Forum suggestion... The Next Generation....



Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2014
Reaction score
South, TX
Ok, hear me out...

I can't recall how many times we have seen a post about how the next generation of MoPar nut cases are awesome and we all support it etc. I get really excited when I see those threads and see how involved the kids are with the builds. I think everyone will agree.

We, who are on this site all the time, will see these threads start and maybe end, but they are here and there, peppered throughout. This is great...

So i was thinking this morning, why not have a forum where those threads could be linked in by the people who create them in the first place as a way of the next generation to find them and see how cool it is. It could also serve as a place for experienced folks to offer real advice on all things MoPar. Buying, selling, fixing, modifying etc. Just keep it clean.

There would of course need to need some rules to follow, but I for one think it would be great for a parent/guardian and next gen kid to easily find and peruse threads that might serve as a source for ongoing motivation and/or ideas. Threads in which they see similar situations etc.

Now, there are things to deal with because of the kid aspect, but that might be mitigated by having to get approval to start threads and/or see them.

I dunno, just a thought.
Read the thread by Prorac1 about the Valiant that was built by 3 generations, it's a really interesting read.
Read the thread by Prorac1 about the Valiant that was built by 3 generations, it's a really interesting read.

Sure, I'll do that, but that is exactly what the forum idea is for. Easily finding these threads... Thanks.
There’s too many sub forums here already.

Most people read this site by clicking “recent posts” or “new posts” bypassing the forum concept altogether.

No need to separate people by age or whatever. Just include them side by side.
There’s too many sub forums here already.

Most people read this site by clicking “recent posts” or “new posts” bypassing the forum concept altogether.

No need to separate people by age or whatever. Just include them side by side.

Maybe if you're sitting there looking at every post that comes by.

Not everyone does that. For instance, I usually just watch threads/forums I'm interested in paying attention to. might not get updates a long time but when I do, it's pertinent.