don't oil your hood hinges!!!!



barbee 6043
FABO Gold Member
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
Shepherd, Texas ( SE Tx)
Missouri wind blew the other day at 40-50 mph. woman in house 20 yds away, T V going, wind howlin, dog barking.... she can't hear poop. after screaming at top of my lungs "heeelllllppppppp!!!!" for how many minutes????? she finaly ambles out to shed where i been workin on the old dart............. ' WHAT'S THE MATTER DEAR???? my respond, " glad you heard me, for a while i thought i would have to rely on nearest neighbor ( 1 1/2 mi away). would you look for hood release and free my hand before i passout?"
how: hand was resting on fender over on right side of car,, lookin in that hell hole for the latest challenge, wind blew the freshly oiled and greased hood on my hand, (yes, 5 ton grulillo couldn't have slammed it any harder!).. neatly catching my hand between the knuckles and middle finger joints on four fingers of right hand. i was finally able to reach pair of pliers and pry up hood just enough so i got some circulation... then she appears . didn't check my watch , must have been a while,,, lost my voice for 4 days, how it didn't break my fingrs, don't know.!! LOL but true.
If you don't have a name for your car well you know what to call her lol glad to hear your ok its funny after I seen the movie Christine I watched where I put my fingers
Wow Bill! I'm glad you got some help, and still have fingers to type with. That wind sure was strong. I was driving my truck and the wind rocked it all over my lane.
Had it happen to me once so I know how it feels. Although i had someone else there to open the hood instanly. Man, alone would suck! OUCH!!!
the middle finger seemed to take the most of the b low, it has trouble with Arthur anyway, nothin broke. was back doin all the usual stuff next day, but took 3-4 days to get my voice back. neighbor 2 miles away said he heard some pitiful screams but thought it was the local mountain lion screamin again!??? no really! can't beleive it happened!??
I would give this an lol, but......I have my own story. I worked at a small one owner garage about 1982. Real good guy. Raced a turbo KZ900. Broke some records even. Anyway, he had a friend that would come by and help when we got busy. He was a cool guy too. More seasoned than I .....not that it took much then. lol

Anyway, we had this mid 70s LTD in doing some work. Tune up.....I don't remember. Something under the hood. For whatever reason, I was standing outside the car right at the front of the driver's door with my left hand draped over the fender RIGHT at the back corner of the hood. Yup. Billy shut the hood. My hand was caught right there at the very back corner. I just smiled real big and looked at Billy. I thought he was gonna break hisself in half runnin for the hood release inside the car. If he said I'm sorry once he said it 100 times that day......BUT in reflection it was my fault. Stupid place to put your hand. I have never made that mistake again and I ALWAYS think about it when I am around a car now.
Man! I will be careful around the hood from now on. Makes my fingers hurt just to think about it.
slammed mine in a hatchback a few months before I married 25 years ago, fiance had to get the keys out of my pocket and unlock it. It crushed my ring finger. OUCH! had to have a pin put in. Still stiff to this day!
LTD hoods were heavy back then!!!!LOL God takes pity and dogs, little children , and fools!! i'm too old to be a child!!!! if my hood had slammed shut a second earlier it would have cold cocked me and saved mashin my hand, which of the 2 choices is better!!?????
a couple years ago i was cutting fire wood, i had just raised up from bent over stance, when something knocked the end of bar.!?? right about 1 inch infront of my feet law a dead limb measuring about 40 feet long and 5-6 dia. mised my noggin by few inches, the wind was blowing a little, not like the hood wind!!!! i still wonder if anyone would have found me before the coyotes and mountain lion ate me!???? ( yes Mo has mountain lions thanks the Dept of Conversation!!!!
When I was about 17, my step-mom had a 76 Corvette Stingray. Everyday I spent in Ohio that summer I was out working on this car. Nothing major. Just clean-up stuff like polishing the chrome dress-up kit that someone had put on it, washing and waxing it, just stuff to keep a 17 year old occupied until step-mom comes home with the keys and I can go driving! Anyway, this one day I was trying to figure out why the horn only worked sporadically. I popped the hood open, and to get at the horn you had to reach between the bottom of the hood and the back of the front fascia. I was planning to check the wiring pigtail for corrosion. Well, I was digging around in there, and I apparently hadn't opened the hood far enough that the hinges locked in place. My shoulder pushed into the hood, and it slammed down and latched with my hand between the front of the hood and the back of the front fascia. Thank God those cars are fiberglass! My step-brother was sitting in the driver's seat and I started screaming at him to open the hood! My dad was in the back yard and he came running. The whole time my step-brother just had this stupid look on his face and never moved. My dad had to yank open the door and pop the hood latch so I could get it open. I didn't break my hand, just a bit of a scrape across my palm and across the back of my hand where the hood and fascia caught it. That was the LAST time I ever worked on the horn for that car. I never did get the wiring apart to check the connection, but after that it worked perfectly. Every time.
for sure!!!!! those fantastic plastic things!!! LOL i have a BIG rag now on where the hood latches!!! if no one had been home???? nearest neighbor is bout 1/2 mi down the road.
OOOOOOWWWWWW!! Man, my hand hurts just thinking about it. I've had some nasty knuckles or cuts after working on a car, and some impressive blood blisters, but I never actually slammed my hand in a hood. Believe me, I will be watching from now on. LOL.
i hear ya!!! back in the 80's and 90's ( when muscle cars were to be found at fair prices if ya looked hard enough) i had a few runners and bees orig 440-6 cars and AAR's and TA's. you can tell i'm gettin old as i enjoy the /6 dusters!!! LOL!