Fatal street race claims 3 innocent lives

It would be nice if braindead idiots like the street racers could eject themselves from the gene pool without taking anyone else along.
That's just down right awful innocent lives were lost from two idiots trying to prove something
The way these guys use the roads as a race track around here, its really a miracle you dont see more of these. EVERY day we get "Racers" trying to kill us!
Modern day brainless punks, has nothing to do with street racing as we once knew it.
Modern day brainless punks, has nothing to do with street racing as we once knew it.

Agreed, a street race was talk some crap about who was faster then find a good straight with no traffic and find out.
And that is why shows like street outlaws shouldn't be on TV. I have 6 kids....I worry enough with them behind the wheel as it is. Stuff like this makes me cringe.
First condolences go out to the victims and there families.

I know just about every one of us here has done some dumb stuff behind the wheel of a car in our youth. We have all done stupid brain dead things and most of us got away with it. At some point the law of averages catches up and someone pays the price.

Shows like Street outlaws glorifies Street racing with out showing all the prep and lies they tell when they shut down a section of road.

I used to Street race every Saturday night back in the early 90s. Some great memories and we were dam lucky no one was hurt.
I'm a small town hick and I was in Ann Arbor Mi a couple of weeks ago and couldn't believe the way some people were driving and yes racing on 94 I wondered how bad this may be in the summer time and that they were within inches of causing a disaster power of any sort in the wrong hands have terrible outcomes to bad the cars got a bad wrap because of a couple of idiots hell my 5.3 GMC pickup will go that fast as most vehicles will this truly had a terrible outcome can't cure stupidly
Sad story. Condences to the innocents impacted by the actions of the brain dead. .. i did lots of 'dumb ****' in my youth, but nothing as reckless as what morons do today. Please make sure your kids understand what they're doing. It might keep them from becoming a 35 year old dumbass in prison..
And that is why shows like street outlaws shouldn't be on TV. I have 6 kids....I worry enough with them behind the wheel as it is. Stuff like this makes me cringe.

I agree, street outlaws puts a bad face on street performance. good entertainment for those of us who know better, that's it. the producers and racers should be locked up.
if the racers had brains they wouldn't be on TV, now they are on the cop radar. stay tuned.
teach your children well, make sure they use their brain and tell them there is a time and place for everything.
First condolences go out to the victims and there families.

I know just about every one of us here has done some dumb stuff behind the wheel of a car in our youth. We have all done stupid brain dead things and most of us got away with it. At some point the law of averages catches up and someone pays the price.

Shows like Street outlaws glorifies Street racing with out showing all the prep and lies they tell when they shut down a section of road.

I used to Street race every Saturday night back in the early 90s. Some great memories and we were dam lucky no one was hurt.

Yes, you are right. Where the difference is, I will be 51 next week on the 8th. Back when we were kids, there was nothing on the outskirts of town. Nothing. No traffic. No mall. No nothing. Now, you cannot move without gettin in somebody's way.

Doesn't make what we did anymore right. It does make what these kids are doing now way more stupid.
First condolences go out to the victims and there families.

I know just about every one of us here has done some dumb stuff behind the wheel of a car in our youth. We have all done stupid brain dead things and most of us got away with it. At some point the law of averages catches up and someone pays the price.

Shows like Street outlaws glorifies Street racing with out showing all the prep and lies they tell when they shut down a section of road.

I used to Street race every Saturday night back in the early 90s. Some great memories and we were dam lucky no one was hurt.

They used to street race here back in the 80's. Then one day there was a crash and some people got hurt and the cops cracked down on street racing big time.

Back then, there wasn't a drag racing track for at least an hour, more like an hour and a half from here. Now we have the Route 66 track 30 minutes away, it's smarter to just pay the entry fee and race in a designated area where it is much safer - and you don't get any tickets...

We did see some good street racing back in the day... They would bring cars out on trailers between midnight and 2 AM with open headers and slicks , unload them, warm them up, run them, then load them up and GTFO before the cops showed up... A crowd on both sides of the street watching... :burnout:

One thing you learn if you're smart: Never, never, never stand in front of the starting line. Always stand behind it, in case one of the cars looses control, it can't hit you if you are behind it, but it can if you are in front of it...

Most of the accidents happen right off the line or at the end of the track... Always stay behind the cars at the starting line, not in front... Even if you can't see that good from there...
i agree that street racing especially on a freeway is dumb and dangerous. Racing on street a little less dumb and dangerous

Here in the bay area, there is no place to drag race. Everywhere was shut down for housing. (and the unused remote landing strip on a old military base was voted down - not sure why)
Not justifying - but when this started happening in the 50s - police and other groups pushed for controlled areas to race. Give people an outlet. And this is true of the honda crowd and the new muscle car crowd.
PS honda crowd is worse - they feel they have handing to cut through traffic
I don't know whats worse. That these guys were racing on an obviously busy roadway. Or that they couldn't control their cars at 85-90 mph. Even a 13 second car traps around 100 mph. They weren't just stupid, they couldn't even drive their damn cars!

I will be the first to admit. I've hammered the pedal off the light. Smoked em through the crosswalk. And given more than one chevy (including an ZL1) a run for their money off the light. As I'm sure a lot of us have. But after a good old fashion show of mopar muscle. I back it down. I've never done double the speed limit. Weaving through traffic. Like a lot of the tuner guys here do. I have a habit of doing 10 (kmh) over most everywhere. But that's the old leadfoot.
On Thursday, my Wife will be going to the funeral for the 18yr old boy who lost his life in the accident.
She has known the boys Dad for over 30 years. The young adults were coming home from a day at Disneyland, enjoying their last day on this earth.

The 2 drivers should be charged with murder.
Nice work assholes.
PLEEZZEE................That crap aint street racing that`s racing on the street. Sorry to see that innocent lives were takin by idiots and I`ve been street racing off an on forever w/zero incidents.............As soon as my gears are in I`ll be at it again...........

^Settle down Paul Walker, just make sure you have better tires than BFG T/A... :roll:
midnight on the 5, nothing good ever comes out after midnight on that freeway. I have been driving it for 30 years. 85-90 on that road after midnight is about 10 mph faster than normal traffic, but swerving out of your lane when someone is about to overtake you is a mistake that I see all too often. And furthermore, that freeway paving sucks balls. There is more grooved concrete, tarred crack seals and patch work asphalt as well as concrete slab seams and potholes that you dont want to go faster than 65 on it, itll shake your suspension to pieces. Absolute joke of a highway, yet it has the highest volume of any road in America, "too important" to close and repave properly.
So sad, some dumb Brass Holes had to prove how brain dead they are. So sorry for those who lost there lives here and the families. They should be charged with murder one. As some have said we all did stupid stuff in cars as teens. At least in the town I grew up in the city police would shut down the same section of road every Friday night and supervised the event. Car inspection, tires, brakes and such.
This used to build drag strips for this problem. But they closed them all down. What did they think would happen. Two idiots and a lot of politicans caused this problem. Too bad the idiots will be faulted and the politicians will sling away, again.
^Settle down Paul Walker, just make sure you have better tires than BFG T/A... :roll:

I've done it,in the Y2K era.. The older racers(40-50 up) guided me,never a problem ,until uneducated people started hitting cars,(& bringing weed & booze).. I won't line up anymore,too much to lose...
This used to build drag strips for this problem. But they closed them all down. What did they think would happen. Two idiots and a lot of politicans caused this problem. Too bad the idiots will be faulted and the politicians will sling away, again.

It's all about property value,& political.. That's why Street racing explodes, for the normal.