Google, ya'all should hang your heads in shame--disfunction



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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There was a time not that long ago when I could actually FIND information on Google, as well as finding what I wanted to BUY if that is what I was looking for. No more

I have an "Empire Devices" loop antenna which was used in part of a system to track down RF interference. There are many components to the "complete" system, as well as accessories probably that I'm not aware of. So I was trying to search and find out. I searched Egag and came up with a few things, and then got on Google. I got a few results all right, but then popped up junk on the Roman Empire. Ya know, Google, I don't effin remember sayin one damn thing about Rome or it's history

The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, vol. 12 | Online Library of Liberty
Stuff I actually WAS looking for info about:

LOL you can tell it's "my age" because it's "megacycles" and not "megahertz"



Yoy are mistaking Google for a search engine, while in fact, it is a propaganda machine masking as a search engine and doubling and an electronic spy

Beginners mistake
Yoy are mistaking Google for a search engine, while in fact, it is a propaganda machine masking as a search engine and doubling and an electronic spy

Beginners mistake

"Oh_damn" in the voice of Darth Vader...........
Google used to be a GREAT search engine.
Now, they are all about making money with advertising! :(
...........and "fact checking" politics!!...........
Yep say something about ‘leaders’ fact checkers come out of the woodwork like termites if you talk about the wrong one