Friend passed Saturday



Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2008
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My very good friend Greg (aka Grego, aka Peck) passed Saturday @ 5:18 am, he was 40.
To make a long story short, his wife had brain cancer about 2 years ago, and is a survivor. His dog had cancer shortly after and died. He had testicular cancer about a year ago and survived.
He was diagnosed with lung cancer about a month ago, and was going to kemo for the last 4 weeks, one week of kemo, one without, and so on.
This past week was the week off, and me, like many others, decided to leave him be as there was a fund raiser planned for this past Saturday at 5 pm.
Thursday night his thumb swelled, he went to the hospital. Friday his arm swelled to a ridiculous proportion. They decided they needed to take the arm or he would not make it, but there was a blot clot from the port, (instead of receiving a shot every time for kemo, you can have a port for injections). The clot became free, and splintered, he passed when they took him into surgery.

He said he didn't think he was going to make it through week 3 of kemo.
He always helped everyone, and whenever he needed help there was always so many people that showed up there was hardly enough to do- of all my loser friends, he was the best.

Without him, I would not have my house as nice as it is, I would not have the knowledge I have, (he worked as an electrician/heating/cooling/etc), I would not have a home for the wife and daughter, I would not have my Turbo T/A, I would not have my Barracuda, I would not have had the chance to know someone so generous that I didn't even fully realize it- I would not be who I am.

We had the benefit, the wife and kids did not attend, understandable. His father and younger brother came later. I could barely speak to them before the waterworks.

The wake is Wednesday, the funeral Thursday- there will easily be thousands of people.

In trying to work through this, I've been thinking that there has to be more, there has to be more that I can do in a day, more that I can help other people, more accepting I can be of others, and see the good in everyone- no matter what.

Greg truly did all of these things- although he did not shy away from making fun of people or laughing at them, or himself, he befriended everyone.

I made a promise to myself to be a better person, and today I'm already doing a horrible job, but I miss my friend and its tough.

I also promised myself that after all of the hype, that I would check up on his wife and kids, months, years from now. My dad passed when I was young, and my mother received much attention the first month or so, and it all faded as people got back to their own lives, or had to deal with their own crisis- I'm not bitter or anything, I just see it as an opportunity to pay him back- finally!

My hope here is that maybe, possibly, this might inspire someone else, as FABO is full of good people, and I'm guessing that like me, ***** and whine sometimes over the smallest things that don't really matter, and fail to acknowledge that others struggle as well- as Greg would say, "Yeah, he is an idiot, but he is a nice kid." and emphasize the last part.

For those of you who made it this far, or just skipped to the end, lol, thank you for your time.

Goodbye 'Peck.'
I have nothing to offer or say to help you with your friend passing other than to keep your memories,...think of a joke, a prank, a trip, a helpful hand offered or maybe just a smile from your friend...
my prayers go out ..sorry for the loss mike
My very good friend Greg (aka Grego, aka Peck) passed Saturday @ 5:18 am, he was 40.
To make a long story short, his wife had brain cancer about 2 years ago, and is a survivor. His dog had cancer shortly after and died. He had testicular cancer about a year ago and survived.
He was diagnosed with lung cancer about a month ago, and was going to kemo for the last 4 weeks, one week of kemo, one without, and so on.
This past week was the week off, and me, like many others, decided to leave him be as there was a fund raiser planned for this past Saturday at 5 pm.
Thursday night his thumb swelled, he went to the hospital. Friday his arm swelled to a ridiculous proportion. They decided they needed to take the arm or he would not make it, but there was a blot clot from the port, (instead of receiving a shot every time for kemo, you can have a port for injections). The clot became free, and splintered, he passed when they took him into surgery.

He said he didn't think he was going to make it through week 3 of kemo.
He always helped everyone, and whenever he needed help there was always so many people that showed up there was hardly enough to do- of all my loser friends, he was the best.

Without him, I would not have my house as nice as it is, I would not have the knowledge I have, (he worked as an electrician/heating/cooling/etc), I would not have a home for the wife and daughter, I would not have my Turbo T/A, I would not have my Barracuda, I would not have had the chance to know someone so generous that I didn't even fully realize it- I would not be who I am.

We had the benefit, the wife and kids did not attend, understandable. His father and younger brother came later. I could barely speak to them before the waterworks.

The wake is Wednesday, the funeral Thursday- there will easily be thousands of people.

In trying to work through this, I've been thinking that there has to be more, there has to be more that I can do in a day, more that I can help other people, more accepting I can be of others, and see the good in everyone- no matter what.

Greg truly did all of these things- although he did not shy away from making fun of people or laughing at them, or himself, he befriended everyone.

I made a promise to myself to be a better person, and today I'm already doing a horrible job, but I miss my friend and its tough.

I also promised myself that after all of the hype, that I would check up on his wife and kids, months, years from now. My dad passed when I was young, and my mother received much attention the first month or so, and it all faded as people got back to their own lives, or had to deal with their own crisis- I'm not bitter or anything, I just see it as an opportunity to pay him back- finally!

My hope here is that maybe, possibly, this might inspire someone else, as FABO is full of good people, and I'm guessing that like me, ***** and whine sometimes over the smallest things that don't really matter, and fail to acknowledge that others struggle as well- as Greg would say, "Yeah, he is an idiot, but he is a nice kid." and emphasize the last part.

For those of you who made it this far, or just skipped to the end, lol, thank you for your time.

Goodbye 'Peck.'

im very sorry for your loss. i too just lost my bestfriend 2 months ago of 14 years(im 20). he was visiting Ethiopia to find out about his culture and where he came from and was shot and killed by a cop as he was leaving a club for no reason at all. Its real tough to handle its still a shock to me to this day but i live with it and know hes always watching me making sure everything is ok, sorta venting any ways sorry again for your loss
Thank you everyone, dustya 383 I feel your pain, sorry for your loss.
...........Sorry for your loss, my prayers go out to you and his family......its very tough to lose a close friend......cherish all the
My condolences, it is very hard to lose a close friend, and someone you admire. Sounds like a lot of his goodness rubbed off on you, that's a good idea to stay in touch with his family.
Unfortunately I know your pain. Sorry for your loss and condolences to friends and family.
My condolensces, family and friends shouldnt have to go thru losing someone this young. Sounds like he was a good friend.
I am very sorry to hear about it.

I think he would be proud to read what you wrote about him. Good friends are very hard to find.

Again, I am very sorry for your loss.
No,I didn't skip to the end.That was very well written and a fine tribute to your friend,he was a helluva person.My condolences.
Thanks for sharing that! It made me pause for a moment and think about some of my friends that I've had in my life, some ALL my life and many for over 40 years!! We stay in touch for the most part, but I think after reading this, I want to see them more and just simply enjoy the fact that we really genuinely like each other and they are always there for me and I for them. The thing that need fixing is I need to tell them verbally just how much I appreciate their friendship and not just take it for granted that they know it!

Sorry for your huge loss. Remember...think of how fortunate you were to have this person in your life for the time you did. Those memories will be with you forever! He is in a better place with no more suffering to deal with.

My condolences!
