


Can't re Member
Apr 27, 2009
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Tampa Bay, Florida
Went in for an eye exam yesterday and was diagnosed with symptoms of glaucoma(eye pressure). I aced the peripheral test and they say its in the early stages. I will make an appointment tomorrow to see an ophthalmologist.:sad7:

Does anybody with glaucoma care to share in some helpful ideas to prolong the inevitable? I like to keep things natural and am going increase my black berry, blue berry and cherry intake. I was also reading parsley helps as well.

Thanks for any input.
I don't know a lot about it (thank goodness) but I do know the earlier the better and there are some good new treatments for it. A gentleman who goes to our church has it badly. He has had it since birth though. I wish you well.
My grandmother had glaucoma in her eyes and always used some sort of eye drops that were perscribed to her. She also had a few surgerys over the years and had to wear a pair of big dark sunglasses.

It is hereditary, as most of my grandma's brothers and sisters also had it, and my mother was recently diagnosed with glaucoma as well.

My grandma died this spring at the age of 93 and could still see pretty good. I think if its caught early enough, its very treatable. Keep getting regular checkups at the optometrist and they will help you keep it in check.
I've had it for 15 years. The key to keeping it under control is regular visits to doc and keeping the pressure down below 20. I've have been on many different eye drops to control the pressure and have had laser surgery to both eyes when the drops lost their capability to lower pressure. Since the laser surgeries, the drops are doing their job maintaining around 16. You may never need the laser, it's not too bad, a little irritating. Last resort, they have incision eye surgery to actually insert a tube in your eye to help it drain pressure. There are lots of different eye drops they may prescribe and the laser works. Good luck! Rog
I have not been diagnosed with it but I have failed all 3[?] tests for pressure the exam showed no damage nor anything else [I don't have high blood pressure either] my eye dr. is keeping an eye on it [no pun intended] however both run in my family. My mother had blood pressure issues and my father had glaucoma and put drops in his eyes as long as I can remember.