energy drink reviews



I know I'm right....
Oct 13, 2004
Reaction score
Tustin, CA
Anyone like them besides me? Yes, I don't need to be told the bad stuff about them, just which ones you all like. I have had a few and ill rate them by taste: 1-10 scall 10 being best:
Red bull 10 best tasting and original, too bad its in smaller cans although they have king cans now $$$
Monster green 8 very good too, kinda fizzy
Monster blue 7 carb free veraion flatter than original but way less calories
Hansens black green 6 not the best but its .99 at the dollar store
NOS blue orange can 7 sort of a sweeter fizzy version of hansens but the can is much cooler!
El gallo 5 flat red punch with some jiitters at the end, .99c also
Venom purple 9 had it a long time ago and was quiite suprised, my 2nd after a red bull huge bottle
Rockstar black 8 very good, not quite RB but unique pomegranate soda taste
Rockstar white low carb 6 missing something....?
Arizona tonic 5 don't let the green cross fool you, no THC in tea with sediment but its .99 and always 34 degrees cold out of 7-11 fridge.

If you have never tried any oif these, trhere are about 3 flavors.) Is sort of like a syrupy grenadine, Rockstar is a thinned carbonated pomegranate soda, the monster green is like gatorade bubble gum flavored nd rthe rest lean towartd a citrus flavor. NOS has 260 mg caffein odf a recommended 400 daily limit so choill on your intake. Never tried 5 hour energy or Hit-man, I suppose they are the cappuccino of energy drinks, all business.
Monster, Imported and Original both are good, I hardly drink them..maybe 1 a year if that.
I like the Monster Lo-carb ones, yum!

Do the 5-hour energy ones in the little bottles count? I like them too.
The Ubermonster is awesome.
I have consumed a wheel barrow or two of that green monster.
I like it cause you can get fired up within 10 - 15 minutes of waking up.
Where usually I drag butt for an hour waiting for coffee to kick in and my brain to drop out of neutral and catch a gear.
I just basically hate coffee after drinking it for years so that is out.
Now I have a more cost effective process as of 2 days ago. The cans of Monster were becoming a notifiable expense at 4 dollars a day.
Plus all that consumption is probably not super good for my duodenum or bone marrow or something. What ever vital organs that radiation affects, green monster is sure to do the same..
That's why it is so good. Its got a little bit of radioactive waste in every can. Is that the kind of marketing kids are eating up now 'adays? Works for me sir!
grape amped for me or black cherry, after work...Im old and work hard. on friday maybe a 5 hour energy :blob:
I LOVE the green monsters. Hands down favorite. I dont buy them for energy mostly just because they taste so darn good lol
I freaking live on green monster my day starts a 4am with the gym the Pt at 0630. By 1 iam hurting live onthe green monster I hav the prple no sugar no carb one timedown range because thats all they had I felt my heart beat in my head it was insane.
I like the Monster Lo-carb ones, yum!

Do the 5-hour energy ones in the little bottles count? I like them too.

I like the grape extra strength 5 hour the best. What I sometimes do is pour a bottle or two of that stuff in a half gallon of ice tea and taste pretty good.
Red bull is my favorite but i do also like green moster on acasion just to change things up a bit.
My friend got a free case of cocaine energy. The can is red about the size of a red bull can. It has a spicy cinnamon flavor
Red Rain downpour cherry limeade (9) is awesome, light- taste great, kickstarts and is a buck COLD at Dollar tree. Gotta love the cheap! The new white Monster ultra zero no carb is good too, (8) citrus based. The light blue is one tick lower (7) Pitbull red and black taste like your chewing on foil (4).
I like the grape extra strength 5 hour the best. What I sometimes do is pour a bottle or two of that stuff in a half gallon of ice tea and taste pretty good.

A must try =D> I would have to Mart it Mike Only :cheers:
I love the green monsters. The ubermonster sounds good. I need to find them.
You guys crack me up with your energy drinks! I know you (pishta) specifically asked for no negativaty in regards to them, but in case someone here isn't well informed... be forwarned. An undiagnosed heart condition (in other words the person has no idea he has a heart condition) can lead to serious complications if one to three 16oz cans are consumed. Please be careful!

This is from the Mayo Clinic website, which is arguably one of the authorities on anything health related:

"Most energy drinks contain large amounts of caffeine, which can provide a temporary energy boost. Some energy drinks contain sugar and other substances. The boost is short-lived, however, and may be accompanied by other problems.
For example, energy drinks that contain sugar may contribute to weight gain — and too much caffeine can lead to:

  • Nervousness
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Increased blood pressure
Mixing energy drinks with alcohol may be even more problematic. Energy drinks can blunt the feeling of intoxication, which may lead to heavier drinking and alcohol-related injuries.
For most people, occasional energy drinks are fine, but try to limit yourself to about 16 ounces (500 milliliters) a day. If you're consistently fatigued or rundown, however, consider a better — and healthier — way to boost your energy. Get adequate sleep, include physical activity in your daily routine, and eat a healthy diet. If these strategies don't seem to help, consult your doctor. Sometimes fatigue is a sign of an underlying medical condition, such as hypothyroidism or anemia.
There are a few groups for which energy drinks are typically not recommended. If you have an underlying condition such as heart disease or high blood pressure, ask your doctor if energy drinks may cause complications. Pregnant women and women who are breast-feeding may want to especially limit consumption of these beverages.
With the growing popularity of energy drinks, many parents have become concerned about how much caffeine their kids are getting. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that adolescents get no more than 100 milligrams of caffeine a day. Younger children shouldn't drink caffeinated beverages on a regular basis."

Moderation my friend!:blob: especially if you are pregnant, a child, overweight, have a heart condition, high blood pressure, or if you are breast feeding!

Dont take my words the wrong way... just sayin... YMMV... Some of us are old enough to have regrets about what we put into our bodies when we were young and invincible...
I still hold the record at our vons store for 4 rockstars in 15 seconds... and they were almost frozen! talk about a brain freeze!

now i like the Blue monsters, the green is to syrupy. NOS's are yuk