Happy Memorial Day!!



It be a lot cooler if you did...
Sep 13, 2010
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Thought this was fitting.

Yes, a toast to all of our fallen brothers & sisters. Keep our veterans in your heart, "Freedom Isn't Free".
May God Bless our men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom! 65'
The freedoms we enjoy today are only possible because of the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice.
Let us honor them, thank them and promise to never forget them.
There is nothing Happy about Memorial Day:(:(:(..its a time to remember those who gave their lives for our freedom..God bless all of them:usflag::usflag::usflag::usflag:..
Bad part of life is, people do not ever know what they had, till they lose it.
Too many people have no concept of why they are free and have the opportunities they have?
Memorial Day should be a day that it is required for people to stop and think of the why.
My take on Memorial Day as a guy who served in the Army and Air Force more than 21 years.

Yes, remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Pray for their families and pray for their souls (although I believe God takes care of them).

But also party and drink a beer, or three, or 12, for them. They died defending your freedom to live your life in a free country. They would want you to remember but they would also want you to enjoy your freedoms.