Guys Im sick....

needsaresto: Hang in there man. You're in our thoughts and prayers for sure.

NOTE: I read a post by you and you mentioned you were located in Southern B.C. Is that correct?
needsaresto: Hang in there man. You're in our thoughts and prayers for sure.

NOTE: I read a post by you and you mentioned you were located in Southern B.C. Is that correct?

Thank you all,for the kind wishes and prayers. You guys are just the best. You folks are why I keep coming back...

And yes Im in southern B.C.

I once was a member of a mopar club out here. They elected me president and after 1 month I couldnt handle it. Ended up quitting the club and have never been back.

I wish you guys could help with my Dart. It needs a TON of work and most people would get something with less rust. Im probably better off with a solid shell,but it is what it is and what I have.It's also the car I took my wife to our first date in. Lots of sentimental value.

Im currently working on a deal to swap my cop car for a big block drivetrain. It might work out.we shall see...

I wish there were drugs in Canada. The only thing really available for M.S is interferon,and it wont work for me. Im secondary progressive ( bad,it means my form is aggresive) and the interferon only works for remmiting/relapsing cases.

In the state there are many more drugs available due to a much looser system.
Sorry to hear about your condition.Keep yourself positive,for your family and loved ones!I,ve got a female friend also with M.S and she smokes abit of the bud and says it helps.I,m not trying to be smart,just a thought if it will help!

My prayers are with you!
Wow. I am truly sorry.
Anytime you get tuckered out you can always log in and talk to us.:-D
We'll leave the light on.
Thank you all,for the kind wishes and prayers. You guys are just the best. You folks are why I keep coming back...

And yes Im in southern B.C.

I once was a member of a mopar club out here. They elected me president and after 1 month I couldnt handle it. Ended up quitting the club and have never been back.

I wish you guys could help with my Dart. It needs a TON of work and most people would get something with less rust. Im probably better off with a solid shell,but it is what it is and what I have.It's also the car I took my wife to our first date in. Lots of sentimental value.

Im currently working on a deal to swap my cop car for a big block drivetrain. It might work out.we shall see...

I wish there were drugs in Canada. The only thing really available for M.S is interferon,and it wont work for me. Im secondary progressive ( bad,it means my form is aggresive) and the interferon only works for remmiting/relapsing cases.

In the state there are many more drugs available due to a much looser system.

Do you have any pics of your car posted on the site? Do you have a wish list of parts needed for your project? Let's keep it somewhat realistic because I (as probably the majority of us) do not have an extra hemi lying around. ;)
No i dont have any current pics. My Dart is buried in my garage right now.

Mostly what I need are body parts. A set of rust free inner fenders would be nice.It needs both outer wheel houses,trunk pan extensions,a left 1/4 panel. A rear valance as well.The one I found isnt very good. THe hood,doors,floors and roof are fine. May need a trunk spare tire well by now.

I have a bench seat for it,but Im not sure if it's correct or not. It may well be as I seem to remember looking at pics on legendaries sight for comparison. it does need the color changed to black.

Thats all bigger stuff. I was going to get it from a guy who is about 4 hours away and bring it back in my truck. He has posted here before,quite a while back. I've been in touch via email,but it was a long time ago (2007?). I might have his p.m still.

Miscellaneous stuff,like those goofy clips that are on the tops of the inner fenders for bolting the actual fenders down.

For the big block swap I was going to simply convert my K frame to a D.C following BB Darts archives. Widen the wheel wells myself. Trim the wheel well lips,relocate the springs. I understand from thier archives that hedman b body headers work out quite well for a b block in an a body.Sounds like what I'll do,but I dont have them. I have a dented set of A body hedmans I could trade. I think they were used for trial fit in an e body of all things,but never run as the paint is still good. Im not sure what to do for an oil pan. From what I understand, a lot of BB A bodies use a dry sump system. That might be the ticket then.

Frame connectors would be a good plan,as well as a roll cage.

Still need a spring relocation kit. Need to figure out what I'll do about the rear suspension as it's all stock. Front end needs a rebuild,as do the disc brake calipers.

I'd like to trade my small block stuff for big block parts. I have a fair amount of stuff for a 360. I'll do that if the cop car swap comes through.

Dont panic,Im not expecting something for nothing. GTx asked me if I had a wish list so yup,I do.

I wouldnt dare ask for a Hemi! Or even a ralley dash pod..those items are highly prized and not cheap.

As you guys can see,it's a big project.

More than anything,I wish I lived closer to you good people. Id be proud to be your nieghbour and friend.I was a part of what we did for Memike,and was happy to help. I saw what was happening for him through the positive attitude of this place and felt compelled to help.

He is a good guy and I can say the same for all of you!

I cant say enough great things about coming here. It picks me up when Im feeling blue,whick is common with M.S. A lot of the time,sitting and typing is what I can manage do get done in a day. Im trying to get going on the xcersize,as it's very important for me to do that. But my energy level is absolute crap and has been for 2 months now. Im takign a weight lifting supplement called nano vapor,by muscle tech but it doesnt do a lot. All these young fellows claim it makes them crazy in the gym. I dont know why..

I have tried N.O xplode. It worked for a while but then it stopped helping. My next one will be something called armageddon. Some guys cant handle it and say it's ove the top. Would probably be just right for me...sigh

Anyway,I digress. One of my many symtoms is insomnia,so I'm trying to wear down so I can get to bed.

My children..Oh god,please give me the strength. They deserve to know but I havent the heart to break thiers. I have kept them very close to my heart,and I have a deep and abiding love for them. I want to protect them from this. But it hurts when I cant explain why Im in pain,tired, or cant play with them.

You are in my thoughts and prayers, as well as the the rest of your family. My heart goes out to you, telling the kids something like that has got to be totally overwhelming. Like others have mentioned, you say the word and come up with some dates/times and Id be in for making the trip up to donate sometime and lend on a hand on the Dart. Im sure thats the least of your concerns now, but keep it in mind. God Bless and heres to thinking positive that you will have some good news headed your way very soon!
May God be with you and your family. My wife treats a number of MS patients. There are drugs available and more in the pipeline. I don't know about efficacy of the drugs because of variations in the drugs and the disease, but something is better than nothing.
Oh man, I am so sorry to hear this. You are in my prayers and I hope that something good comes out of this. I wish you were closer as I could then offer my labor.

Keep fighting the good fight my friend and the forums are always open. :) Feel free to vent.
We're praying for ya' Resto.........

I understand how you feel about the kids too Resto, BUT, having been there once myself (with a different illness), I'd like to say that some really great comfort can come from the family and kids especially when they know we're going through a serious trial like this. They know how to love us in ways that no one else but God can do.

Hang in there....hold out hope.....Pray continually......and know that the family here at FABO is with ya'. Blessings. Doc & MaryAnn :-D:-D
Prayer and best wishes for you Resto. And personally I think you should tell your kids exactly what is happening. You are obviously very dedicated to your children, and the fact that you have the disease and haven't told them will be putting a lot of stress on you. Stress can be more of a detriment that any disease, so the first thing you need to do is talk to your kids, tell them the truth, and get this great burden off your shoulders, then work on the MS. Kids are a lot more intuitive, understanding, and capable of supporting us than you might think, so give them a chance to support you. Just my personal observations and feelings from life. :) God bless.
Sorry to hear about the MS Resto but I gotto agree with Sid, I think ya gotto tell your family, chances are they allready know you've got a problem and they could be worried sick thinking of all the things it could be. If you've got some brothers, sisters or just good friends that you know could help you now and in the future now would be a good time to have a sit down with them and explain things. At some point in time you're going to need your families help and being up front at the beginning will only help for what could come down the road. Sorry for being so blunt Resto but one of my uncles has been suffering with MS for years now and I know for certain that his family has helped him cope with it. Sad when you consider that MS sufferers have to learn to cope with the disease instead of having a proven treatment.

My prayers are with you and I hope you take the advice of OldVart and others here, My family knows that I am not the man I used to be and have been there for me and they make my life easier for me, It can be aggravating when you can not do things for you self, Fill them in and take it one day at a time. This sight has been a god sent to me, So do as I do and Hope and pray for the best, And like ramcharger said, feel free to vent and take a loud of your shoulders bud. I count my blessings every morning I wake up and able to crawl out of bed and come here and enjoy my friends from around the world.
I can't say anything that hasn't already been said, but just know in your heart we're here for you ... 18,000+ shoulders to lean on! We love ya!!!
I wish you the very best. Just take a day at a time and try to stay positive and as much as we hate to admit it sometimes,there is always someone out there that is in a worst condition than we might be. God bliss.
Anybody feel up to a project? We need to figure out a way to finish needsaresto's Dart. I've got an 8 3/4" if needed. I'm sure there are some other members that can chip in parts. If we can find some members close enough to help out on weekends with labor, or get Overhaulin' interested, we can get this done. After all, this is the site that got memike and Victoria together and saved my bacon when Mary got sick. It's worth a try, eh?
Not but a petence in the FABO quitters smokers fund, but if others have a pickle jar and others have parts, I think Grump has a good idea. I'm up for a donation.
My cousin and a good friend at work have MS. My buddy at work was advised to quit and draw SS. He refused and was able to work about 10 years after the doctors told him to quit. We are delivery drivers for UPS. They had no idea how he was able to maintain the pace for all those years. As some one said above hang in there you may be the one to beat the odds. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Joe.
grumpuscreature, members like you is the reason I love this site. That is AWESOME!!!! I'll donate anything I can as well. I dont have a lot but I'll do what I can. Where is he located??