Got hearing aids, can hear but way too much



Jul 15, 2010
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san antonio
Anyone with hearing loss and Tinitus. Got hearing aids (Beltone). Can’t even wear them in the house my wife and daughters voices are way too loud. The TV is distorted the ringing noise is still there. I go back next week to get them checked only a few days with them.
Do they take awhile to get used to. It’s seem I have to adjust them constantly. I could probably live without them if it weren’t for eco I get when someone talks.
Driving the Barracuda is miserable. My exhaust isn’t load but road noise in my left ear is so amplified (without the aids) I have to wear an earplug.
Have been to the ENT twice now, still have not seen the Dr. only a nurse aid.
Anyone else have these problems.
When I first received mine and put them in I could hear a bird fart. I tried to stick it out but I have had bad hearing for so long that the aids were not tolerable at all. I like being hard of hearing, I really don't want to hear everything that goes on because most of it is BULL **** anyways. Now they just sit in a drawer without batteries in them (don't want them to ca-rode) just in-case I want to hear the birds again.
I've had severe tinnitus for a long time now. All you can do is mask it with a noise louder than it is. Nothing makes it go away. I have a hearing aid, but through the years the tinnitus has worsened to the point that it is no longer effective. I've looked at other hearing aids, but none have really appealed to me, plus our present insurance coverage covers little to nothing. I am seriously considering learning to sign, because I will likely be deaf by the time I am sixty.
They take time to get used to because of the gradual loss of hearing. I've had tinnitus since I was a teen due to no ear protection around fire arms & race cars. I has taken me almost twenty years to get accustomed to mine & sometimes background noise is like dragging fingernails down an old blackboard.
Anyone with hearing loss and Tinitus. Got hearing aids (Beltone). Can’t even wear them in the house my wife and daughters voices are way too loud. The TV is distorted the ringing noise is still there. I go back next week to get them checked only a few days with them.
Do they take awhile to get used to. It’s seem I have to adjust them constantly. I could probably live without them if it weren’t for eco I get when someone talks.
Driving the Barracuda is miserable. My exhaust isn’t load but road noise in my left ear is so amplified (without the aids) I have to wear an earplug.
Have been to the ENT twice now, still have not seen the Dr. only a nurse aid.
Anyone else have these problems.

I got mine free thru work, Beltone. I can't wear them at work though because we need hearing protection. I can tweek mine on my iPhone. Batteries last 4 or 5 days. Other than that, I'm happy with them.
Can’t even wear them in the house my wife and daughters voices are way too loud. The TV is distorted the ringing noise is still there

I've had them for quite a while. My loss was gradual so yes, when I got the first set it was quite a revelation. Who knew the turn signals in the car make a clicking noise when they are turned on? It did take a while to get used to them.

My first set were some old-school hard molded plastic that sat inside the ear. They weren't all that comfortable but they did work.

Then I got a set of Phonaks and the difference was startling and a dramatic improvement across the board. They are not cheap but I consider them well worth the money. They are digital and full adjustable. They can be tweaked for frequency and volume over a tremendous range. If the tone of family voices or TV are annoying, the response curve on them can be adjusted to lower that specific frequency. If the volume of things is bothering you, I'd have them turned down a fair bit till you can tell they are working and helping, then gradually turn the volume up until it's at your preferred useful level. A quick return to "normal" volumes can be overwhelming when you've been muffled for so long.

Sadly, RRR is right. Tinnitus never improves or goes away. I make a long conscious effort to mentally tune mine out. If I think about it I can hear it well, but otherwise it becomes background noise and I can ignore it.

Last thought, after finding out how bad my hearing was, I became a zealot for protecting what I have left. It doesn't take much for me to put on a set of muffs, or plugs, or if really noise both. So far this is working or otherwise I'll be enrolling in sign language classes. :eek:
My left ear I can only hear loud noises and when I do it hurts. I can't wear an aid in the left side because it sounds all digital. So I have one in right side cause I have about 30 percent left...I have Octicon hearing aid and also have a remote to control the volume. I will also have to learn to sign..
Yes, and Yes, but sounds like yours is worse. I haven't tried the hearing aids yet, but I need them. I get tired of asking people to repeat themselves, and I'm sure they're tired of it But dang those things are expensive.
I’m very lucky my insurance paid in full. I tried the VA but have not gotten a call back, it has been over a month. It sucks I’ll be 50 in November. I can actually hear the the wind blowing in the trees. I guess it’s gonna take some getting used too. It is nice to here my daughters voice but from across the room. Up close I have to turn them of and say “what did you say”.
When I first lost the hearing in my left ear, everything, including my voice seemed so amplified. Background noise was so loud I couldn’t hear anything else. After 20 years now I don’t even pay attention to the ringing, and have gotten into a habit of turning to hear when I want to, or vise versa. My ent doctor told me that hearing aids would just amplify bad sound, not something I need to hear, so I just muddle on as is!
No tinnitus here and It took a while to find the sweet spot between too loud and loud enough to hear. The only complaint I have right now is the fact My Wife seems to think I should have super sonic hearing now.:(:(
The only complaint I have right now is the fact My Wife seems to think I should have super sonic hearing now.

Hah! Remember what I said about being able to adjust frequencies on mine as desired? I had them set to tune out the wife when needed. :D
Nice to here everyone's story makes me feel not alone with hearing loss and using aids.
The dam things are a pain when one of my grand kids gives me a hug and gets to close to my ear and the aids let out a large squeal. They think it's funny but makes my eyes rattle in my head.
Or taking them out and the rubber cup on the end stays in my ear and I have to fish it out.
I think sometimes just getting a large funnel they used in the old days is better and cheaper, then when people see it they know they should speak up when talking to me.
Got mine from Costo. Probably best on the
market state of the art for$1,400. I like the blue tooth feature (hands free). Very well made and small " batteries last about 5 days.
Second pair from Costco hands down better then the first.
I'm on the fence with mine right now- I'm so used to being deaf that I get annoyed when I hear everything. If I go to Wallyworld I can hear people talking 2 aisles away, don't need that. If it wasn't for the tinnitus, they'd stay in the drawer next to my cassette Walkman. One thing I am looking into right now is hearing aids that generate white noise- When our new county gov't. offices were being built, they had "white noise" generators installed in the offices to help with the background noise (your tax dollars at work)- when they test fired them up, I was shocked. Silence. First time my tinnitus was silent in 40 years. Almost creepy. Now that I've found that some aids have this built in, I need to investigate further... Pricey, yes- but if they work the way I hope; I may actually use them. And with any luck I can get by with minimal amplification, since I was just using them to overcome the tinnitus anyways. We'll see.
Mine have an app for the white noise. If I can get it do left ear only it would be great. I go back Friday. I believe they can do the generator themselves but reading through the manual they have to do but it may also create side effects. Long list of them too - including ear deformities
I have had mine about a year and a half, pretty used to them by now but took a while. They aren't perfect, but so much better. I wouldn't be without them, although I do leave them out sometimes if I am not going away from home. Mine are from the VA. State of the art, and easily adjust on my phone. Very adjustable and RECHARGEABLE, so I never mess with batteries. Give them time, and don't be afraid to ask your Doc to make adjustments too.
I just had them adjusted Friday. Wow what a difference. I leave them in all day now. I take them off to watch TV. I use Bluetooth headphones with sound cancelling.
I'm on the fence with mine right now- I'm so used to being deaf that I get annoyed when I hear everything. If I go to Wallyworld I can hear people talking 2 aisles away, don't need that. If it wasn't for the tinnitus, they'd stay in the drawer next to my cassette Walkman. One thing I am looking into right now is hearing aids that generate white noise- When our new county gov't. offices were being built, they had "white noise" generators installed in the offices to help with the background noise (your tax dollars at work)- when they test fired them up, I was shocked. Silence. First time my tinnitus was silent in 40 years. Almost creepy. Now that I've found that some aids have this built in, I need to investigate further... Pricey, yes- but if they work the way I hope; I may actually use them. And with any luck I can get by with minimal amplification, since I was just using them to overcome the tinnitus anyways. We'll see.
I forced myself to wear them and yes they dont funnel very well but you can turn them down if need be. I figure if Im going to pay that much for something Im going to were them. You have to understand , their hearing
AIDS not hearing replacements. I would feel really bad if someone needed help and I couldnt hear because I didnt want to wear them. I forced my self to wear them , now I wouldnt be without them. Since your searching give Costco a try if you have one.
They are very knowlegable and the testing is free. I like my blue tooth feature especially
when driving I think for $1400. Thats the best bang for the buck. out there.
I have Oticon hearing aids and they were very expensive, they are rechargeable and will last well over 12 hours without a charge. I have a I phone and they adjust through the phone. You can adjust them together or separately
The Audiologist will adjust the level of background noise and it took a few adjustments
When in a noisy environment like a party were there is a lot of yelling, they bother me, I can turn them down but than can't carry on a conversation but without them I couldn't carry on a conversation anyway
Some people talk low to begin with, they don't talk clear and their pronunciation is bad, those people mostly I can now figure out what the hell that they are saying, before hearing aids, no way
Generally speaking I find the hearing aids a PIA and some times at the end of the day when I remove them its peace and quite but without them your missing out on a lot
Got mine from Costo. Probably best on the
market state of the art for$1,400. I like the blue tooth feature (hands free). Very well made and small " batteries last about 5 days.
Second pair from Costco hands down better then the first.
me too,but i got the rechargeable ones.i like how you can adjust the frequency and noise control.kirkland 7 i believe
Hearing aids for tinnitus are very specific. They need to have a compressor so that when they detect a loud noise pass a certain decibel level, they block that incoming loud noise, since that can cause further hearing damage. I'm going in sometime between now and spring and get tested again, as I've lost even more hearing the last few years. Maybe something new has hit the market. I hope.
my ear canals are small and they irritate especially my left ear so I don't wear them all the time. I do wear them to church and around my Granddaughter because she talks fast and low. I can hear without them but can't understand what I am hearing. First ones I got when I walked out of VA I wondered where all the birds came from because I hadn't heard one in years, Joe