Finally got paint

First off I hope your project turn out nice, as far as the people doing the work they look to be about as unprofessional as I've ever seen. The paint booth and everything and everyone in it need to be treated like a surgical sweet as far as cleanliness and dust and dirt control, these clowns are painting in their street cloths with thier hairy body's and thier lint etc. covered clothing distributing crap into the paint. Color sanding and polishing after its done can erase a lot of sloppy workmanship but try and remove a hair or some other highly visible piece of junk that fell in on the first coat of clear without burning thru to the color coat, good luck. They couldn't even put some wheel covers over the dusty wheels and tires, these are not pros these are barely amateurs. When you see test patterns on the walls of the paint booth it's a bad sign. None of this is your fault of corse and unless you've seen real pros at work you would have no way to know and many car guys are paying good money and waiting a long time for the work and deserve better. That said I hope they got lucky because I love those old Fish!
Your ride looks awesome! I can't wait to see the finished pictures. It seems the guys did a great job. Can't wait till mine is ready for paint.
Sorry, but I think Swinger 340 should get a life. But some people just like to point out all of the bad parts of life. Have a great day and enjoy your ride.
There's more than one way to skin a cat. I know a guy who painted his 1969 Z28 outside! He had a lot of buffing and sanding to do but it turned out pretty good!
I know what your talking about with all the negative with swinger 340. By the way he talks is as if he was there and seen the the finished with his own eyes.Only if he knew what I went through to get to this stage.The video or pictures do not give the Justice. I think they did a wonderful job and know the rest of the car can be put together. Mark
Your ride looks awesome! I can't wait to see the finished pictures. It seems the guys did a great job. Can't wait till mine is ready for paint.
Sorry, but I think Swinger 340 should get a life. But some people just like to point out all of the bad parts of life. Have a great day and enjoy your ride.
It's always nice to see the paint go on a car, I know you're excited. Please let us see more pics as you get it together.
i think your car looks like it will turn out very nice!! as long as you are happy with it thats all that matters!! hell my dart was painted on a dirt floor and im very pleased with it!! did i pay thousands of dollars to have it done well NO! but i have seen the multi thousand dollar jobs sitting next to mine and lets just say im not embarrased to have it setting next to them!! if a painter knows what he is doing it will look good regardless it may take a little extra rubbing to get the end result as nice! but again if you are happy that is all that matters!! cant wait to see some pics outside!! i love the sunfire yellow!!!
Cool man!

The guy who posted about needing to be surgically clean does have a point. However, it does not mean your paint job will be crap. My father ran a body shop out of our garage when I was growing up and did more paint jobs than I can count. Never wore a paint suit, never had a booth. many times painted outside in the mornings before the bugs and wind. Never had an upset customer. But then he wasn't painting show vehicles either. On the flip side, all those years of never wearing a paint suit, many times not wearing a proper mask ended his painting career early. Those guys in the booth might someday wish they had wore a paint suit.

When I toured the Harley factory in KS, they go so far as to restrict their painters from eating certain foods! Now that's quality control
Let me just say this.The booth that the car was painted in is a down draft booth. It may not look like it but it was vary clean.The guys that redid the body work and did what whey promised actually painting the car instead of taking money and not doing any or screwing up worse.I am vary proud of what they did.The guys do bodywork and paint a lot of cars and race cars in my area.They are great body and paint guys.Also I can see dirt and anything else in paint and trust it was a vary clean job.I wouldn't care if they were naked painting the car it's done and I am vary happy. Thanks for your comments and I will post more pictures as it go's together. Mark
I think it looks great, and I know it must feel great to reach this milestone. I for one, appreciate all that must have gone into this. I will probably end up painting my own project, for what its worth; I did it before, and I enjoy the fact that I can do a lot of the work myself. In my visits to Mexico, and I have seen some very good paintwork that wasn't even done indoors; they did it in an alley or in the driveway on a still day. Many of the guys doing this type of hobby south of the border are achieving good results on tiny, tiny budgets out of necessity, and they are keeping so many good old cars on the road; So by this guy's logic, most of us are wasting our time?? If your goal is perfection, you probably shouldn't be working on 45 year old cars anyway. I am gonna go grab a can of Krylon and spray it on the wall of the garage right now..........:tongue3:
Looks Great! I painted mine in a T shirt and jeans and is black,used the air hose on lower pressure and blew my self off outside(comments to follow) only had one small dog hair.
No booth just a watered down floor and a fan running 2 hours before spraying.
Be Happy! it looks great! If it don't have a flaw then they are not human.

Dartcuda1, I can say i know how you feel. My Dart was just painted this past week. Haven't been to see it yet though. But I was happy as a clam when he texted the pictures.
The video is what it did it turn out is what is important....
Congrats man.. Nothing like seeing that fresh paint. I'm sure you will be very happy with the end result...

Stories like this, why I did my own body work... It's not hard, I feel like a Home Depot day laborer most days. Not worth the big bucks people pay for this, unless your trying to save time, or are restricted by health problems. Especially these days with the internet and all the information that's available on the subject. What do I know though...
Wait until you see yours in person. Pictures do it no justice.I am getting excited now that I can take it and finish it.
Dartcuda1, I can say i know how you feel. My Dart was just painted this past week. Haven't been to see it yet though. But I was happy as a clam when he texted the pictures.
My neighbor paints cars in his garage with visqueen wrapped around the garage door rails. Ignore the crap and never judge a project until it is finished. I can't wait to get paint on mine!!!
Added some pictures


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