Finally getting headlights for the bracket car



Well-Known Member
May 15, 2013
Reaction score
Corsicana, Tx
We've all been at those tracks with poor lighting and spectators wandering around in the pits, oblivious to what they are stepping in front of. Since I don't run an alternator I've always gone without headlights, but I am trying some from a company called Headlight Experts. They claim that their L.E.D. headlights consume just 1.5 amps each for dim, 3.0 amps each for bright. For that kind of current I should be able to run it right through a 20A switch with no need for a relay. I ordered them yesterday, then went right out to the shop and pre wired everything. I will report their performance when I can get back to the track.

You will need them at Little River in Temple this year.
Last time I was there I was going through the pits toward the staging lanes and there was some guy dressed in all black pushing a black stroller right down the middle of the road that I didn't see until I was right up on him. I hit the brakes just in time. Also there is a portion of the return road that has no lights and people park their race cars 4 feet onto this narrow road. People say they need to put$$ into fixing their bathrooms but I say lighting and get the P.A. fixed and I'll go pee in the bushes! Pine Valley's lighting on the return road is bad, especially since it's humid there a lot and your windshield may be fogged over. There have been times where I've had to hold the door open and stick my head out to keep from running off the return road! Ardmore can be a little sketchy at night too.
Love your Duster. Is that a Gen 3?
They came in today. No Instructions. Easy enough to figure out I guess. I'm going to try just the low beams and see if that gives me what I need in the pits and return roads.
The wiring harness was pulled from the car when I bought it as a roller, so I'll need to head down to O'Reilly's and grab a couple of pigtails.


