Gas Price Rant

You Europeans (and Brits) are much better positioned for an oil crisis than the U.S., due to your government's directing your automobile choices and your compact countries. The U.S. could be brought to its knees by an oil crisis, with most people living in distant suburbs that have no mass transit. We have only ourselves to blame. I have always tried to live more in-town, having lived thru multiple gulf oil crises. I doubt we will have riots since suburbanites won't be able to drive downtown to rally. They will just sit in their homes, fired from their jobs because too fat to bike to work, trying to shoot squirrels for food, and clinging to their guns and bibles while the President smiles smugly :glasses7:. If it goes on long enough, they will have to combine their meager savings to pay millions for in-town homes from the minorities and liberals they despise, while their distant suburbs rot. Or maybe they could all buy a >40 mpg car.

On the other side of the pond, the German Greens will have to drop their plans to shut down all their nuke plants. We will have enough problems in CA if PG&E doesn't fix the San Onofre NGS steam generators before summer.
You Europeans (and Brits) are much better positioned for an oil crisis than the U.S., due to your government's directing your automobile choices and your compact countries. The U.S. could be brought to its knees by an oil crisis, with most people living in distant suburbs that have no mass transit.

Add to this that most of America's food consumption comes from >1k miles before it hits the dinner table. And the majority of household items come from stores like ChinaMart. The effects are not just felt at the pump. The USA's entire modern infrastructure relies on cheap oil.
Ok so this is the answer: Chevy built the VOLT right??? It's the answer to OUR supposed needs,It costs Chevy $60,000 a car to build,We pay $40,000 for the car,Where does the other $20,000 come from???????????? Anyone want to guess????? Government that's right it comes from a broken government--Now that's a slap in our faces!!!!!

Yep. Don't you love it when the Federal Government gets involved with private industry?

What is the most frightening sentence ever spoken?

"We're the Federal Government, and we're here to help".
I am always amazed how so many self-declared "conservatives" start talking like communists when it comes to gasoline supply and prices. Terms like "our gas", "we export it", "we should drill more". Who are these "us" and "we"? Do you think the federal government determines how private companies buy and sell products on the world market, or do you think they should? Do you expect the government to get into the oil drilling business? Do you think allowing drilling on all U.S. lands, and thus increasing world supply maybe 2% will lower world gas prices? Should the government effectively subsidize oil prices like they did in the 1960's and 70's thru taxes? And most scary, do you expect the government to release our strategic petroleum reserves that are meant for wartime needs to temporarily lower your gas price?

A true conservative takes responsibility for their own actions. If you buy an A-body with a slant six engine, install a 440 with mega-thumper cam that idles like *** with gross pollution, don't whine that you get poor mileage and somebody should subsidize the problem you made for yourself. Just a thought.

I won't pretend to be the expert on the issue and, I do agree we have seen people who espouse conservative credentials promoting socialist ideas on the issue however...

I do know that the oil market is by no means operating in accordance with free market principles. OPEC's control is not an example of the free market. Heavy duty tax on oil is not free market. Government control over who drills when and where is not free market. Major military expenditure in order to ensure safe passage for oil is not free market.

The fact is, government is heavily involved in determining what we pay for fuel. I don't know what the price should be. If I thought it was being determined fairly in a free market I would not complain. I will complain when leftist politicians interfere with the free market and use my tax dollars wastefully to promote an alternative energy agenda.

I will also complain when I see politicians trying to transform this country into the european socialist quagmire that needs even more extreme fuel taxes to feed the bottomless pit of their thieving nanny state ideology which leads to economic ruin.
Speculators??? not so fast...

Mr O said early on, we need gas prices higher in order to promote alternative energy.

Mr O's energy minister (Chu) said in the past 8 dollar gas like Europe would be good, and recently said the administration is content with high gas prices. Then a few days later did a phony backpedal.

Well Mr O got what he wanted. He could but will not rein in the speculators.

Face it, he is a far left idealogue imposing his will.

You're are correct. Chu has made various comments regarding his desire to see our gas prices on par with those in Europe.
The "agenda" is to not only promote alternative energy sources, (which needs to be done, but has not yet been developed to the point of practicality), but also to make the V8 and V6 internal combustion engine distasteful to Americans, by keeping the cost of gas at an uncomfortable level, if not completely obsolete. Judging by the posts here, many of us are feeling the pinch already. I don't think gas prices have topped out, yet, and I doubt they will dip below $3.00 a gallon, any time soon, if at all.

We've already seen the administration openly attack the Coal industry, refuse to allow domestic drilling, refuse to allow the Keystone pipeline.
Under this president, leases for drilling on public property have been cut by 50%, permits for drilling on private land have been cut by 65%, the moratorium against drilling in the Gulf of Mexico is still being enforced. He has refused access to ANWR, flatly. We are funding Brazil to develop their own oil industry so that we can buy from them.

In his speech a few days ago, the President actually took credit for the Domestic drilling on private property that we presently undertaking. A little bit of research time will show you that the vast majority of the permits under which this drilling is taking place were authorized by the Bush administration, not the present one, though it didn't seem to stop Obama from taking credit for it.

Further, I understand that we could expect another "Cash for clunkers" bill soon. Another effort to take the larger engines out of the hands of the public, and disguising it as a stimulus package.

"Incrementalism" in a form that the average Joe doesn't question.

The Obama supporters will attack me for stating this, while at the same time the administration is complicit in attacking you through your wallet, for their purposes.
pick a big gas company, Exxon or Esso here in Canada and do not buy their gas, just go to the next pump.Start threads everywhere and pass it on to your email list. Do not buy Exxon gas... then they will lower their price. If this goes viral like some kid in a singing contest... then the price of gas will go down as the gas companies start to compete for our dollar. Just a thought.
It's a good thing to voice your opinions, frustrations, bitches,or what ever else. It's just talk until it falls into the ears of your congressman, senators, and representatives. They are very content to nothing to make changes as long as it's just talk. Call your representatives from every level, local, state, and federal. Put them on notice.:coffee2:
pick a big gas company, Exxon or Esso here in Canada and do not buy their gas, just go to the next pump.Start threads everywhere and pass it on to your email list. Do not buy Exxon gas... then they will lower their price. If this goes viral like some kid in a singing contest... then the price of gas will go down as the gas companies start to compete for our dollar. Just a thought.

Their only making a nickle per gallon now, they can't lower it. This damn government is taxing at the rate of $0.47 cents per gallon. Let's be clear on who the crooks are. I buy Conoco because they do not buy foreign oil.
pick a big gas company, Exxon or Esso here in Canada and do not buy their gas, just go to the next pump.Start threads everywhere and pass it on to your email list. Do not buy Exxon gas... then they will lower their price. If this goes viral like some kid in a singing contest... then the price of gas will go down as the gas companies start to compete for our dollar. Just a thought.

Exxon averages 8¢ profit per gallon.
The rest of the price of a gallon of gas is production costs, various distributors and retail profits, and of course various taxes both embedded, and claimed.
Do you want free market value for your dollar. Pick on a store and do not buy from them. They will lower their price or go broke. it does not matter how much that store pays in taxes or pays for advertising... they lower the price or they do not sell their product... lets just apply this logic to the gas station and see what happens... pic a station, but everyone pic the same one like exxon , go to the next pump and pass it on to all your friends..