Gotta love the opportunists...



Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2008
Reaction score
Northern VA
So, was trying to scout out a set of AMD full quarters for my 71 Demon (I know it was a long shot at this point). Came across many who hadn't updated their sites yet. Wanted to avoid having to buy a 72 and up set since I would have to graft in the marker light section. These guys on ebay had an ad for right side quarter panel and they confirmed they didn't have them. They said they had the skins available which are also discontinued....they wanted $574.99 each. Then they put this set together below. Probably see lots more of this as the discontinued stuff gets scored and resold. Just that much harder for the average person to fix their ride using OEM stuff. Oh's to hoping right.
Funny you say that was looking those up this evening. Same principal. Forgot to note that he did those price changes/new ads after I inquired about the panel. It's all about supply and demand.
Try to buy a mask for Coronavirus.

I heard they are bringing big bucks and everyone is sold out. I checked out in the garage today and I have 30 of them. If it gets bad enough I may be able to sell them and retire :)
Try to buy a mask for Coronavirus.
We're good!