Got stung on the lip today!



I used to reMember
Jul 11, 2011
Reaction score
Eastampton, NJ
Just relaxing in the pool today with a beer and Popular Mechanics. What a beautiful day and life is great! Went to take another swig from my beer and the next thing I knew, I was throwing the beer and smacking my face! A stupid wasp must have been sitting just inside of the bottle lip and it stung the heck out of my upper lip.

Now it looks like I had a bad collagen injection job - just on my upper lip.:wack:

(Photo added below.)
And you post this in jokes? So I gotta ask where's the pics? Sorry it happened but you did post in jokes.
It hurts but it's still funny. I'll post a photo tomorrow (watching Breaking Bad tonight!).
Had the same thing happen when I was 5 or 6. I was yelling into a 3" tube cause I liked the weird noise it made. The hornet didn't like it. Zapped me right on the lip. I looked like Liv Tyler, Melanie Griffin and all them other fat-lipped actresses rolled into one. Lip swelled up so bad, couldn't close my yap. Back then, no digi-cams or nothing like that so I have no proof.
Had the same thing happen when I was 5 or 6. I was yelling into a 3" tube cause I liked the weird noise it made. The hornet didn't like it. Zapped me right on the lip. I looked like Liv Tyler, Melanie Griffin and all them other fat-lipped actresses rolled into one. Lip swelled up so bad, couldn't close my yap. Back then, no digi-cams or nothing like that so I have no proof.

Man that sucks! A six year old cant take it as easy as an adult. I just ran for another beer (after I snapped a few digi-photos of course!). Beer sure does ease the pain!:-({|=:shaking:
I too know this feeling...

My dad spent the next couple days calling me "Mick" as in Mick Jagger :D
was going to fill in a hole and took one shovel full of dirt and realized i found a bumble bee nest got the heck away from that situation without a sting
Yep. Was wearing one of those floppy welder's caps, bumble bee kept dive bombing me and I kept swatting at it with my cap. Finally connected.

"Gotcha!" Put my cap back on, little bastard nailed me right on top of the head, left a knot the size of a walnut.....
Got stuck one the eye lid once when I was a teenager, my whole face swelled up. Not a good look
Just be really happy that you didn't swallow that nasty bug while taking a sip or you would have been in a really bad predicament! Happened to a friend of mines cousin and he damn near died! Crazy!
Geez, you may have started something here..... if hollyweird gets a look at this there will surely be a new craze for fatter lips. I can see Kim Kardashian wasp selling commercials already.........
Yeah, I thought it was pretty funny too. Loved the comment from Darc1722! I thought the same thing. Why do all those great looking women ruin their looks by injecting collagen into their lips???

If you can't laugh at yourself, you're too serious about life! I do hope I brought smiles to your Mopar faces.
I remember when I was a kid, about 7 or so...I was playing basketball enjoying the Tennessee summer. Suddenly I'm in immense pain (well for a child), turns out a wasp got me, right below the rib cage. I was laying on my other side on the couh with an ice pack.
Just relaxing in the pool today with a beer and Playboy. What a beautiful day and life is great! Went to take another swig from my beer and the next thing I knew, I was throwing the beer and smacking my face! A stupid wasp must have been sitting just inside of the bottle lip and it stung the heck out of my upper lip.

I didn't feel a thing.... :D