Fema sucks !!!!!!!!!!! Revised



Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2004
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Lakeview, OR
Dam this is freakin frustrating !!!!!!

Aparently being forced out of your home for an undetermined number of weeks, and wife and I living 60 miles apart with coworkers and family, because of a manditory evacuation based on no water, sewer, electric or gas, Is NOT enough of a hardship that any ageny will give you and freaking help so you can at least live with your wife while your waiting for your town to rebuild its infrastructure.

FEMA was a total frickin joke. When we were being kicked out of Lyons, all the sheriff told us was, call FEMA, CALL FEMA,, everyone register with FEMA.
Heres a heads up,,, FEMA will not do ANYTHING for you if your home was not damaged by the flood.
You can be evacuated because theres no utilities to support people living in the town, but without physical damage to your house,, you have no need for a place to stay.

Farmers Insurance was even quicker to deny our claim for living expenses, for an apartment, or hotel/motel. Because we didnt have flood insurance !
Well, we are not in the flood plain, and we Did Not file a flood damage claim, we filed ALE (additional living expenses) due to being evacuated, due the unsanitary conditions, and lack of utilities in the town.
Farmers still insists that we are out of our home because of the flood, and we dont have flood insurance !
Its like talking to a freaking 6 year old when you call them.
Guess being a Farmers customer for 35 year dont mean jack !

Sorry, just had to get this off my chest !
Phase 2 of the nightmare....

Hope things get better for you.
Hey man look we have been through this with the hurricanes yea they are a joke and I am glad other people are seeing it just save all your receipts from everything you buy or do because you will need them in the future because someone will pay for this. State or federal.
i lived in Bay St. Louis, MS when katrina came through with her 30' storm surge, i was right on the water. if i had to count on fema helping me i would have been sleeping in my truck for 3 months :cussing:
Dude... I'm on the map here In Illinois, got quoted one price for flood before closing got hit with an insane amount after I closed. Fine print read subject to underwriting. Those mf'ers jacked me from 625 per year to 3200. Are you freakin kiddin me? No legal recourse either. I'm stuck w a property no one in their right mind would buy. Not for what we're paying. So we get two back to back hundred year floods . They come out the first year, nit pick the **** outta my claim and write me a pittance check. Second year they say something to the affect of didn't your rstes go up from the last claim? Are you "sure "you wanna file a claim. God Damn f'in thieves. I feel for you cuz I know they're miserable mf'ers to deal with.
The other fella is right document all your expenses. Some liberal will print money to pay for this if one I f their friendd was effected by all this, that'll be your chance to make a claim against your losses. Good luck.
Btw keep in touch with your county govt. They're the ones who'll see the fed money. Its in their best interest to have as many claim as possible, then they get more for infrastructure repairs.
Yep, FEMA is a long standing joke to everyone involved in a natural disaster. I worked in Pensacola, FL after hurricane Ivan, and all over Louisiana after Katrina and Rita. I saw FEMA Personel, insurance adjusters and the Army Corp of Engineers wandering around with their thumb two knuckles deep in the behinds. Anyone involved in FEMA and with insurance agencies who doesn't have a clue as to what people go through in these disasters should get the HELL out of the way and let private claims operators take over. Unfortunately that is your tax dollars at work.
What a **** deal, when you actually need help they are not there for you... I bet they did not have any trouble taking your tax dollars before this though and applying it to what ever they felt suited to do so.I hope things work out for you soon and you are able to get your life back together.
Hope it all works out for you.. On a good note you still have a home and what FEMA would have giving you for a total loss you might be able to buy a camper if it was used..Keep your chin up.. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers...Bill
Ok, got some more info tonight.
Went to a Lyons town meeting (held in longmont, since u cant get into lyons).

The preceded to tell us "everyone who hasn't registered with FEMA should do so" blah blah blah. Cause they will help you with rental assistance, even if your home wasn't damaged but your evacuated.
I spoke up and said, thats not what they told me this morning.

So, there were actual FEMA personell at the meeting, hooked up on-line so they could check our claims, or register people. I sat down and told the guy my story about what they told me over the phone this morning. He the said, "if someone at fema is telling you that you cant get assistance unless your house is damaged, they are mis-informed".

He also said if I call them back and someone tells me that, than I should hang up and call back till I get a different person !

So, their biggest problem seems to be training of their staff. Cause who you get to talk to when you call, determines whether or not your going to get assistance.

The guy at the meeting made a change to my claim, requesting that an adjuster call me to confirm that my house is undamaged, but uninhabitable because of the lack of utilities.
At that point they should give us money towards 1 month rental assistance. If it goes past one month, then you call for an extension and they give you assistance for another month.
The guy also told me that when the adjuster calls, explain to them that the people currently housing us said it would be ok for a few days, but that we need assistance for a place to stay till this is over.

The town officials danced around the question "when will we be back in our homes", partly cause they dont really know, and I think partly they dont want us to know how long its really going to be. Starting to think that this may take months rather than weeks.
when a hurricane ripped the roof off my home fema came thru and paid for a new one....the contractor they hired did a crappy job....I did it myself last time on my dime and its good now, they did try to help me...Jes Sayin
Prayin ya git home soon and safe, don't oil the wheels of justice,karma or fema
Ok, got some more info tonight.
Went to a Lyons town meeting (held in longmont, since u cant get into lyons).

The preceded to tell us "everyone who hasn't registered with FEMA should do so" blah blah blah. Cause they will help you with rental assistance, even if your home wasn't damaged but your evacuated.
I spoke up and said, thats not what they told me this morning.

So, there were actual FEMA personell at the meeting, hooked up on-line so they could check our claims, or register people. I sat down and told the guy my story about what they told me over the phone this morning. He the said, "if someone at fema is telling you that you cant get assistance unless your house is damaged, they are mis-informed".

He also said if I call them back and someone tells me that, than I should hang up and call back till I get a different person !

So, their biggest problem seems to be training of their staff. Cause who you get to talk to when you call, determines whether or not your going to get assistance.

The guy at the meeting made a change to my claim, requesting that an adjuster call me to confirm that my house is undamaged, but uninhabitable because of the lack of utilities.
At that point they should give us money towards 1 month rental assistance. If it goes past one month, then you call for an extension and they give you assistance for another month.
The guy also told me that when the adjuster calls, explain to them that the people currently housing us said it would be ok for a few days, but that we need assistance for a place to stay till this is over.

The town officials danced around the question "when will we be back in our homes", partly cause they dont really know, and I think partly they dont want us to know how long its really going to be. Starting to think that this may take months rather than weeks.

I am amazed that a Federal employee might not know his/her job and what to do. You must have called close to quitting time!!! Glad you spoke up. Maybe they will get their act together now.
Farmers....now there is a bunch of clowns. My homeowners policy went up 4 fold.....because I called and asked if something would be covered, which is was not, twice. Was told that by me calling and asking my agent that constituted a claim....even though there was no claim number nor paperwork that they could provide me when I questioned them. Hope things get better for you, can only imagine how miserable things are...
Got a notebook? Just a small pocket sized one? You need to be sure and keep track of every call you make and who you speak with, whether it is the ins. co., FEMA, local officials or whoever.
It will come in very handy as you submit your claims, and if you get any more mis-information you will know who it was and who needs a "refresher" course in their job.
Farmers....now there is a bunch of clowns. My homeowners policy went up 4 fold.....because I called and asked if something would be covered, which is was not, twice. Was told that by me calling and asking my agent that constituted a claim....even though there was no claim number nor paperwork that they could provide me when I questioned them. Hope things get better for you, can only imagine how miserable things are...

...Curious, what type of inquiry would you have made so as to cause your premium to go up like that?
...Curious, what type of inquiry would you have made so as to cause your premium to go up like that?

Patio cover roof leaked....the second was our one of our dogs, an Australian Cattle Dog, bit our other dog, a Black & Tan Coonhound. We had blood everywhere. We got home form work and found the mess. Prior to this I had no claims against my policy. I ended up cancelling the policy and let my mortgage company insure it for a few days until I got insurance from State Farm. Farmers claimed that there was a software glitch that caused it. In the end it was for the best, I ended up with better coverage on the house, a financed vehicle with full coverage and liability on another vehicle and bike for close to 20% less....
my house is undamaged, but uninhabitable because of the lack of utilities.

thats just stupid. its certainly no worse than camping.

The only real issue is that the sewage plant isnt working? As far as "living" in the house goes, you only absolutelyneed a bucket to flush the poop down the stool.
I'm another survivor from Hurricane Katrina's assault on south Louisiana and know full well how you're feeling right now MileHigh. You have a shoulder and a willing ear here if you need to vent doll.

Farmers is at least still in business. We had AIG ... who filed bankruptcy ... and even 8 years after the storm still don't really have any furniture to speak of. Their "reimbursement" policy when you go to replace the damaged items is as big of a joke as FEMA. Please keep in mind there is a very limited window to turn in your receipts so keeping stuff organized and handy is a good idea.

I wish you the best of luck my friend!! I wish I had more profound words of wisdom to help you through this.
thats just stupid. its certainly no worse than camping.

The only real issue is that the sewage plant isnt working? As far as "living" in the house goes, you only absolutelyneed a bucket to flush the poop down the stool.

Its not just the sewage plant, the entire sewer system on one side of town has be compromised, the sewer pipes were litterally unearthed by the flood, anything that gets flushed goes straight into the river.
The river water, and the fresh water system in town is now confirmed to be contaminated with e-coli.
There is no electric, no running water, no flush order, and no natural gas.
Do you really want to "camp out" in your home in those conditions for the next 2 to 3 months ? Also you cannot come and go as you please, the whole town is evacuated, and is on lockdown by the national gaurd. The only people getting in and out are search and rescue, the national guard, excel energy, or any other entity thats there to rebuild the roads, water system etc.
The only road that still exists that will get you into Lyons, is down to One Lane.
If you are trying to camp out at home you will not be able to come and go as you please, meaning when you run out of bottled water, or propane to cook, where you gonna get it?
Also maybe things are starting to click with FEMA,
After talking with an actual fema person last night, I got a call at 9:30pm tonight from a fema adjuster who i will be meeting with in the morning. He says it will take about 10 minutes, and my claim for housing assistance will be under way.

I talked to another displaced resident last night, and after he met with the adjuster, he had $1500 in his bank account the next day.

So, we'll see
Seen on a web site they are saying 6 months before you will be allowed back into Lyons...Best of Luck to you and your wife.
Also maybe things are starting to click with FEMA,
After talking with an actual fema person last night, I got a call at 9:30pm tonight from a fema adjuster who i will be meeting with in the morning. He says it will take about 10 minutes, and my claim for housing assistance will be under way.

I talked to another displaced resident last night, and after he met with the adjuster, he had $1500 in his bank account the next day.

So, we'll see

I hope things go great for you and FEMA!!! No way I would want to live in my house with no nothing and sewer mess all around town! It will sure be drawing a lot of bugs and such!!!