Fast 'N Loud lied about 2 Firebird prototypes

An FCC commission Chairman Newton Minnow in a speech in 1961 called TV "America's vast wasteland" He was right then and really really right now.
Yea really its just a bunch of clownin and hacking on cars....the networks figured out we like cars shows so now you have the gamut from hard core educational to barely legit Monkey-business. Pick your poison and don't read into it to much. It's entertainment which equals fantasy.

Top Gear
Wheeler Dealers
Counting Cars
Car Hoarders

These are all entertaining enough to put a smile on your face if you don't read in to it to much.

Try drinking heavily before you watch.:burnout:
One of the things to consider about the so-called "reality" build shows is that the guys aren't making money off wrenchin' so they seek out the networks to make money.

Take a look at the some of the more famous, er, builders. New shops are being built with money from t-shirts and ball caps, not from money earned from the actual builds. Most of the stuff the "famous" builders are turning out is crap because they want to pose for the camera and sell a name, not a quality product.

Now, look at the names you're reading about turning out award winning products. Hardly a one of them on TV.
I watched "Fast N Loud" while setting/sleeping on a reclining chair from my open heart surgery last year and let me just say, I liked the other one a bit better as this one sounded like a kid with a hand full of dollars not knowing what to spend it on, and ohh yeah from the Las Vegas area.... that says a lot... AND to sell the cars for prices that not many could even sniff at, and then to broad cast it over TV to make the cars that much more hyped up. yeah, not for me......

Nice rides but not worth a freakin' "US Mint" ransom!
They are all just entertainment to me. Sometimes I get an idea or 2 from them but don't take them very serious.Beats watching re-runs of Cops for the hundredth time.
I live in the Dallas area. I tried to send them a cool mopar project three years ago. They had no interest. I tried to buy another car from them about 12 months ago. They would not do any work on it beyond their flip. Piss on 'em!
They are all just entertainment to me. Sometimes I get an idea or 2 from them but don't take them very serious.Beats watching re-runs of Cops for the hundredth time.

Agreed, watching thugs with pants around their ankles trying to get away gets a bit much...
I live in the Dallas area. I tried to send them a cool mopar project three years ago. They had no interest. I tried to buy another car from them about 12 months ago. They would not do any work on it beyond their flip. Piss on 'em!

That's because they are not in it for the hobby. All of these car based reality shows are in it for the money. Period. Up to and including that Foose guy and all the other big names. If you don't think they get big money for what they do, you gotta nuther thing comin. Every single reality show is a farce anyway, because they all have writers listed in the credits. The writers make it all up. Every single bit of it. Anybody thinks any differently is swallowin what they want you to swallow hook line and sinker. It is entertainment, not a damned thing more. Poor entertainment at that.
I like the show, its entertaining (meant to be) and the best one as far as I'm concerned. Tell me you wouldn't want to snort some tequila with Rawlings. Heck the guy won the Gumball 3000, the Bullrun as well as the Cannonball. Aaron is a car guy all the way.
personally I enjoy watching these shows. over priced cars yes. fun to watch yes. I don't know about you but that falcon looks awesome off of fast and loud

14,000 for driving school for two people is that right?
Tell me you wouldn't want to snort some tequila with Rawlings.
OK, I wouldn't "want to snort some tequila with Rawlings".

...and besides being a wise-crack, it's also the truth. :dontknow:

I have absolutely no desire to meet any of these guys. Honestly.
OK, I wouldn't "want to snort some tequila with Rawlings".

...and besides being a wise-crack, it's also the truth. :dontknow:

I have absolutely no desire to meet any of these guys. Honestly.

For once, and boy is this rare, I agree with Frankie.

I don't have cable, but once in awhile I DO find myself at friend's houses, and I REALLY dislike watching this stupid stuff, especially when "they" just have to start chopping pretty decent cars up just to install "big bux" crap like "bags"
First of all ANYONE here would take either car the 001 or 002 period don't kid yourself,So what if they sold for $30,000 a couple years ago???? Not sticking up for them,I watch the show just cause some of the cars are interesting,I wouldn't care to ever do business with Richard he needs a good slap in the head to bring him down to earth and this IS t.v. and they need ratings or they are done.Both cars were beautiful when they were done BUT like pic's in for sale ad's looks can be deceiving,Unless you are there live and in person to see the product.
Graveyard carz had me for a week or 2. then I realized they work on a classic for 5 minutes and spend 55 minutes talking about their dysfunctional clan.
All about good times, tell me you guys wouldn't want to live some of what these guys do. TV is one thing and a TV show has to be scripted to be workable. Besides the these guys are living a car guys dream. (Bullrun rally in 2005 Aaron with no beard).


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