Had jury duty today

I have gone in for jury duty 5 or 6 times, but was never selected to sit on a jury. Here, they call in 50 or 60 people and send 40 or so home. My wife was on a jury a few years ago. It was an armed robbery case. TONS of proof. Should have been open and shut. The guy got off because a female juror said she refused to vote guilty because since she would have had trouble picking a man out in a lineup, she could not believe that anybody else could.

"Eyewitness" testimony has been proven to be one of the least reliable forms of evidence in existence over and over again.
Yeah, it was him who said, "yes, I pushed her......" Now why he didnt plead the 5th on that question is his issue. "But I didnt mean for her to fall backwards and fall down the flight of stairs. "? Guy was an A-hole
forman asked us 'did he lay a hand on her in malice?" Everyone agreed...bingo, there is your assault charge.