From a teacher. Something to think about.

Yes they will work on human size game like deer but nothing bigger in Canada you have to jump thru an amazing amount of hoops to own a fully auto one. 7.62X39 is a small cartridge would have problems reaching out there. Not a good choice for hunting
We'd never as civilians would never make it through WW2 with attitudes I see displayed today.
We live in a sick perverse society and we use ever excuse, we twist the Constitution to justify what we want
Our elders from the greatest generation handed us the keys to prosperity and we drove that car into a tree
Instant gratification is on display everywhere, constant entertainment is the new normal.
As someone so correctly stated, people not just kids with their face stuck in a cell phone. Social media, just look around here.
My father was a life long union working democrat, when a republican won a election, maybe he was disappointed but I never saw that. He accepted the person won the election and respected that fact.
He now considered that person his representative.
How often do we see that attitude today? Now a candidate loses and they cry, it was rigged
As far as these AR rifles, everyone wants one because they are the thing to have.
I said it a hundred times, I wanted a Marlin 22 when I was young, today they want a AR
It wasn't enough living through 9/11 as a New Yorker, seeing people get nervous if a plane flew close, worried about some scumbag religious fanatics who come here and use this country like a *****, that they hate us want to kill us all, now we have to worry about our own, killing, butchering little children.
You stop and think what that first LEO saw after they killed that 18 yr old.....I'll tell you what he saw, he saw kids with their faces blown off, he saw horrific wounds, children that parents could no longer recognize and some jerk on the N&P tells me im "emotional".
Were screwed and we have only ourselves to blame
Things have changed a lot since then (60s).................................we never went around slaughtering large numbers of kids in schools, or churches or malls or grocery stores. My Dad had lots of guns in the house but we (me and my brother) never touched them unless my Dad was present and watching us as we cleaned them or if we out hunting in the brush. The thought of taking one of my Dad's guns out of the house never ever crossed our minds! We would have been beaten to a pulp.
True story and the cops would have been the least of our problems
The grand kid that is 2 1/2 probably has 200 toys, all sizes and prices. If he did not have those he would go outside and play with dirt, rocks, sticks, dog turds, what ever and be just fine!!
Parents are 95% of the kids problems.
The best part of playing with dirt, rocks, sticks, dog turds and such is it builds and strengthens the immune System. We as a society maybe getting to sterile. Meaning not exposing ourselves to germs and such to strengthen our bodies. Could have something to do with the severity of the pandemic
The best part of playing with dirt, rocks, sticks, dog turds and such is it builds and strengthens the immune System. We as a society maybe getting to sterile. Meaning not exposing ourselves to germs and such to strengthen our bodies. Could have something to do with the severity of the pandemic

I remember back years ago, my daughter came to visit ole dad out there in the Mo. sticks. The boy was 10 and the irl was about 4 or5 . It was Thanksgiving and the garden was done, just some old bad tomatoes and peppers. The kids went out side and played for hours with the rotted veggies dirt, rocks, horse turds, cow patties. NO the devices, no cell nothing. THe daughter was totally amazed.
I handed the 10 year old boy a pellet gun, showed him what to do and NOT do, he was entertained seemed like. I asked him IF he would like me to give him that gun. He replied " I don't care."
I told him that seemed like a bad attitude. I said IF you would like to own that, say so. IF not, just plainly say so. Say NO THANK YOU.
I further said " If you don't care, then why the F*** should I care????"
About an hour later, he came and asked if could please have the gun.
I remember back years ago, my daughter came to visit ole dad out there in the Mo. sticks. The boy was 10 and the irl was about 4 or5 . It was Thanksgiving and the garden was done, just some old bad tomatoes and peppers. The kids went out side and played for hours with the rotted veggies dirt, rocks, horse turds, cow patties. NO the devices, no cell nothing. THe daughter was totally amazed.
I handed the 10 year old boy a pellet gun, showed him what to do and NOT do, he was entertained seemed like. I asked him IF he would like me to give him that gun. He replied " I don't care."
I told him that seemed like a bad attitude. I said IF you would like to own that, say so. IF not, just plainly say so. Say NO THANK YOU.
I further said " If you don't care, then why the F*** should I care????"
About an hour later, he came and asked if could please have the gun.
One of my younger nephews maybe 5 or 6, grandpa gave him a quarter, the kid gave it back and said what am I going to get with that. Grandpa was surprised and maddened. That happened about 10 years ago kid never got another nickel from grandpa. Not teaching respect is one thing but teaching kids disrespect is another.
My daughter once told me she wanted to send the kids to me for "boot camp."
I laughed and told her, I taught her all that SHE needs to teach her kids, NOT my job.
I remember back years ago, my daughter came to visit ole dad out there in the Mo. sticks. The boy was 10 and the irl was about 4 or5 . It was Thanksgiving and the garden was done, just some old bad tomatoes and peppers. The kids went out side and played for hours with the rotted veggies dirt, rocks, horse turds, cow patties. NO the devices, no cell nothing. THe daughter was totally amazed.
I handed the 10 year old boy a pellet gun, showed him what to do and NOT do, he was entertained seemed like. I asked him IF he would like me to give him that gun. He replied " I don't care."
I told him that seemed like a bad attitude. I said IF you would like to own that, say so. IF not, just plainly say so. Say NO THANK YOU.
I further said " If you don't care, then why the F*** should I care????"
About an hour later, he came and asked if could please have the gun.

"i dont care" is one of the phrases we dont use at our house
the closest they can get is "i dont mind"
My daughter once told me she wanted to send the kids to me for "boot camp."
I laughed and told her, I taught her all that SHE needs to teach her kids, NOT my job.
My son sent his son to my house every summer. I'm old school (so I don't take any crap) so my grandson turned out to be a GREAT kid!!! He works 10 hours a day and is happy!!! My grandson will do anything for me, no question asked!!! He's 24, Im over 70.
I remember back years ago, my daughter came to visit ole dad out there in the Mo. sticks. The boy was 10 and the irl was about 4 or5 . It was Thanksgiving and the garden was done, just some old bad tomatoes and peppers. The kids went out side and played for hours with the rotted veggies dirt, rocks, horse turds, cow patties. NO the devices, no cell nothing. THe daughter was totally amazed.
I handed the 10 year old boy a pellet gun, showed him what to do and NOT do, he was entertained seemed like. I asked him IF he would like me to give him that gun. He replied " I don't care."
I told him that seemed like a bad attitude. I said IF you would like to own that, say so. IF not, just plainly say so. Say NO THANK YOU.
I further said " If you don't care, then why the F*** should I care????"
About an hour later, he came and asked if could please have the gun.

It may be that he didnt know how to express his gratitude . Does he spend much time around you ? Is he comfortable around you ?
The best part of playing with dirt, rocks, sticks, dog turds and such is it builds and strengthens the immune System. We as a society maybe getting to sterile. Meaning not exposing ourselves to germs and such to strengthen our bodies. Could have something to do with the severity of the pandemic
I've been saying that for years. We're all living in a sterile world.