Funny Things Teenagers Say/ Think



Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2011
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I thought I would start a thread on the funny things teenagers think. We already know they are smarter than anyone else, if you don't believe it, ask them.

I remember in High School we were sitting in class our senior year waiting for the bell to ring. As we sat there we talked about our plans after graduation. Some, like myself, were going to college in different states, others were joining the Navy, and the Army. One guy said, "Well I have joined the Marines." We were all impressed, so we asked him, "Why are you joining the Marine." You see in our eyes the Marines were the toughest, and hardest branch of service you could go into.

The young man with a very serious face said, "I joined the Marines because, I'm sick and tired if being bossed around at home." We all nearly fell our of our seats laughing at him, but the paper work was signed, and at that point he was theirs.

By the way, over 20 years later he is still in the Core.:D
not quite a teenager yet but a while age I took my three year old to the store to buy some of those clip on lights for his bicycle so he could ride it during the evening

well wouldn't you know it, the bicycle aisle is right across from the hotwheels aisle
so my boy looks at me and says "daddy, I want a toy"
I said "sorry buddy, but were not buying a toy now we're buying lights for your bike"
he replied, "I don't want lights, I want a toy"
so I explained it to him, I said "listen son, you need to have lights on your bike, its getting dark and if you ride your bike without lights the cars wont see you and they will run you over"
without skipping a beat he looked at me and said...
"I don't need a light on my bike, cars have lights....I need a toy"

hes got his moms brains and my mouth, something tells me that will get him in trouble later
I can still remember doing HVAC service, a magnet on a Mom's refrigerator:

"TEENAGERS!!! QUICK!!! Move out now while you still know everything!!!"
When my son turned 17 he thought I was the dumbest S.O.B. alive. By the time he turned 21 he couldn't believe how much I had learned in 5 short years.
Years ago, young buck had two Mopars asked me...........

"Hey Del, will the steering pump off my 383 fit my 318?"


"Oh, man"

"Why aren't you driving the 383 car?"

"Wiring's all burned up."

"Well you either are gonna havta drive it without a pump, or find a pump."

"Maybe I'll just drive the other one."

"Thought you just said the wiring was all burnt up."

"OH!! I forgot about THAT!!"
when you come across one doing something that defies explanation
just say "be yourself son,and you'll be weird enough!"
When my son turned 17 he thought I was the dumbest S.O.B. alive. By the time he turned 21 he couldn't believe how much I had learned in 5 short years.

im guessing math wasn't one of the things you learned ?
A kid in high school talking about a motor swap he was going to do... I asked him if it would fit and he said "No problem- It's a short block".
I shared this in a thread before but it is one of my favorite stories...

In the mid nineties I was working with troubled teenagers as a counselor. One kid had made great progress and I stated he should do something to reward himself. He said that was what he was thinking. I asked how and he said I think I am going to go order myself a new car at the Pontiac dealership. I said well that's cool you need a car so what do you think you will buy. He said you know....I have always liked that "1970" GTO model :banghead:
My son took a very hard test at school, he made 76, I ask why he made 76, because I studied he says.
I repaired the brakes on my sons first car, a 300 dollar beater. Having returned home later that day after having a near miss, (one of many) he said. "Those brakes sure come in handy."
I repaired the brakes on my sons first car, a 300 dollar beater. Having returned home later that day after having a near miss, (one of many) he said. "Those brakes sure come in handy."

Now that there's sum funny stuff!!!!......
The young man with a very serious face said, "I joined the Marines because, I'm sick and tired if being bossed around at home." We all nearly fell our of our seats laughing at him, but the paper work was signed, and at that point he was theirs.

By the way, over 20 years later he is still in the Core.:D

This is a joke right?? wtf.
No! That is not a joke, that is exactly what he said. "I'm joining the Marines because I'm sick and tired of being bossed around at home."
Yesterday at Thanksgiving my nephew was giving me grief because I don't hunt.
I told him "Kroger and I had an agreement, I don't hunt, they don't sell car parts."
Then he tells me he knows every thing about everything. I say to him, "oh yeah hot rod, is a 318 a short block or a big block?" he looks at me and say's "I don't hunt with a gun, I shoot a bow"
It was all my wife could do to not fall out of the chair laughing. I told that boy he needs to get out into the world now! While he knew everything.
I think I was about 16 when I was going through the stage where my dad knew nothing
I had finally saved up enough money to buy me my first dirtbike (an 88 Honda MTX) but I still needed the old mans help to haul it home
well, we got there and the kids selling the bike let me take it for a test drive
I get on it, start it, kick it in first gear, let out the clutch and stall it
8 or 9 times in a row
then my dad said "hey son, let me try that once"
at this point I figured the bike is obviously junk and I might have mumbled something along those lines as I hand it over to my dad
he gets on it, starts it, kicks it in first gear and pulls out smooth as butter, shifts into second, lifts the front end up, shifts into third , lowers the front end again and turns around bringing the bike back to.
"seems fine to me" he says as he hands it back to me...I think that was the very moment my dad started his learning curve