fuel pump / carb problems??



Colorado Mopar
Jul 16, 2006
Reaction score
Arvada, Colorado
If it's not one thing its another, two weeks ago I replaced my manual steering box, the day after I replaced it I took the car for a test drive and noticed that I had a leaking fuel pump. I replaced the pump this weekend, I was having a little trouble with my old fuel line, so I decided to replace that as well. I had minor leaks in the line that I made (is any fuel leak minor though??) but I think I have those under control, but now it seems like the carb is completely over flowing with gas. It's so bad that gas is coming from different areas of the carb and running on the manifold? Any help is appreciated, I really don't want to burn the car to the ground. Thanks in advance.
If your old pump was weak or the new pump has higher output then your floats likely need to be readjusted. Sounds like your needle/seat in the carb is being overpowered and flooding.
Joe, the carb is an AVS.

70Duster440, I was thinking that the old pump was the original and probably weak, so that may be the problem. So is there going to be an easy fix for the problem or is it going to be a rebuild thing? I'm a complete rookie when it comes to carbs.

Thought I would post a picture because they always get more views and replies for some reason. I don't want to hear any wiseacre remarks about how dirty it is either!! I know it's dirty... down right filthy... but don't hate, appreciate. Thanks


What size pump did you put on? If it's a high flow unit it may have too much fuel pressue at idle for the AVS. They (and Eddy carbs) dont like they increased fuel pressure alot of aftermarket pumps have, if it's a stock replacement, then I'm not sure. Throw a cheapy inline fuel pressure gauge on it and see what it reads! If it's more than 6psi or so...then it's too much for the carb...and you may need a regulator.
Sorry about the delayed response. I hadn't seen your answer. :)

It looks to me that your Carter is in need of a rebuild and I agree with 70duster440 that the new pump is now overpowering your worn needles and seats.
sounds like you might have loosened up some grit in the fuel lines and got junk in the carb. get a rebuild kit and go for it, it's not that hard.
Trust me, beatnik is right on with this. AFB, AVS, Edelbrock & Weber flood with anything over 5 psi of fuel pressure. Holley and Carter both sell high perf mechanical pumps that will turn those carbs into an over flowing toilet.
The leaks have slowed but have not fully stopped. The gas isn't gushing out anymore but after about a ten minute drive to pick up the kids from school a little amount of fuel was sizzling on the manafold. Pretty scary!! I tightened the carb bolts because it looks like it might be coming from under the carb on the passenger side? The bolts seemed tight enough though. I'm going to order a rebuild kit for it but I need to make sure what exact carb I have first. I think it is a Carter AVS-4933S does anyone know an easy way to check for sure. Thanks for the help gents!

What size pump did you put on?

The pump is a stock replacement. I will see if I can find an inexpensive guage to check the pressure.

I'm glad that you guys have the faith that I can do this on my own, I guess worst case I bring a box of parts to someone that can put it back together if I fail.
I should be etched on one of these four corners I think. On the pad just under where the bolt goes in.


Bring me 4 cans of carb cleaner and the rebuild kit. PM me with a time this weekend. I'd be happy to help you out.

I thought that I would update this thread.

I ended up buying a rebuild kit from my local Advance Auto Parts store. It was $27.99 which I didn't think was too bad of a price, but I've never bought one so I could be wrong on this. When I opened the box and saw the instructions I was a little frightened so I talked a friend into helping me with it. I was going to take pictures as he disassembled and reassembled but he had me cleaning parts as we went, needless to say I got no pictures, and the unfortunate thing is I really didn't learn anything but the carb is back together and it is running better. There was a thicker gasket in the kit so I ended up useing that instead of the thin ones, my friend said it might keep the carb a little bit cooler and help the gas from getting hot. My choke pulloff was leaking and not holding vacuum so I had to buy one of those as well. It was $9 and change this was harder to find though, I ended up getting one from a carb rebuilder here in town. To conclude the thread there are no more leaks at this time and the carb is working. I still think I'm running a little rich but that should be fixed with some minor adjustments.

Here are pictures of the cleaned and reinstalled carb. The guy that helped me didn't have a tank or anything but it is much cleaner than it was. Thanks to all that contributed and helped with this thread.

