Door pin & bushings replacement



Does anyone read this?
Aug 4, 2006
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My drivers door has a bit of sag to it when open and Year One finally shipped me the pin and bushing kit. The FSM is light on details so is it possible to replace the pins & bushings w/o removing the doors? What I'm thinking of doing is using my floor jack to support the end of the open door while replacing the pin & bushings on each hinge one at a time. Is it as simple as tapping each of the existing pins from the bottom until they pop out from the top?
There is a special tool to support the door, without it I would recommend taking off the door, just scribe around the door side of the hinge with a pencil to line it back up. With the door out of the way it will be a piece of cake. Do not do it alone unless you do not car about your paint.
I just did my driver door today, by myself no less.
I took the door off, which made it alot easier to hammer the pins out.
A few things, the upper door hinge had the bushings in it, which I knocked out with a small chisel.
The lower hinge had no bushings and I had to hammer it out all of the way.
It still needs to be adjusted up a little.

I think my lower hinge on the driver door is incorrect, maybe a passenger hinge. It has the 2 'wheels' on the bottom and they don't really make contact with the springs.

Does anyone have a pic of a lower driver door hinge on the car?
First 2, driver door from the top.
Next 2, driver door from the side and bottom, (the wheel is just grabbing the spring).
Last pic, the passenger door, wheels on top, everything looks good and works fine.
Do I have 2 passenger hinges, or a spring on wrong?





Here are some pics of my lower driver's door hinge:

side view hinge.jpg

top view hinge.jpg

bottom view hinge.jpg
It looks like my hinge spring is upside down causing the wheels to not make complete contact. Thank you!
So I am curious, what was your method for removing the doors by yourself?

I just did my driver door today, by myself no less.
I took the door off, which made it alot easier to hammer the pins out.
A few things, the upper door hinge had the bushings in it, which I knocked out with a small chisel.
The lower hinge had no bushings and I had to hammer it out all of the way.
It still needs to be adjusted up a little.

I think my lower hinge on the driver door is incorrect, maybe a passenger hinge. It has the 2 'wheels' on the bottom and they don't really make contact with the springs.

Does anyone have a pic of a lower driver door hinge on the car?
Well, since paint was not an issue, I removed all of the bolts except the very top one. For the last bolt I stuck my knee under the door, held it with one hand and ran the socket with the other, pulling the door as I went to keep enough room for the socket between the hinge and the body.
Getting it back on was more difficult. I took a smaller bolt and ran it through the bottom hinge and bolt hole and used this to hold the door in place, lifted the door and put one of the top bolts in. Where the bolts go into the door, the threads move around for adjustment, and I had to take a small screwdriver to align the holes before I could put the bolts in.
Another hand or a jack would have helped, but I was waiting for some loosers to show up who were going to buy a car of mine, it is in storage and there are no tools there, and I got bored and had the socket that fit and the new pins. I had to make it work so I could drive home.