Double up throttle return springs!



Ontario, Canada
Jul 18, 2007
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Or at least check the condition.

I only had one on, and it snapped at 40MPH last night. Not knowing what happened, I made the mistake of tapping the throttle. It jumped to 50 MPH. Scared the crap out of me. I hit the brakes as hard as I could (10 inch manual brakes), and shut the motor off.

I'll 2nd this. I found out the hard way in my 66 cheby p/u. A tired old 327 with a quadrajunk. A guy pulled up beside me in a new ford diesel (this was in 99) & wanted to run. Knowing that he would blow me away I said sure just to humor him. The light turns green & I stomp it. The powerglide succesfully chirps going into high so I was thrilled. At this point the guy in the diesel had already turned off on the next block, so it was time to shut her down. I let off the gas & nothing!!! Panic stricken I stomp the brakes roasting all 4 manual drums down to nothing. Finally gathering what little sense I had, I killed it. Unstuck the carb & limped it home with my tail between my legs, scared $hitless....
my 85 dodge ram did that, was driving and the timing was a bit off so it was sputtering for life, and i gave it some gas, and all of a sudden was going 100Km in a surburbia 50km zone. pulled into a dirt parkinglot with brakes pushed to the floor, and shut her down. people were givin me all kinds of nasty looks!
I always run two. If I see someones car with only one, I always tell them to get another one on.
I agree....
i always run two. you know how many guys i see running single stretched out crappy return springs on their car though. its scarey man.there are a ton of ticking time bombs out there on the street.
lol...this just happened to me in the Dart. I would have been scared, but my superior driving skills allowed me to control slant 6 as I continued home. It is getting 2 new springs this weekend!!
I had a '88 Ford Ranger with a 2.9 V6 W/Fuel Injection. The throttle stuck about 2/3 of the way open coming off a stop light, but it wasn't a spring that broke. The throttle shaft on the throttle body had corroded enough to make it stick. A couple of shots of penetrating oil fixed the problem and I made sure I checked it about twice a year.

That the last Ford I ever owned.
got two stiff return springs it doesnt look pretty but it works and i feel safe they will always shut the throtles
Two?,hell I got three,a double spring on top of the linkage and a single spring on the bottom of the linkage going back to the throttle cable mount.No way that thing will ever stick when I'm banging the gears.

i had bought 2 brand new ones for my 5th, but when i put em both on the throttle was so damn stiff i could barly push down on the gas pedal, so i had to remove one
Oh yeah YOU ARE right. A super nice 67 rag top camaro was destroyed Sat night at Holiday Beach Raceway. The throttle stuck. Driver was airlifted to UAB hospital.
On my best buddy's 19th birthday, I was driving a few people home. A little "under the weather" as it were, driving my first car, a 1969 Sport Satellite with a mild 383. Drop off the first person, go and punch it down the road and the return spring vanishes/breaks. Full throttle down the road. I'm smart enough to know to shut her down, but dumb enough to try and put it in neutral first.

Well, being a little "under the weather", I missed neutral on the column shifter and hit reverse. The motor definitely shut down, but the car also spun around and I was heading backwards down the street.

Luckily, I managed to make it to a safe stop. Now I had to call for a ride home.

One of the first things that I did to my Dart when I brought her home was install a second spring. Just love that hard throttle. It also keeps the wife from wanting to drive it.
Similar thing for me, except the throttle cable frayed. Low 12 second 70 Challenger heading for a busy intersection. Slammed on the brakes and went to shut off the engine....wheel became a little cocked and I spun around and ended up forward going up a curb into a little old ladies chain link fence. The cop that showed up was pissed but no one would say I was speeding. The lil old lady said it was such a shame something would happen to my "pretty" car and told the cop she didn't want to do anything. Feeling very grateful, after the car was towed I was back at here house and immediately repaired her fence.

My lesson, never buy a used throttle cable.