Emergency brake delete


440 Mike

Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2016
Reaction score
I'd like to eliminate the emergency brake on 69 type 11x2-1/2 manual adjust drums. Can I assemble without the e-brake shoe arm and rear drum struts?
The parking brake can be removed and set aside without negatively affecting the hydraulic function of the brakes.
Technically speaking, there was never an "Emergency" brake installed in these cars.
I wouldn't remove the parking brake reaction struts. Just leave the cables disconnected.
I wouldn't remove the parking brake reaction struts. Just leave the cables disconnected.

Only thing is it looks like one end of the strut lands on the arm connected to the shoe. I'm putting this together with spare parts and don't have the actuator arms.
Only thing is it looks like one end of the strut lands on the arm connected to the shoe. I'm putting this together with spare parts and don't have the actuator arms.
That's true. It does. IMO the reaction strut also adds some stability to the rear shoe assembly, that's why I recommend not running without it. But it's yours so do as you will.
That's true. It does. IMO the reaction strut also adds some stability to the rear shoe assembly, that's why I recommend not running without it. But it's yours so do as you will.

Thanks. I wondered about this because the front drum situation doesn't have reaction struts and the shoes mount basically the same as the rear.
Thanks. I wondered about this because the front drum situation doesn't have reaction struts and the shoes mount basically the same as the rear.
You might can leave it off with no ill effects. Hopefully you have an automatic transmission.
Most motor vehicle Acts require a "secondary mechanical" brake system for emergency.
They became " park" brakes when they couldn't fit the word "emergency" on that tiny pedal on the floor .
True "park" brakes usually have a brake system on the driveshaft .
What's the purpose of eliminating the parking brake? It's a huge safety feature.

I don't want to mess with the cables, ratcheting mechanism, etc. The need for one as a safety feature is arguable, as in locking the rear wheels while the fronts are free wheeling.
I don't want to mess with the cables, ratcheting mechanism, etc. The need for one as a safety feature is arguable, as in locking the rear wheels while the fronts are free wheeling.
Well, it's your car, there's no arguing that. Good luck with it.
It's not "arguably", - it's law, - and you can be ticketed/impounded/towed for not having a working one .
Good luck .
I don't want to mess with the cables, ratcheting mechanism, etc. The need for one as a safety feature is arguable, as in locking the rear wheels while the fronts are free wheeling.
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Clearly a missing brake would result in a safety fail in every single state in the union and every single province in the dominion, but leaving aside the legalities with these cars I like to take advantage of every safety option available, no matter how limited it may (arguably) be.

Also, it’s a pretty simple mechanism, if you think about it.
I'm not concerned about the legality, I've never once had LE inspect a parking brake.

I am concerned about the functionality of the hydraulic rear drum brake system with the parking brake components deleted.

When did this place become so effing hostile anyway?
I've done a lot of work on the 71 C10 Chevy truck for my best friend Terius. ALL of the parking brake parts except the pedal assembly itself was GONE. I mean ALL of it. He asked me if it was really necessary. He's a Gray, Georgia police officer. I told him yes that I was pretty sure there were laws regarding properly working equipment. He came back the next day and said I was right, that his Major showed him the Georgia statute. Also, his truck is a four speed, which makes the parking brake that much more important. Bout 150 bucks later, he has a good working parking brake.

....and I'm not trying to change your mind. It's your car. I sure would hate to see someone hurt though when a simple parking brake could have prevented it. You never know.
I'm not concerned about the legality, I've never once had LE inspect a parking brake.

I am concerned about the functionality of the hydraulic rear drum brake system with the parking brake components deleted.

When did this place become so effing hostile anyway?
I think it'll work fine without it. Just keep in mind all the points that have been made. ....and where was I hostile?
I think it'll work fine without it. Just keep in mind all the points that have been made. ....and where was I hostile?

Thanks Rusty. You and Kern Dog's input are greatly appreciated...........others not so much.
I'm not concerned about the legality, I've never once had LE inspect a parking brake.

I am concerned about the functionality of the hydraulic rear drum brake system with the parking brake components deleted.

When did this place become so effing hostile anyway?
I wasn't trying to be hostile, just didn't want you losing your ride, or your licence (depending on your demerit system), cuz of ignorance .
Again, - good luck .
It's not "arguably", - it's law, - and you can be ticketed/impounded/towed for not having a working one .
Good luck .
Oh, boo hoo.
There are hundreds of things that can get your car impounded and it rarely happens. You think a cop is going to stop a motorist and expect him to pull a wheel and brake drum to inspect the brake guts???

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Oh, boo hoo.
There are hundreds of things that can get your car impounded and it rarely happens. You think a cop is going to stop a motorist and expect him to pull a wheel and brake drum to inspect the brake guts???

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I've had a few customers come in thru the decades, wit a "VI" ticket for a full inspection, crying the blues cuz they had a lite out, or waaay much neg camber rear, - knew it, then the officer stepped on the brake, and pulled the emergency, it's all part of the check they do if you give them "attitude" .
As my mentor used to say , - shoot yourself .

Nice job on the pix tho . lol
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