drive shaft alingment



Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2006
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madisonville tenn
hello I need to know how far off center can you be with the drive shaft to the pinion? I ended up about 2 inchs to the right with the ford rear axle I used. Do you think it will work?
It doesn't matter as long as you have clearance though the tunnel and the pinion angle is set down to the necessary degree for your suspension.
thanks I was hoping I would be ok with a slight off set. I think I will run it and see what happens. Have a good one.
I have read so much on putting different rears in an a body, I forget where I read it. The article said that as long as the pinion angle was correct, side to side differences would not give you any vibration. Just agreeing with the above post.
I tend to disagree, it is possible for the angle differance to cause a vibation, but it is easy to fix, the offset isnt the problem, the differance in the angles is, measure the angle at the trans- driveshaft and at the pinion -drive shaft...these two angles need to be the same. ( left to right ) to correct it move the tailshaft of the trans left or right untill the angles are the same.
at the same time also check the up down angles at both ends of the shaft.
you have most likely changed the height of the pinion ,which in turn changes the angle of the shaft at the trans. shim or drop the tail shaft to correct and match the angle, remember to set the pinion angle lower for a leaf spring car to allow for spring wrap. ...
the car will drive down the road either way, but only one way is right.
If you need help P.M me and I will do my best to walk you through it.
good luck , Ron
I believe you are going to find the pinion and tranny output shaft are parallel side-to-side, by default. Up/down angles will normally be your only issue, unless we are talking about mis-aligned springs, motor mounts or something of that nature.
Ace said:
I believe you are going to find the pinion and tranny output shaft are parallel side-to-side, by default. Up/down angles will normally be your only issue, unless we are talking about mis-aligned springs, motor mounts or something of that nature.

our a-bodies are misaligned by design, most fords are also,almost all gm f&g bodies are, in reality not to many cars have crankshaft, trans yoke .and rear pinions on the same center line as the body. have ever seen a big dogleg looking piece of crap hanging off the back of a ford tranny? this unit is a counter weight or ballast, it is there to dampen the vibrations in the drive shaft, caused by the side to side misalignment of the drive line components, this is a real problem that many people dont either know about ,or understand. the maximun deviation in side to side driveshaft angles is 3 degrees. more than that will cause a differance in the bearing speed of the u-joint. similar (but exagerated) to a rear end in a sharp turn, the outside wheel ( or bearing ) has to speed up while the inside one has to slow down. now add to that a u-joint on the other end of the shaft doing the same thing at a different speed ,now put that into a high rpm condition and you can see why it is possible for the misaligned shaft to vibrate . this condition can also cause u-joints to wear out faster. just talk to the off road 4x4 guys about driveshaft angles and u-joint failure, yes that is the extreme example but the same principal.

There is always two (or more) schools of thought on this subject, but why not do it the best we can? after all, we strive to make our projects better than the origionals were. that is the basics in hot rodding, make it better than it was , not worse..... in my humble opinion......Ron
krabysniper said:
You are correct 68gts340 (Ron). Most people find the whole u-joint angle and operation/theory to be WAY over their heads so they don't put as much effort into learning why something IS the way it IS rather than just guessing and hoping it will work out OK.

List of links on the subject of pinion/driveshaft/drivetrain angles
driveline discussion
List of drive angle links
Watsons Guides to happy pinion angles

Thanks for the reply Krabysniper , maybe they would be more interested if the problem would be titled ,,," FREE HORSEPOWER" which in effect it is.
68gts340 said:
our a-bodies are misaligned by design, most fords are also,almost all gm f&g bodies are, in reality not to many cars have crankshaft, trans yoke .and rear pinions on the same center line as the body.

I didn't say center-line, I said parallel. Parallel from any reference point will result in equal opposing angles at the shaft's end joints. Simple geometry.

Misaligned by design? :wave: I think I know what youy mean by that, but c'mon. You mean offset? You guys that want things to seem more complicated than they really are to make yourselve's seem more knowlgeable really crack me up. All the guy wanted to know is if the offset rear was going to be a problem. The only valid information you have offered is the 3 degree rule of thumb, and you do not even say if you think that 2" is an issue there. Do you?

Of course Krapysniper chimes in to add his "veil of knowledge" with absolutely no help whatsoever ("it's really too complicated for you to understand, so I won't bother."). Way to go.

Our a-bodies aren't misaligned the trans output shaft and pinion are lined up in front of one another. They may not be in the center of the car but that doesn't matter.

68gts340 said:
to correct it move the tailshaft of the trans left or right untill the angles are the same.
This I gotta see.... :tard:

Using some new variable-angle bell housing I haven't heard about? :dontknow:
Ron you lost me on the whole u joint bearing speed, differential axle speed thing.

If from center trans yoke to center of pinion yoke you have a 2" misalignment and the distance between the yokes was 48" you will have approx. 2-1/2 degree misalignment. This is under the previously stated 3 degrees. You probably have less than 2-1/2 degrees because your yoke distance is more than 48", the longer the distance between the yokes the misalignment goes down as measured in degrees.

this easy thing to do is put that rear end in a rust-stang and quit wondering if it will fit.
Well all i can suggest is that if you want to learn and understand is to read the links that crabysniper supplied, then you will know.
Yeah, right. The first link is contaioned in the second, and nowhere in any of that does it explain how to calculate degrees for offset by shaft length.

Thanks340mopar. And thanks for nothing 68gts340 and Krapysniper.
Ace said:
Yeah, right. The first link is contaioned in the second, and nowhere in any of that does it explain how to calculate degrees for offset by shaft length.

Thanks340mopar. And thanks for nothing 68gts340 and Krapysniper.

And your big complaint here is that the first link is contained in the second link, WOOPS, big f'n deal you putz. So obviously I thought it was so good I need it to be listed twice or maybe I just never realized that the first was in the second, not that it should matter, the info is there none the less so that he may figure out how to measure the angles and KNOW that all will work as he intended.

Quit thinking of it in terms of PINION angles and start thinking about it in terms of U-JOINT angles. For you , ACE, to say that it dosn't matter only proves to me how little you know or understand about suspensions. Sorry I refuse to try to break it down to something simpler for you, and only gave links to allow others to learn for themselves, but I get tired of attempting to explain somthing that the info is already out there to be read and learned.

I feel very sad for you when your biggest thrill is to come on, boasting how knowledgable you are on old mopar suspensions, and trying to bag on someone for providing the links to info regarding the very subject with which THE ORIGINAL POSTER was asking and trying to learn about.

Drivetrain angles are not a simple subject. The fact that you can't figure it out is your problem, not mine.
krabysniper said:
providing the links to info regarding the very subject with which THE ORIGINAL POSTER was asking and trying to learn about.

Evidently this moron cannot even read. Where does it explain in those links you gave how to calculate degrees of U-JOINT angle by offset and shaft length? And exactly where did I mention the word pinion?

What a doofus. Krapysinper with a capital "P." Face it numbnuts, you really stepped on it this time. You just can't get enough of stinkin' this place up, can you? :fart:
(1)I try to only facts so even though there is alot of good info in the 3 links that was provided, in the 2nd link under "the straight scoop" it mentions that driveline angle has no relation to traction while the 3rd link mentions that driveline angle does effect traction. So those 2 links are contradictory, meaning if someone was going to try and learn from them they would not know what to think.

(2) Why do we need to get all worked up over some of these things? I have gotten myself caught up in these things before and no good comes of it. Why would someone use name calling or personal attacks on someones character to get their point across? I would be more inclined to listen to someone that does not do this than someone that does. It is a waste of time and resources to do it this way, this is how our own government runs our money in DC. They are more worried about there damn party or beliefs than to discuss their disagreement like adults and find a solution that is factual and not emotional.

Just an observation, but I don't know, maybe it's just me.

Oh, I agree 100%. But when you start off like 340boy did, implying I was wrong (I tend to disagree), then you better know your stuff and have the facts to back it up. Then Krapyboy chimes in, for only one reason. I'll call it BS when I see it. That SOB has had it in for me for around here, for just that reason. He's basically full of it. Just go back and re-read some of his posts.

Don't post spin, I will call you on it.
I understand, but someone needs to be the man and say I not going there because the kind of people that are mental midgets and legends in their own mind you will never convince and you will just end up beating your head against the wall. Then only you will be all tuned up and you can't enjoy yourself. Remember if you loose your cool and get upset the mental midgets win.

I not saying that you or anyone else in the post is right or wrong, I am saying we can't get our point across when we are all spooled up.

ace, you have posted pictures of your redneck work. It leaves a great deal to be deseried, cast iron T used in a suspension, OMG, LMAO. Don't come around here smartin off. Take the advice a gave you before. Don't comment to me or about me, or any thing I post, and I will leave you alone in kind. Continue on, and you are begging for it! I leave this as a note to all to take note that I am warning him to stfu and to stop making any comments to me or about me. It's all up to him, the little flybaby.
Yeah 340moper, you're right. I guess some people just get jealous disturbed when they feel indequate and stupid after they are exposed for what they really are. Name calling and insults are the only substitute when facts and technical prowess cannot be used for lack thereof. Anyone who reads this can easily see it for themselves.

Cheers Krapy!!
Ace said:
Yeah 340moper, you're right. I guess some people just get jealous disturbed when they feel indequate and stupid after they are exposed for what they really are. Name calling and insults are the only substitute when facts and technical prowess cannot be used for lack thereof. Anyone who reads this can easily see it for themselves.

Cheers Krapy!!

I warned you.

Must be a very sad lonely world you live in when you have to be a DICK to others who know more and/or have forgoten more, than you will EVER know about mopars, race cars, chasis building, or cars in general. You bump your head against one of your Air Force wind up rubber band motor airplanes?

You act like Tom Cruise came to your squadron and ran his tool up in ya. Must be feeling a little constapated this week eh, or is it just that all of you are idiots where you live, like maybe a water problem or something? You need to re-read this so that you can realize you were the first person to act like a f'n 2 year old having a fit cause the dog ate his ice cream cone, but your to F'n stupid to comprehend it, so it would be pointless.

Just remember, turd, you are NOT annoymous on the internet, and what comes around gets dished right the fuk back at you, punk.

BTW, I wouldn't suggest telling others to read back on anyone else's past posts, you might give them the idea to read up on what NON-contibutions you have made here, and then they would easily see you for what you are, a LOSER who reverts to name calling and childish behaviour whenever someone else makes a post or comment that makes more sense then ANY of the drival that spews from that hole you imply is your mouth, but it looks more like your a$$ hole. Joe jerry rigged sheep fawker.

Go ahead, reply and further prove my point, I know you have NO will power to resist making a bigger a$$ of yourself.

So in parting I will qoute a favorite movie character of mine "Do you feel lucky, PUNK? Well, do you? Go ahead, MAKE MY DAY."