grill metal ???



Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2012
Reaction score
Hamilton Ontario, Canada
I'm wondering what metal the Barracuda grill surround is made from. I'm trying to restoring a few for my 67 and I thought they were stainless but parts kinda look like anodized aluminum. what say experts?? magnet wouldn't stick to either..thanks
Anodized (technically called bright dip) aluminum.

You can carefully strip it off with Easy Off oven cleaner (lye). Or sand it off, which takes heavy sanding unless it extremely worn. And here are places you can sand very well if at all.
Easy off aint easy! Get the stinky strong stuff, no "green" or "fumeless". make sure it has lye in it. Its still a bi-otch getting it off.
personally I would see if you can find a place to have them professionally stripped of anodize. If not add +/- 20 hours for sanding plus the price of paper and lots of extra polishing to make them right. When you have them done professionally they are, flaws aside, polish ready. I have several hundred in containers, de-smut and ano/chrome stripper, but that is just not practical for a one time deal.

If you go the other route, only use easy off yellow cap otherwise you're pissing money away. It is the only stuff that really works even if the others contain lye they don't work fer sheet. 2 cans should do it, 3 to be safe.

I use aircraft stripper to pre-clean and remove old paint, undercoat, over spray, etc. just a little bit on a rag and it should all wipe right off.
Thanks guys for the input. I'm going to appreciate those Cudas at the shows with the shiny grills a hell of a lot more from now on. Doesn't the stripper hurt the aluminum or will it polish up OK? I need to come up with one good pair from three pairs.
X2 on a local anodizer to remove it or plan on lots of sanding and worn out fingers. Ive done it both ways and for $20.00 to strip at the anodizer it it was worth it. Wont hurt a thing.
The easy off will etch the aluminum and why it requires a lot of sanding.

having them done professionally should not do any damage to them.

paint stripper is not left on only wiped on and off to remove paint etc this you do before doing anything. I have not experienced anything negative using it and will not remove any anodize on these grilles.. I wash it all off right afterwards, w/thinner etc...

Thanks guys for the input. I'm going to appreciate those Cudas at the shows with the shiny grills a hell of a lot more from now on. Doesn't the stripper hurt the aluminum or will it polish up OK? I need to come up with one good pair from three pairs.