Edelbrock RPM smooth out Bowls



Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2010
Reaction score
Scarborough, Qld
Hi Folks

My first time anyone near a head with a die grinder. I gasket matched head and was working on smoothing out the cast marks in the the bowls. Didnt want to port because of my inexperience and dont want to F#*K it up. I did however take a little material off below the valve seat to smooth out the ridge. My question is how smooth do I need to make it. As you can see it's still a little rough.


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Maybe I can't see them, but the work you've done actually looks pretty good-to me. Unless I'm mistaken, the casting line on the left side of the bowl in the picture kinda looks like it could use a small bit of touch up, but again, I can't really tell.
That's fine. A super smooth intake surface flows the same as a reasonably smooth surface. So unless you just have buckets of time to kill, don't go too nuts.
Stop! you don't want to smooth out that angle below the seat. Otherwise - looks good.
Stop! you don't want to smooth out that angle below the seat. Otherwise - looks good.


Not an expert on porting by any means but what would smoothing the ridge down below the seat do?. Educate me please.

I took very little from it. The casting was really rough in those spots and I thought It would help. I have read other articles on porting and some say smooth these right out to blend in with the bowls below.

Not an expert on porting by any means but what would smoothing the ridge down below the seat do?. Educate me please.

I took very little from it. The casting was really rough in those spots and I thought It would help. I have read other articles on porting and some say smooth these right out to blend in with the bowls below.

think he means, don`t take the bottom angle of the valve job off, it`s there for a reason.-------bob
think he means, don`t take the bottom angle of the valve job off, it`s there for a reason.-------bob

^^^^^ Exactly. There's actually a recommendation for the percentage difference between the valve diameter and the valve bowl throat area. Something like the bowl is not supposed to exceed say 75% of the valve diameter. I just used 75% as an example. I don't know if that's right, but there is a percentage that is recommended not to exceed. I just forget at the moment exactly what it is.