a year later they're junking them because the body is rusted out. How about the 3.0 itself? I might just swap the whole motor and trans if that's possible.
Thanks, mike
Those mitsu 3.0's suck, I would not own another mopar with one. The damn valve guides slip down in the head causing the valve seals to fall off then they smoke all of the time. The fix is to push the guides back were they belong and cut a groove in them to install a snap ring to keep them from slipping back down. The replacement guides have the snap ring groove in them. The 2.2 or 2.5 cars are a much better car.
