Gotta Love The Germans



Wishicouldre member
Aug 9, 2009
Reaction score
Urbana, IL
This float was in a parade in Berlin.

You've got to LOVE those Germans;

they have a GREAT sense of humor!

Is that Hillary? What is she hanging

on to?


His stimulus package.

Sorry, but it's not funny that we've become the laughing stock of the world in such a short time.

Nah, they know he does not represent America, he made it pretty clear to the entire world that obama is for obama and nothing else matters.

He went abroad and trashed America every chance he could and now he's purposely ripping our economy to shreads, yeah, even third graders across the globe can see this guys math don't add up.
Hillary sure whipped up lots of white stuff on the float, that way she doesn't get any on her blouse like Monica.
Sorry, but it's not funny that we've become the laughing stock of the world in such a short time.

Yeah, because our rep around the world was so awesome when W. was in charge. :confused:

That was a couple years ago. I think this is the latest pic:


FWIW, this post belongs in the politics forum.
Must have been the same parade, but during our primaries. They follow that stuff over there, while we ignore what is going on in other countries. Small wonder we're despised. It's like we live on Gilligan's Island.

Oh....this is your soap box. Ok, whack my fingers and put this in the political section.