Gas hit $4.50



Big Member
Dec 31, 1969
Reaction score
Bethel, CT
I want to puke. I just passed a gas station (which is a rare thing with a Hemi Ram) with a sign for $4.50 a gallon for 87octane.

The price of food keeps rising, Cant go out for milk with out spending $100 at the store.

My insurance just went up for no reason.

My wife works 32hrs a week, I work between 52 and 72hrs a week and still have trouble keeping up. The Dart has become the last of my worries.

I feel like I should be stocking up on supplies and buying guns and ammo to prepare for war.
Adam, I saw $4.53 (for regular) here last week. Granted, there are still a few stations selling in the high $4.30 range but it is getting difficult as you said. This is definitely a time to cinch the belts up.
Yep, $4.59 a gallon here for about a week, could be more but luckily I went a week or two without filling up.

Food's too high, too, and everything's coming to a crash. We're screwed, the senators and congressmen know it, and still don't give a flying....well, you know...
Sorry Adam, but when I saw the price you posted, I thought it finally dropped.. 1.39 a liter here :(

$1.46 a litre here, that's $5.53 a US gallon for those of you keeping score at home :-D Some time this month they will be upping that by 2.5 cents a litre for the new carbon tax, sure why the eff not :angry7:

Do you guys know why we went metric, apparently the US was going to do it so as we Canadians always do (like we just did when you moved daylight savings time up) we jumped aboard. At the last minute you bailed and we were in too deep by then. Even though it was 30 years ago give or take I still can't think in metric :angry7:
And I should've filled-up with the racing gas at Norwalk (Summit Dragway), it was only $1.00/gal more then I pay for regular here, LOL.

Almost looking like the dirty thirtys are on the way back if things don't change.

I'll have to pull out my other project!!


  • car.BMP
    33.8 KB · Views: 222

Thats a new one for me...

I've also seen electrolysis engine models...

Unfortunatley...the guy who brought back the simple model for a successfull hydrogen engine in his doom buggyusing electrolysis was found poisoned, this was a long time ago, during the 80s I believe why this techonolody is ignored? There no monnneeyy there! ...:read2:
I paid $4.80 for fuel yesterday here in Cali. I am a young guy and drive 25 miles one way to work. This is in my Charger R/T, which still gets 30 mpg on the hwy. It is killing me. I am running out of ideas. It has to stop. My raise wont make a drop in the bucket, either!!
Rob, I always thought it was because all of the gas pumps & signs here didn't have the digit if gas went over a buck a gallon, or so that when it goes up 10¢ a litre it doesn't sound so bad lol


I've studied difficult subjects for 30 years, in areas most people don't get to study.......With that said, I honestly don't think it will get better at this point until it gets a bit worse..........

Unless the Gov't. lifts all of their stupid (careful choice of words.....they really are in a "stupor") restrictions against off shore drilling, development in the ANWAR reserve, and incentives for tapping our own shale-oil reserves from the rockies clear over to PA (which by the way equal a conservative estimate of over 10 times the Saudi oil fields), then we're heading into a depression......not scare tactics, just raw financial facts.

Kero and Diesel supplies are already being pilfered on a large scale, gas tanks are targeted by small timers desperate for cash or gas, and our entire supply chain depends upon Diesel, which even at the port cities is selling for over $4.50 a gallon now......other places above 5 bucks........we're strangling OURSELVES........our truckers should have either a subsidy (they pay for ridiculous for truckers could have saved us from financial disaster) or something similar like a price cap for professionals, based on a nationwide scale and backed by law.......for cryin' out loud, Diesel should be CHEAPER than refined gas...........

There's no easy fix, no magic bullet.........we're going to blow the snot out of Iran's nuclear facilities very shortly too, and Israel will be in on it as well.........they just took one out in Syria.........just a matter of time guys, and most likely just after the elections..........

We all need to be smart here, and not get caught with our pants down....... If you're a family provider, you need to have at least a 3 month supply of dry and canned goods for your own family, stored in a safe, cool dry place, out of the reach of thieves.............Keep your gas tanks FULL at all times, instead of running them nearly need to keep your own reserves filled...........BE SMART..........NOW is the time to prepare for difficult times, NOT when the truckers are forced to park, and the supply chain goes down.........

We have only 3 days supply of groceries in our towns and cities at any given moment (average)...........if the supply chain goes down, your life will change in a heartbeat. Go out and get it done NOW, damn the torpedoes, and full speed ahead..........there's no need to be driven by driven by wisdom'll need to HELP your friends and neighbors in a crisis............ain't no fun to have to BE helped when you could have prepared ahead of time.

The feds will not rush in to save your butt in a crisis.........neither will the Red a supply chain disaster (which we're headed for very shortly apart from a miracle in Washington or in OPEC), NO ONE BUT YOU can save the day for your get with it guys........

2 choices............Live in denial and bury your head in your backside, or take very simple, relatively cheap steps to insure your family is fed and your home is secure......NOW, while there is relative peace and calm....and let's not lose our heads about it.......I for one will continue to enjoy my car hobby, and you should too. This is part of our culture in America, and even in hard times, we need to keep hope alive by actually LIVING our lives, and keeping our faith.

Capishe' ? :read2:

I've studied difficult subjects for 30 years, in areas most people don't get to study.......With that said, I honestly don't think it will get better at this point until it gets a bit worse..........

Unless the Gov't. lifts all of their stupid (careful choice of words.....they really are in a "stupor") restrictions against off shore drilling, development in the ANWAR reserve, and incentives for tapping our own shale-oil reserves from the rockies clear over to PA (which by the way equal a conservative estimate of over 10 times the Saudi oil fields), then we're heading into a depression......not scare tactics, just raw financial facts.

Kero and Diesel supplies are already being pilfered on a large scale, gas tanks are targeted by small timers desperate for cash or gas, and our entire supply chain depends upon Diesel, which even at the port cities is selling for over $4.50 a gallon now......other places above 5 bucks........we're strangling OURSELVES........our truckers should have either a subsidy (they pay for ridiculous for truckers could have saved us from financial disaster) or something similar like a price cap for professionals, based on a nationwide scale and backed by law.......for cryin' out loud, Diesel should be CHEAPER than refined gas...........

There's no easy fix, no magic bullet.........we're going to blow the snot out of Iran's nuclear facilities very shortly too, and Israel will be in on it as well.........they just took one out in Syria.........just a matter of time guys, and most likely just after the elections..........

We all need to be smart here, and not get caught with our pants down....... If you're a family provider, you need to have at least a 3 month supply of dry and canned goods for your own family, stored in a safe, cool dry place, out of the reach of thieves.............Keep your gas tanks FULL at all times, instead of running them nearly need to keep your own reserves filled...........BE SMART..........NOW is the time to prepare for difficult times, NOT when the truckers are forced to park, and the supply chain goes down.........

We have only 3 days supply of groceries in our towns and cities at any given moment (average)...........if the supply chain goes down, your life will change in a heartbeat. Go out and get it done NOW, damn the torpedoes, and full speed ahead..........there's no need to be driven by driven by wisdom'll need to HELP your friends and neighbors in a crisis............ain't no fun to have to BE helped when you could have prepared ahead of time.

The feds will not rush in to save your butt in a crisis.........neither will the Red a supply chain disaster (which we're headed for very shortly apart from a miracle in Washington or in OPEC), NO ONE BUT YOU can save the day for your get with it guys........

2 choices............Live in denial and bury your head in your backside, or take very simple, relatively cheap steps to insure your family is fed and your home is secure......NOW, while there is relative peace and calm....and let's not lose our heads about it.......I for one will continue to enjoy my car hobby, and you should too. This is part of our culture in America, and even in hard times, we need to keep hope alive by actually LIVING our lives, and keeping our faith.

Capishe' ? :read2:

I know for sure that another depressing is at hand in the upcoming years, as well as a new war that might or might not expand into a world war starting in the middle's all easy to for tell...ans yes...many blurr themselves to not see it, because we all want to live our lives in peace. And some say its is not, people need to feel dominant over others...they thurst of power, and will do anything to be on top. All we can do is spectate, and hope we dont get hit by their acts. I think I will flee to the mountain

May God be with us.
Well stated remind me of "Glen Beck" the talkshow host. I can see it clearly everywhere!! Be prepaired it's relality.
Yes gas prices are going through the roof and it will only get worse. Global oil production has been flat for the past 3 years even though prices are up and demand continues to rise,that is why the prices continue to climb. This is peak oil, global oil production is approaching or at maximum capacity at around 85-86 million barrels a day. There can be new oil to come online but it will at best offset the declines in older tired oil fields, beyond that the production will start to fall permanently as the oil runs out. A geologist from Shell back in the 1950s predicted US oil production from the lower 48 states would peak around 1970 and he was right, he estimated that global oil production would peak about now too btw. ANWR would add less than 1 million barrels a day of oil production, shale oil might give us another million barrels a day by 2020 if we are lucky (Thats nothing compared to the anticipated demand growth in China and India) The deep water oil,shale oil, oil sands etc are all costly to extract and energy intensive to extract. Instead of one unit of energy recovering say 10 or 20 units of energy when you drill for sweet Saudi crude oil, shale oil or oil sands might only yield 2 units or 3 if your lucky. Corn ethanol gives at best like 1.3 units of energy per unit invested in producing the ethanol. Needless to say we are up **** creek without a paddle, we would need an immediate and massive... MASSIVE program to invest in alternative fuels and even that would take years to begin to start paying for itself. Enjoy your mopars while you still can guys cause its not looking good.
We could also divert oil from electricity production by using nukes and coal. Don't forget that gasoline and diesel are not the only products made from oil. Think of all plastics and nitrate fertilizers, too.
Actually, the past 18 months have been pretty exciting as far as our shale reserves and how to harvest them.........I own some particular oil stock that has seen nearly a 50% increase in just the past, it's not baloney.......

IF, and I mean IF, the government decides to give some big tax incentives to the smaller oil companies who are currently beginning to use the new technology for horizontal extraction, it could mean the USA would get a reprieve while we regroup energy-wise.....that is, IF the larger companies (and the foreign companies who control some of OUR refineries) will move to step up production by building some new refineries and getting the existing sites up to snuff.....Again, our KNOWN reserves (not our projected probable reserves) of these new oil rich fields (which span from the Rockies to Pennsylvania), are estimated to be 10 times as large as the entire Saudi basin.......that's enough oil to sustain the US economy through the next 50 years, relatively and conservatively speaking..........

These are no small oily potatoes............this is BIG, BUT the Congress has to wake up FAST and ACT..........maybe the election will help to bring this important issue to the forefront and get some action. (probably wishful thinking, but I always maintain hope).

As for me, I'm gonna hope the best, and build my well as continuing in the more important matters of Faith and family, which come first. Keeping calm in crisis is important, both to the health of our own, and to those who watch us........Hope is bred........not just in matters of Faith, but in matters of humanity itself........My prayer is that in times of trouble, my friends and neighbors will have hope in their hearts due perhaps to some small part I might play in their lives............

It's kinda like the good folks who gather at shows and cruises to view our cars....... they're entertained, encouraged, and even enlightened by the work of our hands...........Look at their faces, and listen to their know it's true to some extent............I'd like to think that my character in crisis (which needs constant attention) will shine like a well polished Mopar, and somehow give somebody some hope and happiness.

As a matter of fact, I'll hold that hope for all us Mopar guys and gals......we're a peculiar bunch ain't we?

Remember how the site rallied to help some brothers in the past weeks? Well, go and do likewise in your own neighborhood when the need arises......and the USA will survive..............Be READY for it.

After filling my Dakota R/T up today with $4.07gal. 10% ethanol crap, driving home on outdated pothole filled roads then listening to how we have to bailout Afghanastan due to there food crisis on the news. This non politically correct solution to our long list of probs. came to mind. You pick the spot.

The best thing the government could do to increase the overall miles per gallon we get would be to take that $%&(*&$%^# ethanol OUT of the gas.

My '05 Mustang GT has dropped close to 20%
I wonder what happened to the 'other fuel" cars from the 70s ? propane and nat gas,, propane right now is $3 .00 a gallon. the mileage was about 10 -15 % less . and the cost would be about 30 % less . we still use propane for forklifts .and similar pieces of equipment that are used inside of buildings. . .. just a thought ,its fairly cheap to convert an older motor to bottle gas, or to make it a multi fuel .... lots of mopar powered motor homes used the multi fuel systems .. cleaner air , less $$$$$ ,,

what do you guys think? bring back some of the things that worked in the past????

lets try tossing around ideas that may lead to making things better... we have the tech, old and new lets see what we can come up with
Well stated remind me of "Glen Beck" the talkshow host. I can see it clearly everywhere!! Be prepaired it's relality.

Yes Doc, Well said and hard for me and others in this country to's very complicated with all the countries, politics and big $$$ involved.

And 69signetv8, Didn't like Glen Beck at first,,,,but after listening for several months.........he's becoming interesting. :thumrigh: