For you guys up in Canada !

I just saw it has no sound. Dammit. Guess I'll delete it. Sorry.
Ok that was good. I have a similar one from the days of covid lockdowns, I've tried to post, but I will try again.
I will have to try it on my laptop later, can't get it to work on my phone.
In Minnesota it would probably go like this.
Cop: Sir ya know you were go'n 20 over da speed limit?
Guy: Uffda I didn't know I was go'n dat fast.
Cop: where ya go'n in such a hurry?
Guy: Try'n to get home the wife she's make'n Tater tot hotdish.
Cop: Oh dats my favorite! I like the tuna one wit da crushed potato chips sprinkled on top too.
Guy: Hey why don't ya join us. The wife she always makes enough for an army.
Cop: Sounds good! Bout time for my break any ways. What's the address and follow me I'll put on the lights and siren.
Ok that was good. I have a similar one from the days of covid lockdowns, I've tried to post, but I will try again.
I will have to try it on my laptop later, can't get it to work on my phone.
I can't get it to work, if someone else can the clip is called CoupleOfPovincesVisitQuebec on TikTok, Kopke613 is the user.