Face book

never going back have fun cliff this place is all i can keep up with ... alll fb ever did was like peeps i never wanted to see agin find me so ya i never use it any more

Just so you know, you can block people from friend requesting you now.
I have FB and use it more of a news feed. I friended Jalopkik, HotRodmagazine Mens Health ect.. I get alot of excerpts, news feeds from CNN, updated on projects and so forth. Keeps me busy inbetween watching local and familly drama unfold.
I've found some wonderfull friends on facebook. Yes the same friends I have here,just no drama!
You know i have face book and i never use it and its more useless stuff posted i don't need to know or care about ..FABO is my face book. enough said:finga:
Don't ask me! I have to use my blackberry app. If I may note, ITS JUNK! (Blackberry that is)

Oh yeah! Try reading an old fashioned user group on the crack...Like BOG. Its giggle stupid how bad that crackberry does bulletin board posts. Every post includes the previous, and before you know it, there is 19 prior posts before you can read the new one, and guys who have privacy notices in their business email account signatures never trim that stuff on the bottom, its 3 pages long itself ! I was hot and heavy for the first 2 weeks hooking up with all my old old friends and mates, but then it got a little stale, turns out I didnt miss 90% of those people anyway...