Glove insert



Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2010
Reaction score
Yakima, Washington
Thought I would pass this along. Since no one is making plastic glove box inserts any more I thought I would try this. I bought a cheap insert and picked up some Flex Seal
as seen on T V. I spayed acouple light layers on the out side . Third coat alittle heavy in the seam areas and staples. Give plenty of time for cure . This stuff is toxic so make sure you mask and glove up and plenty of air.
This won't take the place of plastjc but does absorbe into cardboard and seals seams and folds. Im happy with the out come.


Thought I would pass this along. Since no one is making plastic glove box inserts any more I thought I would try this. I bought a cheap insert and picked up some Flex Seal
as seen on T V. I spayed acouple light layers on the out side . Third coat alittle heavy in the seam areas and staples. Give plenty of time for cure . This stuff is toxic so make sure you mask and glove up and plenty of air.
This won't take the place of plastjc but does absorbe into cardboard and seals seams and folds. Im happy with the out come.View attachment 1715670101

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Great idea. Thanks for the tip!
I always thought of brushing fiberglass resin inside and out , but I'm going plastic instead. Maybe I will still do it as a test.
I like the idea. Many other uses come to mind too.

I'm a bit old school. Cardboard lasted 53 years. I'll be dead by the time it will need to be replaced again!
The last one I bought from Vans Auto had a really good plastic coating on it. Way better than most of the repops I have seen over the years. I have had it in the car over a year and no sagging like they tend to do at the top.
I dont know of anyone ever making the plastic glove boxes but there are plenty of originals floating around.