Engine mounting issues - help


Lil Demon

Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2011
Reaction score
Laredo, Texas
I installed my 340 into my 71 Demon the other day using the factory K-member, '70 e-body 318 engine brackets and new replacement motor mounts. When facing the engine bay from the front of the car the engine is very crooked. At first I noticed the mount on the driver's side seemed to sit wrong on the bracket and I figured the dimple to line up the mount on the bracket was poorly placed so I took a grinder to it and shaved half of it off and the mount squared up better on the bracket. I sat the engine down again and well there's a minimal improvement but still not right. I compared the mounts to two other new ones and they are all made the same. I must have another problem. Anyone run into a similar situation? I'm posting pics hopefully somebody picks up on what I got wrong. Thanks.



Not sure the 318 brackets are the same as the 340 ones? But I just did this on my Duster 340 on Sunday. Is the motor hooked up to the transmission? My tranny is out of the car and without anything holding the motor in place she floated around quite a bit. Didn't have a hoist so we had to fiddle with the floor jack and wiggle the 340 a bit before she fell into place. I supported the back of the motor with blocks of wood between to motor and fire wall to keep the tail end from sagging.

Yes transmission is out but there is no wiggle room. As a matter of fact I have to force the mounts to sit in the k member. I was going to bolt up the transmission when I realized just how crooked it was and it wouldn't budge.
Yes transmission is out but there is no wiggle room. As a matter of fact I have to force the mounts to sit in the k member. I was going to bolt up the transmission when I realized just how crooked it was and it wouldn't budge.

Ya, like Scampmike and I mentioned, I think your gonna need 340 brackets to get her dropped in right.

Thanks for the replies. I figured on the washers fix but a little bit of internet research told me that it was a common issue and tried and true approach to using those brackets. Guess not! Oh well let me order some brackets. Do I need both or just driver's side??
That I'm not sure of. But surely one of the more knowledgeable FABO folks will chime in with the facts for you.

Be well,
I also wonder about the E body stuff... the correct stuff HAS to be out there. You can shortcut a lot of things, engine mounting isn't one of them (IMO) - and even if you can, I wouldn't.
Thanks for the replies. I figured on the washers fix but a little bit of internet research told me that it was a common issue and tried and true approach to using those brackets. Guess not! Oh well let me order some brackets. Do I need both or just driver's side??
well - I too did some searching and it seems it can be done... I just wonder why when the parts are available to do it right. You've obviously spent some $$ on that beast - no need for shortcuts now.
318 mounts are fine with the washers. Most people go this route. Because 340 mounts are no longer made. All Pass sides are the same only Driver side is different.
You have the wrong mounts. You need 《A》body brackets. Just redrill the bottom hole that mounts to the rubber.
you can play with washers and re drill and that all works great in a pinch. but why cut corners now? get the schumacher engine mounts. they are a little pricey but the right part for the application.

'67-72 A-Body Products
could put a parts wanted add here also someone might have a set to sell
You have the wrong mounts. You need 《A》body brackets.

This is the correct answer.

Those are the wrong mounts and the holes for the biscuits are oriented on the wrong side, moving the engine to far forward. There have been post on here and other places showing the difference in the mount brackets. You may be able to see the diff on shumachers site.

300 for a pair on mount brackets... CROOKS!!!!
i just called shumacher and they told me that the A67LA mounts are indeed back in stock and they will be updating the web site today